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Full Foot Army


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I'm looking at vehicles and how fragile they seem to be now(like a land raider being able to be toast from one salvo of necron warrior fire) and am thinking that we could easily make an incredible foot soldier army. Maybe add in some bikes for the mobile fire as well. I have 13k worth of BA so wouldn't have a problem fielding this. Think it could be really fun:) Fluffy too. Space Marines crossing the field, bolters blazing! What do you guys think?
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Well, I have plenty of ML devs to give infantry and armor a headache, still have my 9 attack bikes(6 MMs and 3HBs) that I would love to blow the dust off of from 5th ed .pdf, and I'm definately feeling like tactical termies are going to be making one hell of come back these days. Loads of great weapons with relentless and then an ap 2 weapon in melee. Tactical squads are definately undersung heroes in our codex, expecially with a priest with them. Thinking of lots of plasma might be nice as well. S7 AP2 is nothing to scoff at.
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I played a full foot army a few months ago with 5th ed rules, it was half a battle company essentially. 3 tacs, 2 assault, 1 dev. It did REALLY well. And now, with even better tactical squads, I'm sure it would be a great option. I'd like to hear a battle report with this type of list. I'll be running a 1k foot list tonight and will report back. The last game I played on Sunday was all foot as well at 1k, and did pretty well. Mobility was an issue, but I only had one assault squad on the table.
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I have done very well for myself in my CT playgroup with a list of 2x Tacs, 1 Assault Squad w/JP's and SP w/JP, 5 DC models with Attached Reclusiarch in a Land Raider Crusdayer, augmented with 1 Dev squad with 2x PC and 2xLC. Then, goodies vary, but sometimes a Vindicator or extra Libby, etc... sometimes a Furioso Dread is attached to an SR with the DC in it as well, games without the Land Raider that is. Mostly shooty, but plenty of units to keep it from being an all-out assault, or all-out gun line. Keeps the enemy switching up their tactics and target priorities.


With the new Rapid Fire and Snapshot rules my Tacs will get even more love than before. "More love" meaning = they kill more stuff. I'm also going to start relocating the Priest with the tacs instead of the assault squad, make em much harder to knock out of a fight as they stride closer chanting and murdering in Sanguinius' name.

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I'm also going to start relocating the Priest with the tacs instead of the assault squad, make em much harder to knock out of a fight as they stride closer chanting and murdering in Sanguinius' name.


You could try to fit Corbulo in - although he doubles the point value for the one SP, he's worth his points and has the biggest. pimp. chalice. ever. ;)




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You could try to fit Corbulo in - although he doubles the point value for the one SP, he's worth his points and has the biggest. pimp. chalice. ever. :D


I try to avoid using Special Characters as much as possible just because I don't like the idea of them ever falling in battle. I could take a stab at it, but my list hasn't changed pretty much at all since 3rd Ed. Just chaplain to Reclusiarch, Veteran Assault Marines to Vanguard Veterans, etc, etc...


I will proxy him some game and see how well he does.

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I will proxy him some game and see how well he does.



Dont forget to read the corbulo tactica !!


It will require a 6th ed update, but a lot of the info in it is still relevant!


He has a 3+ save, a 2+ FNP and then a 2+ Look out Sir (and then a reroll if he fails that) !!

That dude aint going nowhere without lascannons aimed at his face!

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Oh I'm well aware of how hardy our high priest is, I just like to stay away from Special Characters. The idea of my self-made BA successor was that they are not so much successors, as they are survivors. A rag-tag band of stranded BA that have operated and coalesced for centuries by scavenging supplies, armor, and men where they can from stranded BA forces all over the Galaxy. Because of this they don't have the named heroes that anyone in any Blood Angels chapter would know where they were at any given time, ie. "Oh, Dante? He's back on Baal" or something like that. I like to stick to my self imposed fluff, and that may hinder me sometimes.


I will still try him out to see just how much punishment him and his Tac squad buddies can take, especially him. Just have to figure a way to squeeze him in.

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Personaly, and I am by no means and expert, I looked at this, and I think if you are going to do it, you need drop pods.

Just imagine, turn one, 4 drop pods, each carrying ten tacticals, one with a plasma (or melta), surround the enemy hammer, 40 bolter rounds and 8 plasma hammer in.

6 or 7 artificer armour guards die horribly (or 5 termies, less if hammernators)


Guard and such would be SHREDDED.


And thats just turn 1 baby

I've got two more tactical squads and a DC/Rec squad ready to land and raise hell.


Now all I need is seven drop pods

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Now all I need is seven drop pods


Ah, the quintessential barrier to any "THAT WOULD BE AWESOME" plan in 40k, money for vehicles. :D


I definitely would love this idea, if I had the motivation to buy, build, and paint 6 more drop pods. Throw a Sternguard squad in one pod for good measure. Nothing like "wound on set number" rounds to chew up high toughness MC's and such.

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You have 14 other units to deploy on the battlefield? How does this work with only being able to reserve up to half your army?


Models that are required to go into reserve don't count towards the 50%. Drop pods are required to be placed into reserve. If the entire army is deployed in pods, then the entire army can ignore the 50% rule.


You would also circumvent the "no models on the table at the end of a turn rule".

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I am planning footslogging force as well. However, mine is planned to support my brothers drop pod assault. I will make the second wave: reclusiarch with DC, tac squad with priest and some annoying scouts on the wings. I love scouts!
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