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psychic shriek vs lash

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So first off fluff wise. Mystifying your opponents into moving (maybe pinning) vs. Screaming into their minds and killing them with it.


I say in the vein of noise marines shriek is the new lash fluff wise.


Tactical advantages/ disadvantages. Both are psychic powers, both "cost" 1 warp charge (as far as I know) both have to roll to hit, both have to roll well to be effective. (A 2inch move is generally useless as is a 3 on 3d6) both are subject to deny the witch. both work better vs. Low ld troops. Both are suck vs. Vehicles.


Now the differneces.


Lash costs 20 points. Allows you to move troops (strategic)


Shriek can cost you 10 points (buy doom bolt and substitute.) Causes auto wounds w/o armor or cover saves.


I'm thinking shriek is going to be more effective pound for pound than lash. It is good vs anything you can wound and on a good roll could destroy an entire squad, it won't bring you into charge range but it may negate the need to charge at all.


Lash can still push things away from you that you don't want to deal with. But shriek may just kill it.


What's your call?

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How could you wipe them out using lash and terrain? You can't move them into impassible terrain with lash only difficult.


Anyway I haven't gotten the BRB yet but I think I may use this psychic shriek with my Night Lords, sounds right up their alley.

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One area of the rules i'm feeling sketchy on is overwatch and witchfire.... it requires a BS to hit, you'll have the warpcharge so can you fire a witchfire attack (shreik) at a charging unit? If so what about winds of chaos etc as a "wall of death" defense.


Or.. lash them back 12 inches before the charge is resolved... there is some serious neastyness to be had on all accounts. Needing a 6 to hit is a slight deterent but if no multiwound/feel no pain troops are charging you won't need instant death... so why not a hail marry?


On a personal note if you did hit a charging unit with either attack it could completely mess them up. Imagine taking 8 wounds w/o armor saves or being moved backward out of charge range... now that's a counter strike lol.

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  • 1 month later...

To clear up the witchfire question, if you read the first sentence in the witchfire section (pg 69) it states that "witchfire powers are manifested during the psyker's shooting phase instead of firing a weapon." And because overmatch isn't done in YOUR shooting phase, it isn't possible.


As far as fluff goes, I definitely agree that psychic shriek is in line with noise marines.


If you are looking for something that is the fluff equivalent of Lash, I'd say dominate or puppet master fit the bill there.


I haven't played my sorcerer enough to know which way to lean on which one is better or worse.


Perhaps I'll have some useful insight after I play a couple games this weekend.

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Yeah after some checking up a little while back I realized overwatch doesn't work with witchfire... sort of sad. I've play tested psychic shreik a great deal lately and it is pretty unpredictable. Lash is very straight forward but shriek can be crazy devistating... if you're lucky. I was unimpressed until i scored a triple six against a 5 man terminator unit... overkill.


It made up for multiple nothing shots in the same and previous games. I average several games a week so i was bound to get a crazy shot off, that being said i've gone through entire games scoring a handful of wounds at most with it.

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Personally, I'm torn between the two. On one hand, I'm leaning towards the Telepathy powers, because my Sorceror is a master telepath (of the puppet master, ransacking of minds variety, not the talk into other peoples heads type), and most of the Telepathy powers represent that awesomely, but then again so does Lash.


Psychic shriek is very fitting for Slaanesh though, as IIRC Noise Marines used to have a special rule of a similar name, where enemy psykers had penalties to use abilities on them, due to the psychic cacophony the Noise Marines generated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pyschic Shriek might kill you a sergeant. But lash lets you reposition enemy models. In a strategy game that's amazing. Lash is still in my opinion one of the best powers in the game. You can use it move a target into charge range, or out of charge range. Clump them up for a demolisher cannon, Or spread them out so that with new wound allocation you make them have difficulty getting back into coherency after taking wounds. Lash is the more versatile ability. Given on its own it isn't that good, when you take into the context of the rest of your army, its amazing. Think about it especially if you have 2 daemon princes/sorcerers with it. You can on average move a unit 14" in a turn anywhere you want.


That's pretty awesome, and for only 40 points? Ill take lash every time.

Plus with allied daemons you can start moving em d6" for craps and giggles.


It just gives me an image of a EC or Daemonette whipping a guardsmen across the board until his legs wont work anymore.

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