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Random thoughts from first sixth ed game.


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Ok so I played a brief game of sixth ed today. It was a 1250 doubles vs Space wolf terminators and death guard. I had space wolves on my side.


I took:


Mephy (purely to try out psychic powers, though I was a little horrified to realise he only got two)

10 assault marines with jump packs, 2 x melta guns, power fist and storm shield sarge.

9 death company, jump packs, bolters, 2 fists.

5 devastators with 4 heavy plasmas.

Sanguinary priest with jump pack and power axe.

Baal with flamers.


What I learned:


Plasma is probably back in a big way, especially when looking at so many terminators. My first salvo saw 3 dead and the terminators failing a ld test and bolting the table. Obviously this was a fluke, but plasma still kills terminators nice and easy, something we haven't had to rely on much in 5th.


Mephy got the power to make a squad relentless/fnp/shall not die. Cast it on the space wolf players squad, he soaked wounds pretty well as a result.


Death company got pretty much blown away, though FNP saw it take a LOT more shots than it usually would, due to plasma wounds still getting saves.


Now on to the thing I am most impressed with. The sargeant of the assault squad with a storm shield. With a sanguinary priest in there and making sure he was the closest target, when the death guard started their plasma spam he really held out. With a 3+ invuln and then a 5+ fnp he held up those shots like a true champion! This will probably be how I arm all my sarges from now on!


Just some random musings, has anyone else had any fun with new builds?



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Well, I didn't actually get a chance to play with the new rules... but, at our LGS they held a learn the new rules event. Not all of the rules just yet, but the major differences. I read through the whole new rulebook and found some good and bad things. Overall, I think I like the new system.


Points that I take from it.


Meph, I'd run him just as is was before. Having Wings and Preferred Enemy is still huge. Re-rolling those '1's is great, I have a bad time with rolling ones and this helps me in both hitting and wounding now.

Regular libby might just have to play with some of the new powers and this might make Epistolary a better choice now.

DC now seem like they will be a ton of fun, I can now run them in Rhino, Drop Pod, or with JP's and have not problem with it. My Chappy is not going to be the same beast he was, but should still not be bad. Hammer of Wrath sounds pretty cool, and even more when we also get to add Rage at our reg Int. ( Going to be rolling dice like Orks in combat.

Devastators are going to great in so many ways. Snap shots and Overwatches are going to be amazing. Heavy bolters might be a neat weapon now, more shots make better chances for '6's. ML's and MM's can be fired on the move. Just make sure to put the chump wounds in the front to soak up hits.

Going to have to have a Sang. Priest in Terminator armor. 2+ armor and FNP will be nice.

I'm thinking the Powerfist Sgt's day might be numbered, he's going to have a tough time in challenges. I'm thinking a better idea would be either Power Sword/Bolt pistol/Meltabomb or Lightning Claw/Storm Shield/Melta bomb. I'm not sure yet if I want to go that expensive, but getting the 3+ save on anything might be nice for dealing with other champs.

I have a lot of models with Power Axes, not sure if they're going to get a lot of use, though I might test them out. Though they are going to have tough time in Challenges.

(Greyknight's Nemesis Weapons don't get the Intiative nerf, so that still sucks for us.)

Plasma pistols might be nice for Sgt's to try and pick out enemy specials before the charge, but hoping for 6's is still a stretch.

Melta's are still king though, but even better with +2 on the chart.


I've thought of running Terminators and Scouts for a while. With the new rules they both seem like nice additions. Scouts ability to pick out special and characters will help balance our short falls and help with Greyknights. The 2+ save and FNP is really helpful for dealing with Greyknights.


DOA has taken a really big hit, I may only hold a few Honour Guard squads in reserve for tactical insertion strikes. Mech will probably get even stronger, even with the chance of Hull Point kills.


I'll have to try out a few things. Like Allies also. I'm thinking of running some Guard to give me more firepower or my Ultramarines. Dual Librarian list might be interesting, being able to combine powers from different codecies and disciplines.

