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No Specified Melee Weapon


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Seems innocent enough:


"If a model is not specifically stated as having a weapon with the Melee type, it is treated as being armed with a single close combat weapon." (p.51)


Pistols do not have the Melee type, even though they can be used in close combat. It's a clear distinction and can be easily seen between pages 56 and 60.


So, do my bolt pistol-wielding Tactical Squads gain a Melee close combat weapon that can now be paired with the Pistol for +1 attack? I don't see why not... :lol:

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"A pistol counts as a close combat weapon in the assault phase."


So as soon as the assault phase appears youd magically lose your single close combat weapon because youd already have one- the pistol.


Edit: I suppose tactical marines, being less hard core than Grey Hunters because they lack the true grit of the sons or Russ, get all flustered during assault and drop their close combat weapon in favor of slowly backing away and firing :lol:

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I disagree, because the "Pistol" weapon type is not a "Melee" weapon type too.


It doesn't matter that it can be used as a close combat weapon, all that matters is that it doesn't have the "Melee" type anywhere in any description. The NSMW rule only cares whether you have a "Melee"-type weapon.

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No, because it says "A pistol can be used as a close combat weapon. If this is done, use the profile given above- the Strength, AP and special rules of the pistol's Shooting profile are ignored (see pg. 52)."


And that profile is the same as the one for no specified melee weapon- and guess what? It includes the melee word :D.


Its the paragraph right after "No specified melee weapon".

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