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Vindicators and Snap Shots


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The Demolisher Cannon is an Ordnance weapon.


P.13 (Snap Shots) says: "...Ordnance...cannot be fired as snap shots".

P.51 (Ordnance Weapons) says "A non-vehicle model carrying an Ordnance weapon cannot fire it in the Shooting phase if it moved in the preceding movement phase and cannot fire it as snap shots".


P.7 (Basic versus Advanced) says "Basic rules...found between pages 10 and 31...are all the rules you need for your average Infantry model" and "Where advanced rules apply to a specific model, they always override any contradicting basic rules".


So, due to page 7, am I correct in thinking that Vindicators can still Snap Shot their main gun even when stunned or shaken?

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So, due to page 7, am I correct in thinking that Vindicators can still Snap Shot their main gun even when stunned or shaken?



P.13 (Snap Shots) says: "...Ordnance...cannot be fired as snap shots".

This is the rule. Ordnance can not be fired as snap shots.

P.51 (Ordnance Weapons) says "A non-vehicle model carrying an Ordnance weapon cannot fire it in the Shooting phase if it moved in the preceding movement phase and cannot fire it as snap shots".

This is further expanding on what a non-vehicle model can and can't do. It doesn't implicitly or explicitly negate the rule on Pg.13, nor does it imply a negation of any rule for vehicle models.

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No. Finish the rest of page 13.


"Some weapon types, such as Template and Ordnance, or those that have certain special rules, such as Blast, cannot be fired as Snap Shots. It's important to note that any shooting attack that does not use a Ballistic Skill - such as the Necron Monolith's portal of exile - cannot be fired as a Snap Shot."


And on 71: "The vehicle can also fire Snap Shots with other weapons if it wishes, though, of course, it cannot fire any weapons that cannot be fired as Snap Shots."


Go back to 33: "Blast weapons cannot be fired as Snap Shots.


No Blast/Template weapons as Snap Shots. Since the Demolisher cannon is a blast weapon, albeit a large one...

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Go back to 33: "Blast weapons cannot be fired as Snap Shots.

Ah how did I miss that one on 33?


Thanks, guys. I always wonder with GW when you see strange and seemingly unnecessary wordings like page 51 so it's good to know page 33 sorts it out!

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The rule on page 51 only applies to non-vehicles. So vehicles (in this case the Vindi) are stuck with the basic rule on page 13.


Put another way, when the rules say Scouts can not move closer then 12" to an enemy unit that is NOT saying that anything but a scout may move closer.

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Also, this is one of the worst layouts for a rulebook that I've ever seen. Don't be surprised that you'll miss stuff! I suggest reading cover to cover in order, as that will answer most questions ;).
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Yeah, they bold face some of the important points/changes, but they bury at least twice as many fundamental changes and key points in the normal text. You really do have to read it word-for-word.
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