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Corbulo is a beast. 2+ FNP with Look out sir for those str 8 and higher shots is incredible. Hammer of Wrath is a nice boost, kind of an assault version of overwatch. Won't do a whole lot usually but is nice. One-shots still happen, had a power fist/assault cannon tactical terminator punch out a Land Raider with one hit. Furious charge thanks to Corbs, 6 to Pen, 6 on the chart. This was with my BA dice thanks to Brother Captain Evicerator. Tactical squads are better now thanks to 24" bolters on the move. AP3 power weapons hurt, but yeah. Emperor as my witness, I miss that +1 initiative on Furious Charge.
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You want to switch over your Powerfists to Priests and other ICs rather than on sargents I've found. They get a nice boost from WS5 and with Look out sir on 2+ they are as protected as possible.


Powerfists can be put into Death Company/HG/SG/VV standard troopers sure, but then those are exposed to sniping with no Look Out Sir protection.


As long as you have the Sargent to Soak unwanted challenges, which you should, I believe that will be how the Meta shifts

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Was going to play a few 6th games with some friends but since they decided to back out at the last minute my gf was nice enough to take up arms (despite not knowing what she was doing) and humor me in a game. She adamantly wanted to play my Blood Angels list and so I was stuck using my gray knight paladin list.


Some initial thoughts just based on being on the other side. Mech spam is really in trouble with templates. Having full blast damage is really going to spread out parking lot lists. Hull points are also a big deal. Glanced down 2 razors and a vindicator. Makes those completely unreasonable games where no amount of firepower or number of penetrating blows will actually kill a target (we've all had those games, happened to me for my first and only paladin list loss vs an IG in a tournament....so glad they changed it). It should show up significantly. That said I think tougher vehicles is a good thing, most people think land raiders have numbered days but I think armor 14 will prove more valuable, not less. Also being an assault vehicle is critical.


Power weapon changes are significant. If you put Mephiston against a Dreadknight in 5th he would absolutely eat that DK. Now the DK will smash and force-gib Mephiston. He can't even by-pass the same. Lightning claws function in a similar fashion too. Previous my way to deal with DKs was close combat with power weapons, that is quickly becoming less of an option. The 2+ armor save changes are fun and add a lot more depth to what I think was a stale power weapon mechanic. It also places value on terminators.


Terminators will be better than before. Both tactical and assault terminators will find increased effectiveness, and death company will as well. Feel no pain is a buff, not a bad thing. The only question I have is if Feel No pain actually prevents a force weapon from firing. Force weapons do not inherently cause instant death, instead death is normally only caused by double toughness. If a model is wounded by a force weapon but passes the Feel No Pain rule does that mean the wound is ignored, thus there is no reason to test? Or does the force weapon active the instant it wounds and inflict instant death before Feel No Pain is able to come into play? I haven't seen a rule listing yet that says which one precedes the other, and I see cases for both.


Also wound allocation was really tough to actually get my head around in game after playing 5th so much. Overall I like the wound allocation mechanic. While vehicles die easier in this edition, everything else does too. I can't wait to get more games in.

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@Black Memories, could Mephiston not force-smash the dreadknight first? It doesn't have Eternal Warrior, and Mephy IS faster and can make himself S10. All you need to do is sneak one wound through and then zap him yourself (Power 1: S10. Power 2: Re-rolling 1s. Power 3: Force Weapon). Granted its not going to work every time, but its possible.


Alternatively, funniest way to kill a dreadknight: Librarian with biomancy that's managed to roll the -1 strength and toughness spell. Cast on Dreadknight to make it T5. Then drop a vindicator shell on it.

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Jump packs are awesome! I had a few 500 point game tonight to test out some units and rules at my gaming group and my 10 man squad with Priest and Libby (all points in one squad) slammed into units killing them all with Hammer of Wrath before I even had chance to roll normal attacks! I know this is a lucky occurrence, but still it's impressive. I also didn't notice much pain in only being able to assaults with the pack if I only walked before hand.
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