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1st battle of 6th edition

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I've no picture for you, so I tried to be narrative as best as I can, I hope that my English wasn't too bad. let me know what are you thinking about.. Thanks


Tarsis “The garden of Hisarard” this was the name of the planet time ago, now it was a destroyed hive of death and pestilence. Its oceans, river, and lake now are filthy and corrupted, his large forests ware wicked and contorted, slow clouds of poisoning fog across his surface as giant crawling monster.


Death Guard had stroke three weeks ago: Mabrothrax’s fleet erupted from warp without any warning and suddenly Dread Claw were lunched on the surface. No defence on the planet, it was a garden, an agricultural world, a barn for the other four planet of the system.


From the capital ship, missiles filled with poisoning gas and bacteria stroke the planet even before the first dread-claw reached the surface, then the slaughter begun. There were few garrison of Imperial Guard to protect city from enemy, but no one really are waiting for any treat. People and soldiers were completely took off guard by the lightning assault. They stared at the incoming missile as they looked a rain of falling stars, but suddenly death came to them. In a couple of hours after the first missile exploded they start to choke and drown in the corrosive gas; any kind of known and unknown diseases spread among people, hospitals an doctors cannot did nothing… then the Plague Marine attacked.


Most of them came marching slowly, preceded by the foul smell of putrefaction and rotting corpse. When the guardsmen saw them approaching, they knew that there were no hope of salvation or rescue, and so it was…


Help for Tarsis arrived two days later, when from the System’s central planet a reaction force of Imperial Guard was sent to attack and claim back the planet, but Mabrothrax was a wise old veteran of thousand and thousand battle. His marines has been deployed carefully to give an hot welcome to guardsmen. Plus the planet has started to fall to Nurgle’s blessing: air is poisoning, heart in proximity of the city was mutated in disgusting slime, a mix of putrescent humidity and blood that refuse to coagulate. Guardsmen were horrified and advanced in their Chimera watching disgusted and worried, nobody told them what they were going to fight.


And when the first lascannon blew up the leading Chimera, the slaughter began again. Guardsmen suddenly bail out only to saw a lot Plague Marine approaching them from hidden trench. They tried to put some resistance on, but reality broken and a huge, bubbling abomination emerged from warp: the Great Uncle One stroke a Leman Russ blew it up. Here and there some marine fell to plasma hit or to plenty of las-gun hit, but fate of the column was signed, and all knew it. A Land Raider emerged from the crest of a close hill and reached the line of guardsmen, which become tinier minutes after minutes. The hulking tank stopped abruptly and his rusty front ramp opened. Slowly five terminators emerged, their old armor were covered of rust and leaking liquid. The leader was huge than his battle-brother and he gripped a large scythe covered with poisoning ooze. He said nothing, pointed his weapon against the centre of guards resistance, a leader officers and a commissar, both with their power weapon raised, surrounded by men that are firing desperately against the closing Plague Marine. Across the line of fire, here and there, a guard dropped his rifle and simply fell death, with buboes rampaging trough out his skin. Terminators opened their way among guardsmen as they were puppets instead of men and Mabrothrax finally faced the two Imperial officers. They faced him, try to looking in the deep of a dirty hood that covered his head; Chaos lord dropped it off and stared at the enemy, they looked and screamed for what they saw, but his scythe ended their wailing…


In a matters of minutes all were finished; a lieutenant close Mabrothrax, his voice growling in his throat full of putrescence and buboes.

“My lord the other approaching columns were all stopped as this one, few casualty were reported!”

“Good indeed, we need few days now, to complete our task!”

“My lord, we intercepted a communication from the imperial fleet, it was a SOS signal…”

“So?” The lord growled back

“We intercepted a reply from a force of hated enemy, a Dark Angels force agreed to send his help!”

“Well, well… That’s interesting, so let them come!”


