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Stormravens in 6th

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I thought it might be worth a dedicated topic to discuss the stormraven now that we've had a few days to digest 6th ed. The new rules have had quite an impact on the stormraven, particularly it's firepower and survivability, and I was wondering what you guys thought of it's role in the army now.


As flyers are now great at killing other flyers, and not much else is, the raven might be worth equipping for air combat. With the new rules allowing four weapons to be fired while zooming (and two bloodstrike missiles a turn) with skyfire, combined with it's own AV12, it's more than a match for any flyer out there.


What do you guys think are the best weapons for that role? Lascannons and typhoon missiles combine with the bloodstrikes to generate 5 accurate, very high strength shots a turn for the first 2 turns. Or perhaps assault cannons are still the name of the game to enable it to decimate lighter flyers like ork fightas, while also giving it a great weapon for targeting rear armour on the ground once air superiority is gained? What about the multi-melta? Will it struggle to get close enough to utilise it's melta rules against enemy flyers? Is the typhoon worth the extra points?


Is it also worth tacking on hurricane bolters for more of a gunship role? Once the bloodstrikes are used up the raven can fire hurricanes, typhoon frags and the TL assault cannon all while zooming to seriously mess up an infantry units day.


Also to think about is utilizing it's transport capacity. Assault marines and a furioso can be dropped with little risk even on a high speed run as soon as you enter on turn 2, allowing the stormraven to deliver it's payload without any detriment to it's airborne firepower or survivability. Alternatively if you've already taken out the opponents anti air, convert it to hover mode on turn 3 to allow the stormraven a 6" move before your payload gets out, moves it's own 6" and assaults (if I'm reading the rules correctly?).


What do you guys think? How will you be equipping and using your stormravens in 6th?

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Im going to say that the lascannons are a good bet, even once enemy flyers are taken out, you can move on to enemy vehicles, so i would also say go multi melta, as the minimun 18 inch move, maximum 36 inch, u should be able to fire for double penetration(against flyers), plus with the bloodstrike missiles, the storm raven should rule the sky!
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IMO at least one is now an auto include, as at the moment it's the only unit we have that can use skyfire rules against other flyers. I'm thinking of running 2, but with this then taking up 2 heavy slots, I'm not sure what to do about he 3rd slot and also if this is going to gimp my list too much.


Plan is one will drop of troops while the second provides covering fire.

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Also, how does skies of blood work in this edition? Can it be used when the raven is in zoom mode? I'm thinking maybe just dropping a dread and squad off via this method could work, but then that would also mean an even longer wait to get into assault?
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Im without brb at the moment, so pinch of salt.


If its auto reserves, its definatly changed my playing with it.

It cant be a hq transporter, i cant have that much (700pts) off the table!


It does sound like it owns the skys, which is fluffy enough, so i might rebuild mine as gunship extremes!

Melta and cannons

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I'm interested in the fact that in the FAQ a storm raven may fire a gun when it moves flat out by using the power of the machine spirit rule, and yet in the rule book....



FAQ overrules the rulebook.

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i was thinking about 10 dc +chappy+ mephiston and DC dreadnought on a storm raven, for a 2500+game, what you think?

Sorry Mephy can't come to play with the DC right now, no IC status.


But, you could take 10 DC and Lemartes and a Dread in a raven. :)

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umm then why dont we use a normal chappy instead of lemartes we save 50 points and we don't need the jumpack of lemartes as our dc don't have it

i don't think in this case does worth it paying 50 points more,


what you think?

and another question how we deploy mephiston then if we choose to roll the powers and we don't have wings of sanguinus?

we footslog him??

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Chaplains all got smacked with a nerfbat. Having an AP4 weapon makes them next to useless. In Lemartes case he is stuck with his crappy maul and as much as I like him he is subpar, anyone with a 3+ roll flips him the bird last week everything was frightened of him. 60% or more of your games will be against MEQ. AP4 does not cut it even with re-rolls and high strength. I am gutted I cant take Lemartes as much as I liked him but one door (Chaplains hit AP4) closes and the termi/corbs door opens.

With the mandatory raven reserve rule you cant go raven heavy either.


I am going to try assault termies with Corbulo. they will go in one raven. I have 2 ravens built both have hurricane bolters, MM and TL assault cannons. The rending TL asscan is very good now and shooting counts for a lot. Night fighting needs to be taken into account. Search lights need to be taken on as many vehicles as you can

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IMO at least one is now an auto include, as at the moment it's the only unit we have that can use skyfire rules against other flyers. I'm thinking of running 2, but with this then taking up 2 heavy slots, I'm not sure what to do about he 3rd slot and also if this is going to gimp my list too much.


Plan is one will drop of troops while the second provides covering fire.

I was under the impression that missile launchers (both on Dreads and in Dev squads) and Whirlwinds also got anti-aircraft missiles. Did that get changed?
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Played two of those badboys against space wolves with 15 longfangs today. Both of my ravens lived to see the end of the game. While they shoot those missiles at their normal BS, they need 5+ to glance, and then there's still the cover save. In the next turn, you have serious problems with the contents which will trash your face.

I was also able to get out of LOS/range of one or two squad with ease, thanks to 36'' movement speed. Hurricane Bolters are now fracking sweet and imo totally worth the points, since the life expectancy of those things just went way up. You might want to use skies of blood most often though, and maybe equip a locator beacon to prevent scattering. Nobody cares about dangerous terrain tests now, so thats nice.


