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Psychic Powers in 6th

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Just thought I'd share some experiences so far of the rulebook powers that I've had access to/played against. Divination is really, really good. Easily the best lore in the book, and worth paying the points for an Epistolary. Played a game against Space Wolves, and had the re-roll failed to hit power, and the target unit re-rolls successful saves power. I've never seen a landspeeder do so much damage in my life, laying a heavy flamer across an entire squad, wounding on 3s, and re-rolling passed saves, with an assault cannon chucked in for good measure. I started feeling a little guilty after the third unit... Re-rolls to hit is a beast. Anyone who used preferred enemy in the BA book, this is just strictly better (as it covers 2 turns instead of 1, and is all rolls, not just 1s).


The counter-attack power from divination is fairly good as well. In fact, 1, 2 and 3 from divination are all really good, 4 and 6 are good depending on your opponent and your list respectively, and 5 is pants. From Telepathy/Telekinesis (can't remember which) invisibility is broken... I got kerb-stomped by invisible defilers. Some of the other powers in the lore seem lacking though. Biomancy seems strong, but not as good as the Divination buffs. Honestly though, divination is so good I can't envisage taking anything else.

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For my DoA army (now somewhat modified due to the Reserves restriction) I'm looking at jump-pack Libby's using Shield of Sanguinius for cover saves and Blood Lance for anti-aircraft defense. There's no restriction I can find that keeps Blood Lance from striking fliers and FMCs and there's no to-hit roll to worry about with the line attack. Given a jump libby's 12" move and then an average of 14" for the 4d6" range on Blood Lance, we're looking at an average 26" range to engage fliers. Not bad!
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Just played a game today with 1 epistolary and 1 normal libby. Normal libby had the power that allows you to roll 3 dice for reserves and the power that grants 4+ save (didnt get to use that though, died too quickly). Since I also played two stormravens and flanked a baal, that was super-sweet!

Epistolary in TDA had Telepathy, basic power and.. hallucination. That thing is super-ridiculous, easily the strongest power in the book in my opinion. Overall, the new powers allow you to act as a very potent buff-bot as well as dish out some amazing damage, I like it :) Telepathy is by far my favorite school for an epistolary, invisibility and hallucination are both awesome!

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Anyone who used preferred enemy in the BA book, this is just strictly better (as it covers 2 turns instead of 1, and is all rolls, not just 1s).


The 2 turns part I got. What to you mean it's "all rolls, not just 1's" ?

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Anyone who used preferred enemy in the BA book, this is just strictly better (as it covers 2 turns instead of 1, and is all rolls, not just 1s).


The 2 turns part I got. What to you mean it's "all rolls, not just 1's" ?

Preferred enemy only rerolls 1s. The new power in divination rerolls all failed to hits.

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Preferred enemy, which is what Unleash Rage grants, is now re-roll 1s to hit and wound. Prescience is re-roll all failed to hit rolls (i.e 1s and 2s in shooting, and 1s, 2s and 3s in combat assuming we're attacking WS4). Even compared to old preferred enemy, its better as that was combat specific, and required being re-cast every round.
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I also see some potential in Telepathy, Psychic shriek looks like it could wreak havoc if placed right(Doom of malantai anyone?) Also the fact that you don't seem to have and pick powers from the same school makes your options not bound to telepathy, making yourself able to pick FX the primaris from divination(reroll to hit) Making our regular psykers mean.


Deffo Including one in my Dante list with shriek and use dantes deepstrike to get him into the thick of it.


Edit: missread... still have to get used to new psyker rules... Shriek is just one unit, still good armour ignore source though

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I had a conversation today at the local shop.


Blood Lance is what brought it on. I mentioned it will be great for hitting flyers, blah blah.


Guys at the shop said that anything that does not specifically say "Skyfire" does not hit flyers and that attacks that use templates or auto hit "Blood Lance", are unable to target flyers.


We'll have to check that one out. Includes weapons like the Death Ray on the Necron flyer.

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im liking divination and will be taking it but my main caster will be biomancy, this lore looks fantastic.


the buffs can turn the libby into a monster and theres some decent shooting and even a heal built in. strong lore and combined with divination you have a great mix of buffs and other tools.


really liking the possibilities.

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Blood Angels get everything barring pyromancy, Dark Angels get everything bar Biomancy, Wolves get Bio, Divination, and Telekinesis, GK get Divination, Pyromancy and Telepathy. Codex Marines, unfortunately, get everything except Divination, which is looking like the best one so far.