Dark Angels first company was deployed: five squads of pearl Terminators stayed, staring at the destroyed city. Nothing left of the reach soil: all around only putrefaction, mud, blood and death. Reports from other city started to reach Mabrothrax in his command place. Two company of space marine were deployed, but his 2nd great company can face them for now. They’ve got enough time to prepare themselves to the incoming assault, plus they have quite finished their task and so there isn’t any possibility that more enemy come to face his marine.

He looked grim to the screen, enemy are advancing in the darkness, they didn’t wait for dawn, they are full of angry for what he did to the planet and its people…

“Angry is good” Mabrothrax thought.

“Angry made you wrong so as quickness to pick up a fight!”


He has deployed his force carefully. His Land Raider in the centre, ready to move where it was more needed. Two rhinos, two squad of marine, to back up a trio of rotten Obliterators.

When the Black Lord gave obliterators’ secret to the legion, in order to prepare his 13th failed attempt to destroy Empire, he doesn’t think that Obliterators could be infected by Nurgle’s blessing. This strange mix of marine and machine were incredibly pride of themselves, they thought to form an elite… Few months in the rank of Death Guard changed their mind, and body… forever!

Mabrothrax growled a laugh…

They are gift of the Black Lord, not battle brothers! He didn’t care about them, so as he didn’t care about Dark Lord’s will. He’s always a Mortarion’s warrior. His loyalty was swore to his Primarch and to no other…

They were instruments, they were expendable, they were sacrificable…


On the screen another units appeared on the left, seven men strong, master Belial joined the battle. But he’ve got a surprise too which were waiting for them


Mabrothrax sent his order and moved his troop on the right, just to reached a better fire position. Land Raider and Obliterators opened fire against a distant squad, but obscurity helped his enemy which approaching without losses. Some missile fell among his line without any damage, and now the enemy were close enough to stroke him hard. Lasers and Plasmas fell among a squad of terminators, which armors is far to be white now, and two of them died. They all brought storm shield and their protective field of energy saved them, so in their arrogance they move closely again, their fire was pretty ineffective. And again plasma and laser rained on them killing one from a different squad.


Their cowardice was showed in their approach… All of them ducked behind their shield.


Mabrothrax moved his force on the right again, forcing the phalanxes of dark Angels to follow him and then he finally stroke back! A crack missile fired from the shoulder of one of them blew up a rhino, but time to kille them was come!

A ball of green energy erupted from nowhere and a trio of terminators appeared in front of incoming enemy. A squad of seven Plague Marine emerged from the wrack of his Rhino and pointed towards an enemy squad. The last rhino moved in line of sight and Mabrothrax himself disembarked from Land Raider.

He summoned the power of warp and stroke the squad of three remaining terminators, killing one while the rest of his marine stroke another five men termy squad… A rain of plasma and bolter fell on them and they are completely whipped out. Mabrothrax charged and kill one, but the other survived thanks again to the storm shield. Fell no Pain save a wound to Chaos Lord (Mabrothrax count as Typhus) and the fight continued.

Other Angels screamed in fury for their battle-brother’s death and move close again, but Obliterators, terminators and the two squad on foot force them to pay a hard price for every step they took.

Another squad and the librarian fell to plasma and bolter fire while Land raiders took a third squad of Plague Marine across the field and to enemy lines, where it redeployed to preserve any surprise from enemy.

Finally Belial and his survivors men reached and slaughtered the obliterators, but this was part of Mabrothrax plan… Battle fury was ended, enemy had no force to face entire Death Guard power, so Belial was forced to call an emergency teleport end flee with is tail between his leg…


Reports from the other battlefield are pretty the same… a lot of casualty, but dark Angels were repelled and the task that Mortarion had assigned to his general was accomplished… another world was fell to power of Nurgle.


We played Kill Points and he got the first blood destroying my rhino, than I killed three of his squad and Librarian and drop seven men on his line, so I totalized 5 and he killed back my obliterators and claimed troops in my line too so he totalized 4.


It was a good game, new rules seams to work well and I’m pretty happy of them, but I’m very happy on how much Death Guard gain from new edition…


Let’s the contagion spread everywhere…

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