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Like the title says...Mark of Nurgle!


Due to the number of challenges from fist opponents, I suspect the mark of nurgle, due to the now fully added toughness against ID, will be the best mark to have.


The new codex would have to do something drastic to change this too, as not being able to get IDed by fists is such a great added benefit to it!



Oh, and Typhus is really the challenge master nowadays! Everything except fists/axes/hammers will hit him first, but with T5, termie armour and FnP it's not that worrysome! Then he'll strike back with +D6 poisoned S5 AP2 force attacks...anything he faces(providing no 1 is rolled) is going to face some serious danger! I wish I had a model converted that counts as him...

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Nurgle has always been popular though the rules change and continue to change. I strongly advise as someone who has played Nurgle over many, many editions to not base your army around rules which will soon change. The box set + Chaos Codex will change point values and probably move stuff around the FOC some. I think Plaguemarines and other 'god' troops will become Elite to be unlocked by hopefully just a regular Lord with the Mark of Nurgle.


The Mark of Nurgle in 40K has always been +1 Toughness as long as I can remember, but the whole bracket issue and just who can have the Mark of Nurgle... For a while it was Plaguemarines only, it wouldn't surprise me if the Marks became more restrictive again... People seem to long for 'Legion' rules. Currently any squad can have any mark and all people do is complain about the current codex it seems, then when they can no longer have Nurgle Raptors or Nurgle Bikers or whatever they'll complain anew...


Just collect and paint what you think looks cool and you'll be fine. Hopping from army to army, codex to codex, god to god, shows disloyalty and will bring the Wrath of Khorne and his drinking buddies upon you.

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Yeah, I'm worried about the proliferation of Nurgle stuff we're likely to see, and I can't see the new 'dex changing all that much about them since +1T has always been their thing. As it stands now, the only one-stop-shop to handle Typhus is Lysander -- they strike simo, but Lysander hits at S10, has a storm shield, and can't be ID'd.
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Just remember that Typhus generates two new universal psychic powers for free.


Granted of course he's only Mastery Level 1 but it should still be able to shake things up a bit.



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I still don't see the appeal of Typhus over a DP- he waddles around the battlefield and is slow to hit in CC, and daemon weapons have the propensity to smack you in the face when it is least opportune. Meh, pass.
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True, but FnP versus more wounds, higher toughness and eternal warrior are not equivocal. Especially since the DP is so cheap for what it can do.
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The thing is with t5 now he can only be ID by t10, hide him in a unit and you avoid the shooting, in a challenge we have Arjac, Lysander, Grey Knight Daemonhammers, Draigo and maybe a few others that don't spring to mind that have S10 attacks but they all strike at the same time, so your enemy cannot just slip a fist into his face they have to commit a similiar pointed model into a challenge, who will Five times out of ten bite it due to number of wounds and Good AP, he will be sacrificed but at the end of the day, your opponent is also giving up a really good character to do it.


He really is nasty when used wisely, plus epidemius as an ally will make him really beast when it's twos to wound and most often kill.


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Problem with Typhus is he needs a ride to improve his speed, normal plague marines can ride in rhinos :sweat:


I never took Typhus before as his lack of eternal warrior annoyed me (as did his base toughness of 4), now he is toughness 5... well, I might be tempted to bring him along (though a daemon prince is cheaper and a flying MC so go figure).

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It'll come down to if you wanna play WAAC and stick with double DP now more beastly since they can fly around the enemy base immune to charges and only hitable on a six, or Fun where you take LR in 1000 point games
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Our DPs are not FMCs unfortunately. Yes, the french and german FAQ has them as it, but it's more likely to be faulty translations than correct(just as fearless in the rulebook)...


Jump Monstrous Creatures...

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Our DPs are not FMCs unfortunately. Yes, the french and german FAQ has them as it, but it's more likely to be faulty translations than correct(just as fearless in the rulebook)...


Jump Monstrous Creatures...


Adding the "jump" doesn't negate them being flying monstrous creatures. Daemons FAQ specifically states that "Monstrous Creatures with Daemonic Flight are Flying Monstrous Creatures". I doubt they'd make it available to Daemons and not CSM, and this specific wording in the English Daemons FAQ casts further doubt on it being a faulty translation from the French or German.

