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A question of death company.


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My standard load out for playing hardball with my death company in 5th was:


15 death company, 2 fists, 4 power weapons.


Land raider crusader deep striking.


Now this is an expensive but solid squad, able to appear via ds and then kill whatever I wanted dead the next turn, pretty much guaranteed. I know it's an awful thing to drop on your opponent, but we're all good friends and they'd do the same to me in an instant! :)


So my problem is this: Do I change some stuff round with them in this edition? I was feeling jump packs and bolters for them, but the points for jump packs makes them too expensive in my opinion. 10 with less special weapons and with jps cost more than the above!


My other problem with jump packs is getting them there. It's all very well having them bounce around the table but each shot that kills, and killing shots WILL come, is killing at least 35 points of dc! DS via JP is another option I suppose but will leave them wide open to being frazzled if they arrive on their own, and again the points cost thing worries me.


So I'm left with the option of either keeping them as is and rolling them in a land raider ( though I only have one and this is probably going to be my terminator squads ride), keeping them as is and footslogging with bolters instead of pistols to add some tactical value to them, or changing them to jump packs and shedding a tear everytime I fail a save.


Anyone have any helpful thoughts?



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Jps sound good for a 5-7 man squad, easy to hide and not a ton of points. For more than that, Invest all those jp points into a ride with an assault ramp, either a raider or a raven.


I'm going to bump my 6 man razorback DC squad to 10 and stick em in my raven.

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