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With 6th in place what are your new SM projects?

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Some sort of home made fortress of redemption for my codex chapter that is modular so I can have just the tower as a bastion, various weapons/points options, and a secure means of attaching upgrades to the structure. I think I'll be raiding my son's lego collection to build a model for scale. Having all the options from a basic outpost to a fortress is very appealing to me :P

Nothing much that I wasn't going to buy anyway, really:

Drop pods

Rifleman dread

Telion and sniper scouts


Oh, there is one: I have five combi-melta sternguard now and will probably be adding 1x heavy flamer and 4x combi-flamer for overwatch purposes.

I plan to finally ressurect the army which I looked at doing before my daughter was born. It would be nice to have some progress before she starts school in September.


It was my failed attempt at the old Call of the Imperium Mk II thread and never really got off the ground due to child sized distractions.

I have to rebuild a load of my Iron Hands adding some more bionics, I dont like all of the conversions I did myself and so I just bought 2 upgrade sets (somehow I got lucky with the finecast, better quality than the metal ones I had before) and doing some skitarii kitbashes using a whole host of parts from empire flaggellents, cadians to Wyches (counts as GK henchmen before the mods call an exterminatus me for blasphemous allies)

I've bought a Stormtalon on the day it got released, but I haven't come around assembling/painting it. So that's first on my list.


Also I have this idea about 3 Drop Pods, filled with 2 Sternguard squads with Heavy Flamers and an Ironclad Dreadnought. Ideas, ideas... and so little time. :)

For 6th Edition I want to do the following:

- paint up my battle company (that is repaint it after I stripped the squads that were painted)

- get one more Deathwing squad

- strip my current Deathwing squads and repaint

- get one more Ravenwing squad (Ravenwing battleforce)

- get a pair of Storm Eagles

- get 3 Land Speeder Tempests (may be counts-as typhoons)

- make a Command Squad for Deathwing using the Tartaros Terminators

- make a Command Squad for Ravening

- make a new Captain

- make a Power Armour Librarian

For me it is, finish up my Maltese Falcon army. This is mostly just painting.


For my Red Wolves Army, I am just getting started and haven't even laid out a plan yet. Mostly I have just been buying SM models that I can get on a good sale and sticking them in my office until I start building.


I know there are over 60 marine bodies, 40 TDA SMs, 2 LR, 4 Preds, 3 LS, 3 LSS, a bunch of scouts. I havn't started kitting them out because I don't have the new rule book and the net is not too reliable yet. So right now I am just scraping mold lines and waiting.....................


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