P.S. They are also our most reliable anti-air weapon now, what with AP1 bloodstrike missiles.

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IMO at least one is now an auto include, as at the moment it's the only unit we have that can use skyfire rules against other flyers. I'm thinking of running 2, but with this then taking up 2 heavy slots, I'm not sure what to do about he 3rd slot and also if this is going to gimp my list too much.


Plan is one will drop of troops while the second provides covering fire.

I was under the impression that missile launchers (both on Dreads and in Dev squads) and Whirlwinds also got anti-aircraft missiles. Did that get changed?


The Missile Launcher entry does list the Flakk missiles, but goes on to mention that they can be taken as an upgrade to the launcher. None of the Codices were FAQ'd with the option to purchase them. If you can't buy the upgrade, you can't use them.


Whirlwinds didn't receive a Skyfire missile option either.

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Chaplains all got smacked with a nerfbat. Having an AP4 weapon makes them next to useless. In Lemartes case he is stuck with his crappy maul and as much as I like him he is subpar, anyone with a 3+ roll flips him the bird last week everything was frightened of him. 60% or more of your games will be against MEQ. AP4 does not cut it even with re-rolls and high strength. I am gutted I cant take Lemartes as much as I liked him but one door (Chaplains hit AP4) closes and the termi/corbs door opens.

With the mandatory raven reserve rule you cant go raven heavy either.


I am going to try assault termies with Corbulo. they will go in one raven. I have 2 ravens built both have hurricane bolters, MM and TL assault cannons. The rending TL asscan is very good now and shooting counts for a lot. Night fighting needs to be taken into account. Search lights need to be taken on as many vehicles as you can


ok but the fact is , that we pay the price not for the character and his fighting skills, but for the buff he gives to our army (reroll failed to hit and all that stuff ) having 40 attack rolls + ability to reroll any failed roll is huge,+ reroll wounds... put some th or pw on those dc and i never mind the crappy ap chap weapon thats why i said pick a standard chap instead of lemartes

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Well, as a raven heavy user in 5th I am looking forward to see what might become next step for my list in 6th.


I was thinking about Raven with loc beacon, loaded with tactical termies and priest in TDA, using Skies of blood to bring some T2 pain.


Prehaps they just became a ride for dreads, as they have to start in reserves now.


I wonder how bikes and ravens work now ...

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The Missile Launcher entry does list the Flakk missiles, but goes on to mention that they can be taken as an upgrade to the launcher. None of the Codices were FAQ'd with the option to purchase them. If you can't buy the upgrade, you can't use them.


Since the Weapon Reference Table in the end of the book has all three missile types listed for the standard marine missile launcher, we will play them as equipped until disproven. We interpreted the longer entry in the first part of the book as a generic description of missile launchers of all kinds, not just the marine ones.

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What wins battles for your army is Choices. Without them you're gonna always head down a linear route towards an outcome.


Am i the only one seeing the viabilty of putting a techmarine with a 4 man servator squad in a stormraven? The way i see it they're only good when they're zooming. The moment they switch to hover they're gonna get shot to bits so you could make an arguement for not transporting a dread. However you could put a blood fist variant of dread in its grapples. Use it as an anti-flyer for the most part but if the enemy ever presents an oppertunity you can take it. unleashing the dread into them and causing a lot of destruction and if a lone vehicle gets isolated even without the dread you can send in the techmarine and servitors. Thats 5 Strength 8 AP is not known yet (i couldnt find it in the Rulebook or FAQ) All it says is "Ignores Armour Saves". The best thing though is with 4 servitors you can pretty much auto restore hull points, weapon destoried and imbolised results every shooting phase.


In realivance to the first sentance surely this has got to be a godly combo? The amount of tactical options this presents is probably one of the best ways to use a stormraven surely?

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Recently played a 4k BA vs. 4k Necron game. Two Ravens, one with Lascannon/MM and carrying 5 JP DC with PW, IP, PF and Furioso Dread with Blood Talons/HF +EA. The other carried Sanguinary Guard and Death Company Dread. Turn 1 was night fight, so that was a large boon for me. The new Reserve rules make it VERY likely that your Raven's will zoom onto the board turn 2. The turn mine came in they blew up this big Necron Arc (shoots a ST 10 AP1 pie plate?) that was in his back corner, and the other took down some Necron warriors and blew up a big spider looking Necron thing that was shooting Melta shots at me. The Plasma cannon also took down about 9 Cron's over a couple turns.


The Raven's survivability just increased 10 fold. 6's to hit meant that I had one Raven take 40 Necron shots, Half of those Tesla, and didn't remove a single hull point. By turn 3, the payload was dropped off and Necrons began to really die en masse. Death Company Dreads are AMAZING now. He knocked over a solid 16 LYCHGUARD (with the 4++) over a couple turns. Of course they kept getting up, but they just couldn't do anything to kill the Dread. Nice that my 125 point Dread could hold up his million point super assault unit all game.


If you have the points, use the Ravens. Mine didn't remove a single hull point (or die obviously) all game. The meta will slowly change and adapt to Flyers, but I think Stormravens are the new black.

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I'll be keeping my pair as Ass.C, MM, HB mounts and using them as dedicated gunships, they are more survivable now by far and they make good troop extraction in the later turns of the game.


The Ass.C give me a very nice change of ripping low armour fliers to peices, the MM is nice though I AM considering the Typhoon to again maximize the hurt put on ground troops, and the HB's are fantastic.


Basically I'll be using my ravens like A-10's...

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