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An old 40K gamer here returning for the 6th Edition! Been blown away by the size of the new rulebook. I think it'll take a while for all the rules to sink in... !


I caught wind of the new edition several months ago and since then I've been slowly building up a few armies in preperation. I generally wanted to avoid collecting overly popular/powerful armies so I settled on:


Black Templars - I love the fluff as I personally hate in-game Psykers - after losing to one, back in 2E, on a final dice roll. Despite the old BT Codex these guys are going to be my 'main' army.

Imperial Guard - I love the human horde aspect. By choice I'm avoiding using Veterans & Valkyries. I prefer 'fun' units like Rough Riders.

Sisters of Battle - Classy females that aren't Grey Knights and like to burn witches! I'm gutted that they can't be allied 'properly' with the Black Templars. I only have a few models since they're quite pricey.



So, erm, hello!

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