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Tactical Rhinos'


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When thinking about how to run the tactical squad or two I'm now looking at running in my lists I came to a conclusion, fast rhino's may still be pretty sweet.


We cant really rhino rush assault marines like in the past (not that I really did anyway), not being able to assault after disembark has made this a very risky prospect. But now we seem to have a new primary use, tactical deployment of tactical squads. Seems that getting tac squads where you want them in the midfield is going to be super handy and the new movement rules seem to compliment this nicely.


Turn 1 you can hide your rhino's (and support vehicles like baal's if your bringing them) against potential turn 1 AT fire and use the initial 12" move with as many pivots as you want to snake forwards and line up for a 12" flatout in the shooting phase (unlike a razor this isnt really diluting your firepower). I'm thinking if you use this turn 1 move to park next to midfield terrain you'd like your tactical marines to occupy next turn, sitting in the rhino for a round is actually mostly a good thing (bar the potential s4 hits & pinning when exploding) as the tac marines gain the protection of the rhino's hull and stand a good chance of clamboring into the terrain you parked next to if they have to emergency disembark. This might also create a little split in fire priority as weapons that are likely to cause the rhino to explode rather than simply glance it to death become preferable, possibly creating a conflict of interest with the other tanks or 2+sv units you might have advancing also.




Edit: Next turn natch. they would be disembarking into the terrain/building/whatever & the rhino if it survives can scoot off and hide again or maybe do some suicidal ramming/tankshocking to support jump troops and the like.

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I am really liking the return of the Tac squad in 6th. They are getting benefits while our assault troops are getting a nerf.

They can now put both combat squads in one rhino. Have way better deployment from said rhino. And now, the heavy weapon can fire right away! This really makes up for the loss of 2 special weapons the assault squads get.


I'm thinking of loading up plasma like crazy. Plasma gun, combi-plas for the sarg, and a plas cannon. My book doesn't get here til Thursday, so I'm not sure on the rules for heavies with all the possible move and shoot, snap fire and overwatch rules. So there may be a better heavy option.


But maximizing AP2 is something the humble tac squad can do pretty good with a lot of bolter support. And seeing as nearly all AP2 melee weapons are now I1, shooting AP2 is a real advantage.

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I'm thinking of loading up plasma like crazy. Plasma gun, combi-plas for the sarg, and a plas cannon. My book doesn't get here til Thursday, so I'm not sure on the rules for heavies with all the possible move and shoot, snap fire and overwatch rules. So there may be a better heavy option.

You can't snap-fire/overwatch blast weapons unfortunately.

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Have you guys noticed the embark restriction on movement was lifted? Ie: We can embark, and then the Rhino can go hell-for-leather up 24" !!! I think this is a huuuuuge buff.


That actually makes the rhino rather interesting. Previously I never thought it was worth paying more pts for a rhino compared to a drop pod for a squad like that.

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Not everything is a buff. Now they can't score if they are embarked in a transport. So no mobile bunkers.


Interesting side note on this: vehicles can't be denial units to objective holds. So no more sneaky eldar tanks tank shocking your tacts last minute for the win

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I've recently experimented with using 10x ASM squads with a pair of plasma guns in the fast rhinos and I can tell you that it's extremely useful. The ability to move 24" in a single turn is quite useful, and even disembarking at the beginning of turn 2, you can still pour plasma fire into enemies and then charge the next turn. In conjunction with Tycho and an honour guard squad, it's even better as they will often benefit from the Sanguinary Novitiate. I tried the same with Tactical squads, but found that they weren't as useful as the game went on.
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