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Word Bearer fluff

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This being a gaming forum, I know this might not be the perfect place to post this. I still couldn't resist seeing what my fellow Chaos players might think about this...


I was rereading through Anthony Reynolds' Word Bearer books and got to the short story (included in the big Word Bearer collection book). In it, I happened to see

a blind chaos seer lady hanging out with the Warmonger. I know this is all (super-spoiler here) a mad dream of Burias', but what do you think of the idea of this being Cyrene? Even more crazy, what about the Warmonger being Argel Tal? He was "killed" by Sanguinius, but could he then have been interred in a dreadnought?



I really had to do a bit of a double-take when getting to that part. I definitely didn't catch it the first read-through. Am I completely crazy, or is this a neat little ADB/Anthony Reynolds crossover?

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No on the Argel Tal - the Warmonger is stated to have been a Chaplain.


Warmonger is rumoured to have been Sol Talgron (sp?), who is included in one of the "Tales " short story novels.... "Tales of Heresy" I think....

The other could very well have been her. Damn looks like I am gonna have to break down and get the omnibus for the short story now, as I only have the three novels in separate printing...



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No on the Argel Tal - the Warmonger is stated to have been a Chaplain.


Warmonger is rumoured to have been Sol Talgron (sp?), who is included in one of the "Tales " short story novels.... "Tales of Heresy" I think....

The other could very well have been her. Damn looks like I am gonna have to break down and get the omnibus for the short story now, as I only have the three novels in separate printing...



As far as I can remember pretty much everyone in 40k-verse who is human and can see into the warp/future is blind to the material plane.



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Only for Imperials, for the most part. Chaos Witches show up with foresight and sight not infrequently.


Well, you didn't specify 'human, able to see the future, and sane'. :P

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Interesting, was not aware of the whole "Blind" thing. i knew that Navigators had a 3rd "pineal" eye that worked as their, for lack of a better term, warp conduit, and that they get glimpses of the future in some cases, such as the Space Wolves/Blackmane books.....



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Imperial Psykers (except space marines librarians because they're kinda illegal) all go through a process called Soul Binding to protect them from daemonic predation. Part of this process burns out the ocular nerve, but awakens a kind of psionic hyper-awareness that lets them 'sense' the world around them, Daredevil-style.
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Almost all go blind. A handful of 'em evidently makes it out while still being able to "see". Not that they would really need their eyes anymore anyhow. :)


A few novels makes references to it.



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Didn't Cyrene get blinded when she decided to watch the Ultramarines bombarding the city that the Word Bearers had made into an embodiment of their devotion to the Emperor?



Aye, but the Emps golden mutts murdered her in cold blood after Istvaan....(at the end of First Heretic).....

But it sounds like perhaps the Word Bearers may have blinded all their confessors from then on in homage to her? Interesting possibility?



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Imperial Psykers (except space marines librarians because they're kinda illegal) all go through a process called Soul Binding to protect them from daemonic predation. Part of this process burns out the ocular nerve, but awakens a kind of psionic hyper-awareness that lets them 'sense' the world around them, Daredevil-style.


I thought the whole blinding shick was just for astropaths?

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Imperial Psykers (except space marines librarians because they're kinda illegal) all go through a process called Soul Binding to protect them from daemonic predation. Part of this process burns out the ocular nerve, but awakens a kind of psionic hyper-awareness that lets them 'sense' the world around them, Daredevil-style.


I thought the whole blinding shick was just for astropaths?


Nope. Its anyone that gets the. Soul binding. Post is correct. So sanctioned psykers, astropaths, and any other flavour are all blinded equally.

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Well, it depends on how strongly they're Soul-bound. Sanctioned psykers are considered strong enough to not need as much protection, so they don't suffer the effects quite as strongly. Astropaths however start off from the weaker psykers brought to the Emperor, and are fully bound to him, which causes massive damage to their senses, most often burning out their eyes, although they can lose one or more of their other senses as well.
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