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6th Edition Shopping Lists


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I could actually do with a little advice here. I'm a Dark Angel and I was thinking of running some Death Company as allies. Which H.Q would be best suited to go along with them? I'm hoping to get maybe 500 points out of them so I don't mind stocking up on uprades for the Death Company. Don't suppose Death Company Tycho can take a Jump Pack?
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I'm not planning any purchases either. Besides I already have more than 12,000 pts of BAs waiting an eternity to be assembled and painted...

I'm at about 8.5k painted and another 2k needing paint. Then when that is done I start on Chaos Marines.


Wow! 8.5k!!! That many models painted seem astronomical to me.:)

Good for you though!

For some time now I have been dealing with too many commissions even on things not related on miniature painting (pottery for example) and I'm kind of swamped. I'm looking forward to the moment though that I'll have some time to deal with some BAs of mine B)

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Death Company Tycho cannot take a jump pack, nor is he an Independent Character! I would suggest a Reclusiarch, or Astorath if you're so inclined.


What does Astorath do? I've faced my mate's Flesh Tearers many times so the Death Company are in part a nod to him, and in part a recognition of the fact that they are so bloody deadly! He doesn't run Astorath though so I've no experience of him.

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Astorath is a chaplain with artificer armor, jump pack, three S6 AP3 attacks that force successful invulnerable saves to be rerolled, and he modifies the Blood Angel's Red Thirst rule and removes the 0-1 DC restriction.


Bloody hell! He does sound just the ticket to be honest. There's a very good chance that I'll be purchasing Astorath and some Death Company in the near future then. Thanks for all the help.

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I got now 25 JP DC's ready. I am Finishing my 10 Footslogging DC as we speak... 6th edition. Well, I need drop pods... 1 For my DC, 2 for DC Dreads and another DC Dread. God I love Nutters and so far they just got hecuva better, although new Codex surely nerfs them soon. I mean 10 man JP DC squad with 6th edition rules makes 70 attacks in first assault. I am going to enjoy my DC heavily before new codex mostlikely nerfs them
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I had hoped to move to 1K Sons this edition, but so far I think buying more Death Company is the way to go. Gives me flexibility with the allies rules as well as my normal list while lets me add a second Apocalypse formation (my first being the Baals/Crusader one). Blood Talons rules for the entire army, with the new rage rule? Yes, please!
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Converted a bunch of dc already, bye bye robed DA.

Probably pick up a few more assault bikes, drop pods and maybe a storm raven. I'm still on the fence about plasma so well see if I make a bits order. Also tycho.

Also a stormtallon for hobbying, it looks so fun.

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I'm building my first Storm Raven at the moment, which should be very useful in 6th ed. Also, going to have to actually put together and paint the SG squad I bought a couple of years back (yes, I've got a big list of unpainted/unassembled miniatures.. total BA points count a bit over 9700pts, about 80% painted). Also need to finish my first DC squad with jump packs (4/6 painted) and Astorath so that I can field all 3 squads I own together.


As for stuff I actually need/want to buy:

-Some mark III marines for a squad of Sternguard

-Rapier Laser Destroyer (always since 2nd edition wanted one, and the FW one comes with nice parts to mix with the other mark III marines to create a nice looking sergeant)

-More drop pods for DC/Dread/Tacticals (currently have only 1, but 3 would be nice to get 2 into the game on first turn)


EDIT: BTW, anyone checked out the rules for Artillery? They got buffed up big time! T7 W2, always using the gun's profile to take hits but wounds can be allocated normally. Even more reason to get the Rapier :D

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More Attack Bikes for me. Not only are they scoring units in one of the missions now, but they are the only units that we have access to that can pull off late game 24" Deny moves. Of course the Toughness buff make them even more attractive.


I reckon I'll build a Priest on a bike as well.

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Gotta finish the second Storm Raven that is in the box and my LR Crusader (heavily modded...)...


... but as for new purchases? I just ponied up for some of the sweet Space Hulk Terms and I am interested in more DC, so might have to buy a few more (can field 14 + Lemartes now).


Oh and wait... ICs! Astorath? Seth? Tycho? Man... this could get dangerous!

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I bought my whole army again, with an airbrush and some time on my hands. Selling my old blood angels to fund it, I never play more than 2000 points anyway so eh. My old list was Razor spam bull:cuss boring yawn ughh tired thinking of it. So, with a new edition and no one knowing what is the OP crap, I've gone with a super eclectic combo of all the units I will enjoy painting and no multiple units, whilst trying to keep it to being a decent list. So here is what I have:



5 Sanguinary Guard

Sanguinary Priest

5 Death Company

Death Company Dread

5 Scouts with Snipers

Storm Raven


Detatchment of Dark Angels:

Master of the Raven Wing (just a speeder I will convert, don't want DA iconography as I'm going to be painting it as blood angels, just using the raven wing rules for troops as bikes)

2x3 man Ravenwing Attack Squad


with all this I also got some resin bases / new objective markers / lots of shinanigans


oh and I bought Tycho and Corbulo because I plan in the future (once all the other stuff is painted) to have a unit of 8 Sternguard + Tycho and Corbulo in a drop pod with 8 Combi weapons (gonna use a maginitizing kit so I can swap between plas / melta / flamer), serves as a very cool / versatile unit that can drop down with the raven wing teleport homers :D

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