You can use the powers in your own book, OR you can change them all for ones from the rulebook, unfortunately you can't go half and half.

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I had a conversation today at the local shop.


Blood Lance is what brought it on. I mentioned it will be great for hitting flyers, blah blah.


Guys at the shop said that anything that does not specifically say "Skyfire" does not hit flyers and that attacks that use templates or auto hit "Blood Lance", are unable to target flyers.


We'll have to check that one out. Includes weapons like the Death Ray on the Necron flyer.


The guy at the shop is trying to screw you over - intentionally or otherwise.


1. There is no rule that says no skyfire no hit. The rule says units without skyfire can only snapfire (BS1)

2. Blood Lance is not a template.

3. Blood Lance is auto-hit. (Unless we have a rule somewhere where it tells us to roll - in which case its snapfire)

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Actually, I can see where he's coming from, as the base of the flyer is ignored unless you're assaulting it or disembarking from it, so a lance going across the base could be said not to hit it. Its a bit of a grey area, and slightly gamey. But then, you can be gamey right back. Just says draw a straight line 4d6 long, starting on the librarian's base, in any direction. Nothing to stop you standing under it and pointing the lance up...last I checked, up was a direction...
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Yeh, id find it a stretch to aim up and then down again after that. But for a free shot at a flier- hells yeh.


well, blood lance goes over units in combat and then continues on to hit enemy units, why wouldn't it go up to hit a flyer before coming back down to wreck a tank?


That. Is the fluff of it Yeh. The rule says to draw a line. I can't draw a straight line up then have it go down again? I dunno, I think. That. For vehicles lined up, no problem, but for fliers its a push.



On another. Note. I tried Divinity. Last night. Mad, mad good.

Expect to see BA. Libbies with dc troops in our allies forces.

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On another. Note. I tried Divinity. Last night. Mad, mad good.

Expect to see BA. Lobbies with dc troops in our allies forces.



I'm inclined to refuse to play against BA allies, and yes, I'm fully aware of the possible storm of hate I'm going to reap, but hey, haters gonna hate. And I won't fight the blood of Sagnuinius, I never did and I don't have any intention of changing this principle. Especially when there's a lot of rule-:D ing going on.





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I think codex marines are going to be livid when they realise how good it is compared to pyromancy (which they get instead). Spending both your warp charge points on...a meltagun? Seriously? Besides, we're far from the only army to get access to Divination...if people are after that, I think they'd take Grey Knights or Eldar over BA.



On a different topic, has anyone else noticed that almost all of our powers are near identical to ones in the 5 rulebook lores? Blood Boil is close to crush and haemorrhage, Smite is still Smite, Shackle Soul is Dominate, Shield is close to Telekine Dome (cover instead of inv), Unleash Rage and Prescience are similar, Warp Speed is a better Might of Heroes, Fear of the Darkness is a poor man's Terrify, and Molten Beam is a weaker Blood Lance.

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Fliers can only be shot at by snapfire(pg81). snapfire does not allow any shooting attacks the do not use a bs(pg13). So being as fliers hits from shooting can only be snapshots Bloodlance would not work. So shooting at a flier without skyfire means all shots are resloved as snapshot. being as bloodlance is a shootting attack that can not be fired as a snapshot. its hits can not be resovled on a flier
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Fliers can only be shot at by snapfire(pg81). snapfire does not allow any shooting attacks the do not use a bs(pg13). So being as fliers hits from shooting can only be snapshots Bloodlance would not work. So shooting at a flier without skyfire means all shots are resloved as snapshot. being as bloodlance is a shootting attack that can not be fired as a snapshot. its hits can not be resovled on a flier


Fair point, however :


Codex trumps the rule book, im afraid and our codex clearly says that the line hits the target.

Thoughts in this regard?

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sept a 6thed. rule book trump a 5thed codex. If not then a stormraven is a skimmer not a flier.



Check out "Basic vs. Advance" at the start of the book.


Not gonna type out everything but:


"On the rare occasion a conflict will arise between a rule in this rulebook and one printed in a codex. Where this occurs the rule printed in the codex always takes precedence"

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in the sixth edition rules can shield of sanguinius be 'cast' while embarked in a transport (Ie things 6" from the hull get the cover save)?


I had read that it only effects the vehicle. May have to wait for confirmation from someone with the rules on hand though!

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