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Can someone confirm this. Have looked at the regrouping rules on page 30 and 31 and cant see anything about not being able to regroup if the enemy is within 6 inches. Only thing I can see is in the diagram that talks about the orks being within 1 inch of the enemy.


Is the rule gone or am I just looking in the wrong place?

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The rule is gone! No more sheparding off the table. :D And if a group is above 25% - any group - it can Rally on it's normal Leadership. And marines auto rally...after a tactical withdrawl...a real tactical withdrawl, not just one that's a polite name for running away!
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to be honest it doesnt make much sense though... its like "ohh sweet emperor, lets get out of here!" and then running up to that unit of bloodletters and telling them "whew, that was a close one eh?"


also it sorta ruins one of them ore interesting tactics that was otherwise availble (that was an actual tactic, requireing carefull positioning and the right gear/unit to make a unit start fleeing, rather than just "ill just kill A with B")


also it was a mighty fluffy tactic for armies like nightlords, dark eldar, or necrons. as they pretty much specialize in terror tactics (atleast the old necrons)

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It makes sense because "They Shall Know No Fear."

not all units in the game have that. actually quite the minority

So end their miserable lives with the Emperor's Holy Rapid-fire.


If your entire gaming group thinks it's utter bologna, then you can all house rule that really annoying, cheesy rule back into the game. (How I really feel has been revealed.) There is already a GW game in which Morale plays a pivotal factor (Fantasy)...40k is not that game. Trust me though...there's a LOT of new tactical elements to the gameplay in sixth, i.e. firing angle, positoning, Movement, random charge range...all massive changes that require renewed tactical thinking. "Shepherding a unit off the board" wasn't "tactical"...it was predictable, optimal, and thus necessary. It was also lame to watch your otherwise swollen unit (full of guys) get chased an additional foot or two. Those days are now over. <3


But this is all a side-track...our desire and appreciation of the rule not-withstanding, it certainly seems that we all understand it.



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It makes sense because "They Shall Know No Fear."

not all units in the game have that. actually quite the minority

So end their miserable lives with the Emperor's Holy Rapid-fire.


If your entire gaming group thinks it's utter bologna, then you can all house rule that really annoying, cheesy rule back into the game. (How I really feel has been revealed.) There is already a GW game in which Morale plays a pivotal factor (Fantasy)...40k is not that game. Trust me though...there's a LOT of new tactical elements to the gameplay in sixth, i.e. firing angle, positoning, Movement, random charge range...all massive changes that require renewed tactical thinking. "Shepherding a unit off the board" wasn't "tactical"...it was predictable, optimal, and thus necessary. It was also lame to watch your otherwise swollen unit (full of guys) get chased an additional foot or two. Those days are now over. <3


But this is all a side-track...our desire and appreciation of the rule not-withstanding, it certainly seems that we all understand it.




It is a tactic... If you can rout an enemy without fighting them it is all the better. If it was easy for you to do this all the time or if you had this happen to you all the time then someone was doing something wrong.



Renewed tactical thinking but that doesn't make it any more tactical... and let's face it... 40K is pretty low on the tactical scale.

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It is a tactic... If you can rout an enemy without fighting them it is all the better. If it was easy for you to do this all the time or if you had this happen to you all the time then someone was doing something wrong.


that is exactly my point... its a step away from tacticality and towards "killhammer", which is essentially chess without a grid and with only pawns... not to mention its a step away from the fluff. its supossed to be grimdark, people are supossed to be afraid of the scary monsters and evil aliens, where a fearless man is truly extraordinary. if fear in general only plays a minor role, then that is a kinda big step of ruining the feel and theme



positoning, Movement, random charge range...all massive changes that require renewed tactical thinking.


positioning and movement havnt allways been part of the game? :P ... by the sound of it, those things actually mean less now, with even heavy weapons being able to fire regardless of moving or not (snapshot), units potentially moving further (up to 12", that is apperently pre-measured, so not actually that random). cover being less effective, and this removal of "herding" means position means less than before

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its supossed to be grimdark, people are supossed to be afraid of the scary monsters and evil aliens, where a fearless man is truly extraordinary. if fear in general only plays a minor role, then that is a kinda big step of ruining the feel and theme
Somewhere we need to find balance between fear and moral in general playing a role and the inability to control your army while you watch them run off the board with no input from the player.


positioning and movement havnt allways been part of the game? :) ... by the sound of it, those things actually mean less now, with even heavy weapons being able to fire regardless of moving or not (snapshot), units potentially moving further (up to 12", that is apperently pre-measured, so not actually that random). cover being less effective, and this removal of "herding" means position means less than before
Ah, but now if you are not paying attention to your positioning, your heavy weapons will be the first ones killed off by a flanking enemy. If I am clever, I can position my troops to leave certian targets in cover so that I can focus fire on only those in the open; this could be useful to keep a few highly armored models from protecting the whole unit, for example. Not only is unit placement for lanes of fire important but individule model placement within the unit can also make a difference.


I see the changes as bringing in more tactical focus to the game and I like that.

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Somewhere we need to find balance between fear and moral in general playing a role and the inability to control your army while you watch them run off the board with no input from the player.

This is exactly the point, really. It's not fun taking control away from a player so he can slowly watch a unit die; if the unit is going down, the player should have control over it as it happens. Tell me, how fun is it for you when you get Mind Controlled and hopped off a cliff in a video game battleground of your choice? Lame, right? They thought so too. <3


...but we are very far afield now. :)

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thade is right, you are very far afield now. The original question had been answered, yes, you can now regroup when within 6" of the enemy.


Discussing the tactical implications of the removal of that rule, or alternative ways for how morale should function isn't for this forum, so if you do want to start a tactics discussion on morale that'd be best in the relevant forum.

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