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Preparing for first 6th Ed game, vs Grey Knights


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Hello Brothers!


I am getting very exciting by all that is coming through with the change to 6th Ed. and my housemate and I lost most of the weekend to it! We're having our first game this Wed's evening and its against his anti-meq Grey Knights list... Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated! Its a trial game so we're being very flexible on points limit (appox 1500, +/- 40pts or so, but as close as possible :) ) Mission is Emperors Will (primary objective each, secondaries of First Blood, Kill the Warlord and Linebreaker) with Dawn of War set up.


Lists are as follows so far:


Blood Angels:



(Endurance, Enfeeble, Hemorrhage) - we rolled powers, mission etc. last night. Not what I was hoping for, but Endurance should be handy!


Sanguinary Priest x2

(Jump Pack)


Sanguinary Priest

(Terminator Armour)


Assault Terminators

(2x Hammers)


Assault Squad (10)

(Jump packs, 2x Meltagun, Thunder hammer)


Assault Squad (10)

(Jump packs, 2x Plasmagun, Powerfist)



(Storm bolter)


Storm Raven

(Plasma Cannon, Multi Melta)


Approximately 1525 (this amount over was deemed ok with oppenet as he is a little over too and this is a trial)




Grey Knights: (Apologies for the sketchy-ness of the below list, its from memory of his models)


Librarian (Term, sword)

(Forewarning and one other)


Inquisitor (Power Sword, Plasma Pistol)

3x Plasma Cannon Servitors




10x Purifiers

(7x Halberds, 2x Psycannons, Rhino)


6x Purifeirs

(2x Psycannons?, 3x Halberds, Razorback)


6x Strike Squad (Troops)

(2x Psycannons?, Razorback)


5x Terminators (Troops)

(Psycannon, 3x Halberds, Sword, Hammer)



(Multimelta, Fist - maybe Psyfileman by then)



I have several concerns currently - Halberds (yuk); the Assault Squads will be murdered in Assault, even with SP with them, so are they worth it? Challenges - I'm not certain I'm geared up to respond to inevitable challenges from Justicars etc. Should I be changing the load out of squads, Srg's with Storm Shields perhaps - if so, what should I drop to afford it? Lastly, are plasma guns in assault squads a mistake?


Thanks for looking and any advice! I am certainly reading the "Random thoughts from first sixth ed game." thread with much interest!




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I would take out the termie SG and make him corbulo. With a 2+ FNP it is too good to put down. So your terminators will have 2+ AS and then ANOTHER 2+. Those wont be dying any time soon.


Also, don't change meph's powers. They are much better than the book ones IMO.



Only Corbulo can benefit from the 2+ FNP.

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I actually had a version of this with Corbulo in it, but the extra cost was too high - I thought it was reasonably important to have a priest with each squad rather than go the extra for Corbulo. He is undoubtedly an excellent purchase though!
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make termies attack the purifiers as the terms will still get their 2+ armour save as halberds are ap 2, let the assualt squads go after the strike squads and dreads with the hammer. termies are very good against grey knights now
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Also, have the vindicator and storm raven go after his terminators, as they can cut through ur assualt squads, let vindicator and plasma cannons from storm raven do work with ap 2 blasts. and just hope his plasma cannon servitors over heat
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and i would definitely keep the ranged weapons in ur assault squads, let the meltaguns go after that chimera, and the plas squad go after the terms, so with the plasma assault squad, vindicator, and storm raven kill the terms and possibly the ten man purifiers, I would say if u go first, this is a pretty good strategy to use, and dont worry too much about that dreadnoughts mm, as flyers are very hard to hit now, so i doubt ur storm raven will die, unless your really unlucky
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Don't be afraid of his Halberds... They have 1 base attack. 4's to hit, 4's to kill, followed by Feel No Pain. I'm sure someone clever can run some maths on this but it's got to be around 2 or 3 dead from a 10 man purifier squad on average. That's about the losses I'd expect from a full round of combat with a full squad of anyone else.

Also, your jump infantry will get their little Hammer of Wrath attack at initiative 10 so will hopefully take down a halberd or 2 before they strike.


There's an interesting discussion going on about characters in units in this forum, you might wish to check it out. Possibly think about dropping the fists for swords on the sergeants and squeezing in fists on the priests.


Uncle Corbs is a great character now with Heaven's Teeth and his 2+ FnP roll. I'd be a bit weary of using Mephiston against Grey Knights as one stray little wound from one of their power weapons could mean instant death for him.


As PlagueAngel says, Meph gets 2 powers but can cast 3 (so his 2 powers and his force weapon). He might be best left with his 3 normal powers as they are awesome.

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10 man squad with 7 halberds with 2 attacks, AP3. Thats 14 attacks, 7 hit, 3.5 wounds. A priest will give you FNP for a 5+ save. Thats 2-3 lost. And you might take out a halberd or two at I10 with the HoW attacks. Not too bad.
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Plague Angel - I was about to come back and say, "no, he's Mastery Level 3 (FAQ) so he has 3 powers" - but now I'm not so sure. I dont have the documents with me so can't check but I suspect its actually 2 powers, but can use 3 a turn (incl. Force Sword). Hmmm. Wonder if my opponent will let me go back to his codex powers now....


sp4rky and Zeratul29 - Thank you both for the advise, I am all too aware of the Halberd Purifier menace... My housemate is more the gamer than I (I'm far more a modeler and painter really) so he's fully up-to-date with competitive tips and tricks for GK and others, and we've discussed these things quite a bit, as theories.


Its encouraging that no one has jumped on the list and said "you shouldn't be taking that!" - I was hoping this was a workable list, as I was a little despondent about it when putting the list together.


I have a reasonable collection of BA in various states of completion, notably lacking in Devastators however. I do have an Honour Guard built that can have 4 plasma or 4 melta, or a range of cc weapons. Or DC (not well armed though). Or VV. Or Bikes. Or Baal Preds. I do love that we have so many viable options! :tu:

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