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6th edition questions!


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Sanguinary guard: How much wysiwyg is not enough? I don't think the box gives you 5 swords.

Devestators: Free flak missiles?

Lemartes: Not listed as a character? But every other unit upgrade or special guy is (Telion is missing in C:SM, also).

Stormraven: Really not a flyer? But the data sheets for apocalypse says yes.

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Stormraven is a flyer its for some reason under Space Marines Vehicles instead of BA or GK in the reference pages of the Appendix.


I would assume that Lemartes is a character, can't find anything that says any other SC from any of the Codices is specifically a Character.


Jury is still out on the issue of whether or not Glaives are considered "unusual" or not. For now I would just consider them "unusual" and therefor AP3 at normal I.


Don't know about the free Flakk for MLs yet. Sorry.



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Storm Raven is under the blanket Marine heading because more than one chapter gets access to it (currently us and GK), its why rhinos, tactical squads, etc etc are all in there. As for the SG, that's one to discuss with your opponent before the game. And the box comes with 3 swords, 2 axes, and a fist.
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Neat, I guess.


Another question. Skies of blood. I only ever used it when I went flat out and A)landed on a rock and rolled a 1, and kicked everyone out so they wouldn't auto die and 2) when I went flat out the last turn and it was shot, and kicked everyone out so they wouldn't die.


How does it work with flyers? Because It would be nice if I could keep kicking people out of flying death traps. The flyer "zoom" ability is like flat-out...kinda. I think it is.


I really hope so, because Death Company are too awesome to have jump packs. Too expensive.

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Ah yes, I completely forgot flat out is "run" now.


I was taking notes last night at work (my job is boring), and wrote down everything I could that made 6th different from 5th. Playing the first 2 years of 5th edition made for some...interesting experiences at tournaments, as everyone was stuck half way in 4th.


8 pages of handwritten notes. Now all I gotta do is type it up and give the local game store a copy.


So, the answer would be no :'( I am very afraid of skyfire. You skyfire during the enemy's movement, and since you can't flat out during movement *POW, RIGHT IN THE KISSER!*. Flying death trap.

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My question is whether Glaive Encarmines are "power weapons" for the intent of picking swords/axes/staves, or simply an "unusual power weapon".


It would matter, because I'm fairly happy with having two axes in my unit.

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My question is whether Glaive Encarmines are "power weapons" for the intent of picking swords/axes/staves, or simply an "unusual power weapon".


It would matter, because I'm fairly happy with having two axes in my unit.


I would say unusual power weapons since they have special rules (2-handed and master-crafted). But then again, others have been saying differently :o

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