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6th Ed. and Daemons.


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Hey guys, question here


Daemon ally - 1 HQ that is an IC and 1 Troop squad.


How does daemonic assault interact?


Muchly obliged.



No model in a detachment chosen from the Codex:Chaos Daemons is ever placed on the battlefield during deployment. Instead, all of the units from this detachment always start the game in reserve. You must declare if any models with the Independant Character special rule are on thier own, counting as a seperate unit in reserve, or if they are joining a unit, in which case they and thier unit are a single unit in reserve. The enemy deploys as normal, as do any units in your army not belonging to the detachment chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons.



At the beginning of your first turn, divide the detachment chosen from Codex:Chaos Demons into two groups that must include, as much as possible, the same number of units. Then you must face the unfathomable judgemnet of the Gods of Chaos, and nominate which of the two groups you wish to make a 'Daemonic Assualt' at the beginning of the battle. Pick one of the two groups and pray to the dark gods by rolling a D6. On a 3-6 the powers of Chaos agree with your choice, but on a 1-2 they choose the other group.


The units in the group that has been chosen to make the daemonic assault arrive on your first turn, using the Deep Strike rules. The remaining units are held in reserve and thier arrival is rolled for as normal. Then a unit becomes available, it enters play by deep strike.





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That would be my conclusion, it works just fine as it is.


EDIT: how would it normally be played? I'm sure you can join up and it's one unit. You just might not get it first turn.

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My answer remains the same, as that's how it worked before :tu:.


[edit] You wouldn't roll either if there are no other daemons units, as there is only one group.

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ive not read the chaos marine FAQ or the Daemon one, but id be intrested to know, is can the daemons that are deep striking arrrive on the chaos space marine icons? and if so, are they sujected to the daemon rule that states that if there with in 6" of an enemy unit, they can charge them on the turn that they arrive?
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What im asking is do those two units join up (if you want them) and come down together in turn 1,



or do you have to split them up into 2?

No. You MAY but you do not have to.



Once you declare that the IC has joined the troops, you have one unit total. You can "split them into two groups that must include, as much as possible, the same number of units." In this case there is a group of 1 units and a group of 0 units which is as close to the same number of units as possible.


It works just like it would for Darkwing Assault. You take half of your squads and Deep Strike on turn one. If there is only one unit (and you only have one unit because you followed the instruction in the FAQ about joining the IC to the troops) then that unit comes in on turn 1.


And to try and convience you further, the FAQ says you declare any joined units and count them as 1 unit BEFORE you go on with deployment. Since FAQ always trumps Codex, when you get to the part in the codex to split the units into two groups, all you have is the one unit allowed by the FAQ.

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are they sujected to the daemon rule that states that if there with in 6" of an enemy unit, they can charge them on the turn that they arrive?



where is this written?

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Once you declare that the IC has joined the troops, you have one unit total. You can "split them into two groups that must include, as much as possible, the same number of units." In this case there is a group of 1 units and a group of 0 units which is as close to the same number of units as possible.


It works just like it would for Darkwing Assault. You take half of your squads and Deep Strike on turn one. If there is only one unit (and you only have one unit because you followed the instruction in the FAQ about joining the IC to the troops) then that unit comes in on turn 1.


And to try and convience you further, the FAQ says you declare any joined units and count them as 1 unit BEFORE you go on with deployment. Since FAQ always trumps Codex, when you get to the part in the codex to split the units into two groups, all you have is the one unit allowed by the FAQ.


Does this mean there is a possibility that you can randomly get the group of 0 on turn 1 if the Chaos Gods do not favor you?

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Wouldn't the RAW here be that you split into two detachments.


One made of 1 unit.


The other made of zero units.


You then work as normal, decide which is preferred, then you roll to see if you get your preferred in. If not, you get to DS in a detachment of zero units (in essence, nothing comes in turn 1, and you roll for the remianing unit in reserves as usual).

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ive not read the chaos marine FAQ or the Daemon one, but id be intrested to know, is can the daemons that are deep striking arrrive on the chaos space marine icons? and if so, are they sujected to the daemon rule that states that if there with in 6" of an enemy unit, they can charge them on the turn that they arrive?

No to your second question. As for the first, it merely depends on the wording in the CSM codex. If it says CSM units deep striking within 6", then no. If it says allied units, or just units, then yes. Thats why I can use my Elysian Homing Beacons with my Deathwing =D


Wouldn't the RAW here be that you split into two detachments.


One made of 1 unit.


The other made of zero units.


You then work as normal, decide which is preferred, then you roll to see if you get your preferred in. If not, you get to DS in a detachment of zero units (in essence, nothing comes in turn 1, and you roll for the remianing unit in reserves as usual).

That seems to me exactly how it would work

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Icons from Codex: Chaos Space Marines clearly spell out models in TDA, Obliterators and Lesser Daemons. Further more, special rules (such as teleport homers and whatnot) do not carry over to units not selected from the same Codex in any event.


The first is located on page 81 of C:CSM, under the heading Icons and Deep Strike.


However, I'm having a bit of trouble locating the second point. Unless, of course, such effects belong under the classification of 'and so on.' on page 113 of the BRB, in which case, Battle Brother effects specifically do carry over (e.g. C:CSM and C:CD, or C:IG and C:DA).

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