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C:D is not C:CSM, sadly, and unless it says "See FAQ for.." like the Eldar/DEldar harlequin issues, we're stuck with the C:CSM FAQ that makes Daemon Princes with Wings "Jump Monstrous Creatures", not "Flying Monstrous Creatures".
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I don't see why a demon prince with wings chosen from one Chaos book flies and a demon prince chosen from the other Chaos book jumps... Of course if it says it in the FAQ it can't be wrong...


I prefer man-sized generals for the ability to use cover and hide in a unit. Now the rules change, but I still think the ability to get into a Landraider or the flying transport thing from Forgeworld is good. Depending on the new codex I will probably not run a Nurgle Lord all the time, in fact I may go back to using a sorcerer as my leader, of course currently Chaos sorcerers are the only HQ choice not fearless in the Chaos codex...

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Whatever. The FAQ is pretty vague on the subject, and doesn't specifically state that they aren't Flying Monstrous Creatures. Remember that Flying Monstrous Creatures have jump, but not vice versa. I'll run them as such until it's clarified (since that seems to be the consensus and I can't argue against it), but I still have my Daemon allies to fall back on, and I can run up to 6 Daemon Princes from that dex if I so choose, and they are FMC. If they did do this on purpose, it may some devious business move to get players to buy Daemons units, as that codex is a bit unpopular (it seems).
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C:D is not C:CSM, sadly, and unless it says "See FAQ for.." like the Eldar/DEldar harlequin issues, we're stuck with the C:CSM FAQ that makes Daemon Princes with Wings "Jump Monstrous Creatures", not "Flying Monstrous Creatures".

Yeah, GW screwed the pooch on that one. But I think it will take a real rules lawyer to treat DPs so stupidly, especially with the new focus on 'narrative.' Just hash stuff out before hand and have fun; it will be fine.

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Yeah they used a Chaos Marine DP as a flying MC in the WD they must have intended it to act like that.


I think gw needs to get one guy to sit down and write all the FAQs again or at least edit them, they are so inconsistent.

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Whatever. The FAQ is pretty vague on the subject, and doesn't specifically state that they aren't Flying Monstrous Creatures.

Actually, the English version is not vague at all. It specifically spells it out as any unit (including Daemon Princes) with Wings (NOT Daemonic Flight) have the Jump profile added to their unit type. There is ZERO mention of Flying Monstrous Creatures in the Amendments, Errata, or FAQ.


So, sorry boys, either learn German or French, or face up to the fact that our boys aren't as Warp-bound as those who hang around exclusively with Daemons so their wings just aren't as strong.

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Whatever. The FAQ is pretty vague on the subject, and doesn't specifically state that they aren't Flying Monstrous Creatures.

Actually, the English version is not vague at all. It specifically spells it out as any unit (including Daemon Princes) with Wings (NOT Daemonic Flight) have the Jump profile added to their unit type. There is ZERO mention of Flying Monstrous Creatures in the Amendments, Errata, or FAQ.


So, sorry boys, either learn German or French, or face up to the fact that our boys aren't as Warp-bound as those who hang around exclusively with Daemons so their wings just aren't as strong.


I like how you quoted me out of context, there. It helps prove your point well.


So, actually it doesn't spell out "including Daemon Princes". The vagueness I'm talking about is, as exactly as you mentioned, that there is zero mention of FMC in the CSM FAQ. The fact that the german and french faq, as well as C:D faq, state that CSM DP with wings are FMC suggests that someone just simply neglected to mention Daemon Princes in the CSM faq.


Like I said, I'll go with the general consensus that they aren't, for now, so I don't really know why it was necessary to draw me out like that considering I already said that. But then, if you'd quoted me in entirety, that wouldn't have backed up your position I guess.

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Here, have some allegory;


After an exhaustive review of the research literature, here's the final word on nutrition and health.:


1. Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


3. Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


4. Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


5. Germans drink beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


6. The French eat foie-gras, full fat cheese and drink red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us




CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

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