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Noise Marines in 6th

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They also ignore the Jink saves for skimmers and bikes moving, turbo-boosting, or moving flat out.

This right here is why sonic blasters aren't overcosted and why they will kick so much butt it isn't even funny. Its by far the best gun, presently, in the game, in my personal opinion.

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They also ignore the Jink saves for skimmers and bikes moving, turbo-boosting, or moving flat out.

This right here is why sonic blasters aren't overcosted and why they will kick so much butt it isn't even funny. Its by far the best gun, presently, in the game, in my personal opinion.

Oh golly I hadn't even thought of that either! This is awesome news :D Noise marines are now, in my mind, the best cult unit.

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I dont know what to make of the sonicblasters, i have to spend points on a Rhino if i want to use its 12" range or i have to wait till they get into max range for full shots.


BTW: what can i use when i am being assaulted 2 or 3 shots?

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I dont know what to make of the sonicblasters, i have to spend points on a Rhino if i want to use its 12" range or i have to wait till they get into max range for full shots.


BTW: what can i use when i am being assaulted 2 or 3 shots?



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I dont know what to make of the sonicblasters, i have to spend points on a Rhino if i want to use its 12" range or i have to wait till they get into max range for full shots.


Agreed. I'm suffering from a crisis of confidence with the basic blaster as well. I like the idea of it but actually getting it into the fight is more of a struggle.


I wouldn't have said this at the codex's release but I'm thinking 9 bolters and the blast master might be a better option. While you want to be static, even if you do move you're still getting two S5 shots that ignore cover along with all of the bolter shots.

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I dont know, so far me for me, I move them up in T1, then blast the bajeebus out of stuff. I have (2) 15 man units with icon and master, the amount of dice is stupid. Most games 24 inches is plenty of range. Even if you get unlucky and have to press your opponents side due to obj inequity, you only need 2-3 turns of blasting the crap out of them to make them effective. They are not really turn one/two units per say, they are the guys that tip the balance mid game and end it late game. You want a start game killer, get a MoS DP with wings and blackmace. Jump him into some :) and use him as a decoy as you get your rock band set up for heavy metal madness. We have two guys at my league that run DE and I salavate with anticipation, the utter ruin these guys are going to cause.
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I dont know, so far me for me, I move them up in T1, then blast the bajeebus out of stuff. I have (2) 15 man units with icon and master, the amount of dice is stupid. Most games 24 inches is plenty of range. Even if you get unlucky and have to press your opponents side due to obj inequity, you only need 2-3 turns of blasting the crap out of them to make them effective. They are not really turn one/two units per say, they are the guys that tip the balance mid game and end it late game. You want a start game killer, get a MoS DP with wings and blackmace. Jump him into some :tu: and use him as a decoy as you get your rock band set up for heavy metal madness. We have two guys at my league that run DE and I salavate with anticipation, the utter ruin these guys are going to cause.


How often are you finding yourself within range of a target?

Is this with only sonics or blast masters as well?

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What do people think about mixed squads?


As in like 4 triple equip 'bodyguards', 4 sonic blaster, champion, and Blastmaster


Or maybe 2 bodyguards, 6 sonic guns?


The reason I ask is that as it is written, Noise Marines cannot buy an extra CCW if they got a sonic blaster, and so get less I5 attacks in close combat, AND in some cases (moving to within 12 of target) bolters equal sonic blasters.

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The reason I ask is that as it is written, Noise Marines cannot buy an extra CCW if they got a sonic blaster, and so get less I5 attacks in close combat, AND in some cases (moving to within 12 of target) bolters equal sonic blasters.


Dunno what you read but i read the following.


May take closec ombat weapon

replace boltgun with

-closecombat weapon/ sonciblaster

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Dunno what you read but i read the following.


May take closec ombat weapon

replace boltgun with

-closecombat weapon/ sonciblaster


It's one or the other unfortunately. I don't have the book in front of me but the wording is basically:


Each marine may buy an extra CCW for x points




May replace his bolter with a Sonic Blaster


This means you need to decide how the squad is going to function when you equip them as a Sonic Blaster marine won't have 2 I5 attacks.

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Having been a Nurgle player for a while, I have to say, I love the look of Noise marines with sonic blasters. OK, salvo 2/3 means if you’re moving you only have a 12inch range. But, a unit of 15, sitting in cover/on an objective, with the IoE is fearless, in power armour, with 3+/5++ save and 5+ FnP, whilst chucking out 45 shots a round that ignore cover. That’s not bad for 340pts.

All of that mixed with the synergy of sorcerer is brilliant. SoP will mean your NM are ALWAYS going to win the fire fight as you start to wound on a 2 and 3’s, and the enemy needs 4 and 5’s to hit.

