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Meta devastators.


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Hey all,


I'm finally getting around to building up two squads of devastators which I've never needed until now. Of course the first if going to be built as plasma cannons, as we already have one full terminator army kicking around my local club, multiple marine players that use huge units of them and when the DA are released I'm expecting a few more.


My interest is in the second unit. Now the old ways said that 4 missile launchers were best. I'm thinking they still are as they can strip hull points on AV14 and reliably take down most other things. Now I'm wondering, have I missed anything? Should I be going with Lascannons or anything like that?


Many thanks in advance,



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I currently run 3 Missle Launcher Dev squads.


In the current 5th edition meta, they are brutal and cheap.


I think it might be time to turn one of them into Lascannons. I too feel the Terminator spam coming. I also leaned toward Plasma Cannons, but point for point, I think you will get more from lascannons, because they remain multi purpose. Las will handle vehicles better than pcs and still provide AP2.


Las cannons can also be fired on the move if you have to re-position them whereas plasma cannons cannot.

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You can Prescience or 'Guide' Lascannons in a pinch too. Especially handy vs Flyers or on the move both of which aren't options for Plasma.


They roll +1 on the damage chart compared to missiles, are more likely to actually get the pen than Plasma, strip HP on AV14 twice as much as the next best alternative and have both AP2 AND Str8 for ID. Don't overheat, etc etc.


Costly, but I wouldn't blink at a full unit of them in this edition.


Mind you, with cover being hit hard and infantry being more prominent, some Plasma Cannons are wonderful to have. Gotta get the balance right!

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