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Power Spears

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When I first started thinking about what if Glaive Encarmines now used the "what its modeled as" rule I considered changing the Axes in two units of Sanguinary Guard I have to Spears (modified Nemesis Force Halberds I got for cheap). Still don't know if the Glaives count as "unusual" or not yet but it still got me thinking about where else to put some Spears into my army. Same cost as a Sword but +1S on the charge, sure the AP4 in following rounds of combat isn't going to be stellar against MEQ but on the charge it will effectively be a SM Relic Blade. What are your thoughts on this?



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My thoughts are that while better than they would be on death co. (who can get a wound reroll charging) they are probably still not really going to add much to sanguard. S6 is nice but you are already s5 on the charge and from the little I've played of 6th it seems like combats can go on for more than one turn quite often. Probably still viable tho if you really like the look of spears, makes them a bit more of a one trick (round) pony tho I fear, wheras with swords (and maybe an axe and or fist for flexibility) they can use their 2+ to duke it out over a few turns if needs be.


Edit: maybe if you had 5 all with spears and used them as a dedicated "bully" unit and use mobility/planning to keep them away from any serious ap2. even then I think I'd take the swords & axes/fists. (thinking 3sword, 1 axe & a fist is worth playing around with)

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I've been thinking of trying them on VV's to ensure I break what I hit on the turn I charge but I dunno, the drawbacks are pretty severe. Even if you do get S6 AP3 on the charge.


Yeah I've thought about VV's as well, enough to actually put 2 of the spears I had on a couple. I suppose though we'll see how they perform in my first few games of 6th. Of course for me the AP isn't much of a draw back as my main opponents are guard, tyranids, orks, and eldar.



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I've actually been thinking of putting power spears on a unit of Sanguinary Guard, just for fun at least. I mean, 20 S6 AP3 hits on the charge with Dante's Hit and Run special rule sounds exciting! Nothing like flying-angelic-lance-knight-cavalry to open a hole in my enemy's line! :D It sucks how the spears are pretty much useless against MEQ after the initial charge, though. The concept is unique at least.
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I like that but its still up in the air about what a glaive encarmine is, if it comes down to the model then I like the plan otherwise I think VV's would get more mileage out of it to jump on things and guarantee the charge.


Something like, 5VV's 4x Power Spears, Thunder hammer.

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When I first started thinking about what if Glaive Encarmines now used the "what its modeled as" rule I considered changing the Axes in two units of Sanguinary Guard I have to Spears (modified Nemesis Force Halberds I got for cheap). Still don't know if the Glaives count as "unusual" or not yet but it still got me thinking about where else to put some Spears into my army. Same cost as a Sword but +1S on the charge, sure the AP4 in following rounds of combat isn't going to be stellar against MEQ but on the charge it will effectively be a SM Relic Blade. What are your thoughts on this?



I'd love to combine SG with spears and Dante's Hit and Run.

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When I first started thinking about what if Glaive Encarmines now used the "what its modeled as" rule I considered changing the Axes in two units of Sanguinary Guard I have to Spears (modified Nemesis Force Halberds I got for cheap). Still don't know if the Glaives count as "unusual" or not yet but it still got me thinking about where else to put some Spears into my army. Same cost as a Sword but +1S on the charge, sure the AP4 in following rounds of combat isn't going to be stellar against MEQ but on the charge it will effectively be a SM Relic Blade. What are your thoughts on this?



I'd love to combine SG with spears and Dante's Hit and Run.

ooh.. I like it! (Though as I said in another post, I believe Sanguinary Guard weapons ar AP3, not axes, spears, mauls...) So, try it with something else like Honor Guard or Death Company

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Is it enough to just model the unit with spears to count them as spears?

Don't they have to have an weapon option classified as a spear to take it?


Nope, every codex says "may take a power weapon," so it's up to you what that weapon is.


Having finally gotten my hands on the actual rulebook, I'm a little disappointed that while power spears still look fun, Force Spears apparently do not exist. :rolleyes:


So what you're saying is, you don't actually know for sure?

I think the weapon has to be classified as a lance. In our codex, it simply states a glaive encarmine is "a two handed master crafted power weapon." Which you are right in saying it makes it an unusual power weapon. However, unusual power weapons (by definition) are classified as an AP3 melee weapon with additional rules and characteristics in its entry. Which means a glaive encarmine is a master crafted, two handed, ap3 melee weapon.


This is my interpretation. Otherwise people would abuse the rule and model for advantage.

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So, apparently I'm the only one that thinks that spears/lances are meant for rider models and most importantly Eldar since they are the only ones to field them to date...

Agreed. Though IG Rough Riders get the similar "hunting lance", but its currently only one use. Perhaps that'll change in thier next codex.


The stats are certainly not conducive to the idea of foot troops charging with a spear...

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New codices might change things, but as it stands now, there's no difference between taking power swords, axes, mauls, and lances. The list only says "take a power weapon for +X points," X usually = 15 as far as I know. When it comes to list building, a power weapon is a power weapon is a power weapon.


It's modeling that determines what kind of profile a power weapon receives. Nothing suggests a power lance is anything but a power weapon. Nothing suggests it's an invalid profile for foot models. In fact, the power spear profile is the same as the profile spears have in Warhammer Fantasy, where it's a common weapon choice for Core foot units.

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I fully appreciate "as it stands" there is nothing stopping you modelling a maul/sword/axe/lance, paying your 15pts and taking your stats.


What i'm saying is, as new codex hit the shelves don't be suprised if spears/lances aren't on the 'to buy' list for foot troops.


They already ARE, listing the option as "power weapon" just saves them typing out: Power axe power sword power lance power maul for x points, every single time.


The rulebook is quite clear, for good or ill whatever you choose to model the weapon as is what the weapon is, kinda like reverse causality WSIWYG.

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OK. Don't have the new book yet, but I need a question answered about this Power Spear thing. I am doing a Greek theme, so I am using a lot of Spears instead of swords/axes/mauls etc. Power Spears were not listed as anything separate in 5th BrB OR the Codex. Are Power Spears now listed as a specific weapon with different stats than, say swords?


Also, since the FAQ says all references to Power Swords in Codex should be changed to be simply Power Weapons - that should mean I can give a Sang Priest in TDA a Power Spear - right.

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So, apparently I'm the only one that thinks that spears/lances are meant for rider models and most importantly Eldar since they are the only ones to field them to date...


I understand that but at the same time jump pack units are kind of charging with a lot more force. I do however think that basic foot troops should be a little different.

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