The only thing I wouldn’t do with NM is assault. Let me explain.

If you take NM I think you have to take a MoS Sorcerer for SoP which is the best power in the codex. Even if you’re not levelling off loads of sonic weapons, docking WS and BS is excellent.

But to guarantee SoP you need to go Lv3. Which means you will have also, Hysterical Frenzy and it’s a shame to have it and not use it.

If you don’t go Lv 3 you can not guarantee SoP, and you have a chance of getting HF which means using it more. Which is not a bad thing as it’s a good power. Until it gives your NM squad +1 I. Which is worthless.

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But to guarantee SoP you need to go Lv3.

You can never actually guarantee getting symphony of pain. Even as a lvl3 psyker, there is still a good chance of not getting the power you need. It is not a good idea to build a list around a psychic power.

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Pretty much drive to mid-field, disembark into cover.


Then shoot the fraq out of anything for miles around ;) 3 quads of 10 (with a MoS Lord to make them troops) is a pretty cool gunline. Then they get assaulted, and throw out a metric flip-ton of overwatch before getting to strike first. YMMV for sure, but hey, they're dubstep ninjas from outta space who take loadsa drugs and stuff. What's not to like?


Alt build is DS, extra CCW and maybe Blastmaster (Assault 2 profile is still pretty good) and throw them into combat for some I5 goodness.


Now GW just need to hurry up and release some supersexy new figs for them so that I can give them all of my money forever and ever.

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But to guarantee SoP you need to go Lv3.

You can never actually guarantee getting symphony of pain. Even as a lvl3 psyker, there is still a good chance of not getting the power you need. It is not a good idea to build a list around a psychic power.


Have I missed something (not very good with powers)? Master level 3, take 3 powers, all off of the Slannesh list?


Either way, the point I was trying to make (might have failed) is to make sure you have a squad that can benifit from both of the Slannesh WC1 powers if you take a Lv1 scocerer. Of which NM dont as you get an other +1I. wasted. So I'd take marines with MoK for extra killy, or MoN to keep the enemy working hard on gettign rid of me.

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But to guarantee SoP you need to go Lv3.

You can never actually guarantee getting symphony of pain. Even as a lvl3 psyker, there is still a good chance of not getting the power you need. It is not a good idea to build a list around a psychic power.


Have I missed something (not very good with powers)? Master level 3, take 3 powers, all off of the Slannesh list?


Either way, the point I was trying to make (might have failed) is to make sure you have a squad that can benifit from both of the Slannesh WC1 powers if you take a Lv1 scocerer. Of which NM dont as you get an other +1I. wasted. So I'd take marines with MoK for extra killy, or MoN to keep the enemy working hard on gettign rid of me.


I think a sorcerer can only take half (rounded up) of their powers from the same list, so 2 Slaanesh powers max for a ML3 Slaanesh Sorcerer. Not 100% on this, so please someone else confirm/deny as appropriate.

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I think a sorcerer can only take half (rounded up) of their powers from the same list, so 2 Slaanesh powers max for a ML3 Slaanesh Sorcerer. Not 100% on this, so please someone else confirm/deny as appropriate.


This is true. Max 50% powers from your God Lore. It's all in the Psychic Power section of the codex.

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I have been toying with the idea of a cc unit of noise marine with Lucius attached in a landraider. Unit would be something like this.



9 noise marines

Champ with swiss Power weapon and doomsiren

-Icon of excess

-swap bolters for combat weapons

Landraider with Dirge caster and Daemonic possession


Might not pack the same powerpunch as those Berzerkers but they are striking faster than them and they feel less pain. And 2x ap 3 flamers

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I have been toying with the idea of a cc unit of noise marine with Lucius attached in a landraider. Unit would be something like this.



9 noise marines

Champ with swiss Power weapon and doomsiren

-Icon of excess

-swap bolters for combat weapons

Landraider with Dirge caster and Daemonic possession


Might not pack the same powerpunch as those Berzerkers but they are striking faster than them and they feel less pain. And 2x ap 3 flamers


I like it and i'm tempted by something similar. The main change I was considering was keeping the bolters, buying the extra CCW and using a rhino instead. With the doom sirens represent so much of the squad's firepower, I'm less concerned with getting that charge in as 2 templates followed by 2 overwatchs would still be nasty.

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I would rather be able to charge when i get out instead of standing outside a vehicle for 1 round, and the dirgecaster will make sure my opponent doesnt try to overwatch me to death.



Good thinking. It would be a fairly tough squad, I5 and FnP should keep your casualties to a minimum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bit of a mad one but is a NM champ with duel Plasma Pistols viable? Would be able to fire both.


Or go with the Lightning Claw/ Doom Siren/ Combi-Bolter?


More for a 12 strong unit with Sonics and Icon.

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