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WYSIWYG Chapter Banner query

Mr Bojangles

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This may be a pointless first post but I just thought I throw my two-cents out to get some other opinions.


I'm slowly building a small Flesh Tearers force and I'm adding a squad of Sanguinary Guard. I love the models, the fluff and the rules but after weighing up my loudout options I'm in a pickle. I love the added benefits of the Chapter Banner but I really don't like them on my models, especially not jump troops. Would a SG unit HAVE to have the standard being carried by model to gain the benefits regardless of the necessary points being paid towards it? Do I fall foul of WYSIWYG here?

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I don't know that it has to be a banner, but I think it should be an impressive and recognizable relic of some kind. Could be like Grimaldus' relics, a big cup, an eternal flame, a huge book, whatever. Explain it then and I think you'll be cool.
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