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6th Edition Shopping Lists


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With 6th edition making power weapons discernably different, one of the main things I'm going to be changing throughout my BA forces are removing 90% of the axes (I had purposefully gone through and used mostly axes) and replace them with swords. I1 hurts the soul...


Bought 18 power swords in varying styles on ebay just now.


Bought some conversion bits to make a custom Tycho (namely SG powerfist and legs/body)


I've got 2 Razorbacks still wrapped that will likely be seeing their way back to the store in exchange for 2 Devastator squads (which I will then need to trade off or buy 3 more Plasma Cannons)


Bought a box of Assault Terminators.


Bought some Hitech Miniatures "Sci-Fi" shields to use as storm shields for my Thundernators on ebay.


Also went to my FLGS and picked up 4 boxes of DC and Astorath as well as a stormraven for some DC goodness.


Lastly, considering some drop pods, but waiting to get/see feedback from others trying them in their lists.



I've been holding off on buying anything new as soon as I heard about 6th edition coming. I'm fully prepared for the wife glare I will receive once this stuff trickles in through the mail, but I'll just remind her that I've not bought anything of significance since December '11 haha.


So how/what has 6th edition's release inspired you to change with your BA forces?

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I bought another box of DC (4 total now), a box of sang guard and a box of shooty terminators.


Contemplated a second Stormraven.


I'm also considering more Terminators as part of a Black Templar alliance to get more assault cannons in, mainly because I love assault cannons.

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I'm shopping for Power Halberds right now. While Nemesis weapons are the most obvious choice, I'm also trying to browse Warhammer Fantasy armies, and seeing whether the best deal is to just bitz order a bunch of spears or buy a kit that has enough other pieces I want.
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I'm going to buy copies to print my army lists on that says something like "My Flesh-Tearers look-a-likes that have all these axes on there were super-glued, painted, and sealed WAY before the first rumor of 6th Ed. hit the internet. So all those Axes are swords, thankyouverymuch".
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I'm not planning any purchases either. Besides I already have more than 12,000 pts of BAs waiting an eternity to be assembled and painted...

I'm at about 8.5k painted and another 2k needing paint. Then when that is done I start on Chaos Marines.

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I dont get why anyone would get power swords when you can take a lightning claw for the same cost, yeah you dont get the +1 for 2 ccw but you get rerolls to wound! That has got to be worth the +1 attack easily! Well thats my take anyway! Hence I have assult termie parts looking for a good home (They just dont have power claws with them!)
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Cannibalization, Cannibalization, Cannibalization.




Eventually, I want to use the allies system to bring in new models from various codices. Especially SM codices. This is from a purely modelling and fluff standpoint.

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I've got about all the infantry I can use, some bikes, some Termies, most interesting options for Imperial Guard if I go with them. I a bit ashamed to say it but the Fortress of Redemption looks tempting. I'm thinking something anti air is going to be needed and the fortress is a pretty nice piece of cover for a a counter attack squad or two..
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I'm thinking of some early mark armour assault marines from Forge world for Vanguard Vets. I'm thinking heroic intervention may be the most viable ever in this edition.


wow... I'd heard differently. Lots of complaining about how they've been nerfed. What's your take on them?

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I'm thinking of some early mark armour assault marines from Forge world for Vanguard Vets. I'm thinking heroic intervention may be the most viable ever in this edition.


wow... I'd heard differently. Lots of complaining about how they've been nerfed. What's your take on them?


What's nerfed about them? Deep striking, they get 1d6 scatter and 2d6 charge range, right? I rolled out a few scenarios tonight after a game and made the charge about 75% of the time. They're expensive points-wise but a 5 man squad could eat MEQ, as far as I've seen. What have I missed? Quick, before I hit submit order! :(


Edit: Durr, VV can't use HI if attached to an IC when DS. Derp. You can tell I've only used them once in 5th.

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Vanguard vets can't heroic intervention if they have an ic join them!


My current plans include a fortress of redemption for anti air. I will also add and extra 5 bolter marines to my missile launcher dev squad so they can sit in the fortress and man the guns for some serious anti air!


I think I'll also start building 10 foot slogging terminators with th/ss + a termie librarian with axe and storm shield! Hmm maybe an priest to go with them to! I'll probably end up building another 5 with lightning claws to!


After that I'll probably focus on my allies. Either space wolves or crimson fists, havnt decided yet. Space wolves sound really appealing with the ability to still nullify enemy psykers!

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Vanguard vets can't heroic intervention if they have an ic join them!


My current plans include a fortress of redemption for anti air. I will also add and extra 5 bolter marines to my missile launcher dev squad so they can sit in the fortress and man the guns for some serious anti air!


I think I'll also start building 10 foot slogging terminators with th/ss + a termie librarian with axe and storm shield! Hmm maybe an priest to go with them to! I'll probably end up building another 5 with lightning claws to!


After that I'll probably focus on my allies. Either space wolves or crimson fists, havnt decided yet. Space wolves sound really appealing with the ability to still nullify enemy psykers!


Both sound like great ideas for allies honestly. I would like to add a storm talon but Thunder Wolf Cav is so unique and cool. Don't count out tactical terminators though, 2+ armor is tough to crack now it seems. Who needs anything besides more power armor anyway?

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I'm thinking of some early mark armour assault marines from Forge world for Vanguard Vets. I'm thinking heroic intervention may be the most viable ever in this edition.


wow... I'd heard differently. Lots of complaining about how they've been nerfed. What's your take on them?


People are complaining about "nerfs" because rumors about buffs were either incorrect or incomplete. Heroic Intervention is better than ever for BA, but not as broken as it was suggested it would be. This reads as a nerf to some people.

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Lots for me to think about; termies with termie support, sternies, bikes (more BA ones and maybe some Ravenwing Allies) and of course EVEN MOAR Death Company. Gonna have to test what I have got first in the 6th and add as I see fit, first couple of games early next week.
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^^ and no Hammer of Wrath attack when charging (the auto-hit initiative 10 attack).



EDIT: To answer the question... I plan on introducing Death Company, Terminators and possibly some Attack Bikes.

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