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assaulting unit after destroying transport

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I'm sure it has been asked before, but I did not find any conclusive answer to that, and now since the wording is the same in 6th, I would like to know the answer.


If you shoot and destroy a transport, who can assault the unit that was inside?


1) Only the unit that destroy the transport.

2) any unit that has shoot at the transport, even tho it is the the one that destroyed it

3) any unit that have not shot at another target.


Seems from the rule book that the answer is 2. But I find it weird that, for example, a squad of genetealers could not charge a unit that got out of a rhino destroyed by some Hiveguard.

I am thinking you are looking at this backwards ...


Say you have 3 units, A, B, & C


Into thier midst drives a Rhino and a predator.


Unit A shoots at the Rhino, destroying it, troops disembark ...

Unit B shoots at the Pred, immobilizing it ...

Unit c does not fire.


Assuming A&B can charge (say they have assault weapons)


Unit B can charge the Pred, but only the Pred ...

Unit C can charge either the Pred, or the disembarked troops

Unit A may not be able to charge. ... Need to check further on that one, but that is my first impression from the rules on page 20

Note however that it doesnt say that anyone else cant assault them. So, assuming that you have a squad that didnt shoot at anyone- say those genestealers for example- theres no reason they couldnt charge the newly vulnerable troops.
  Grey Mage said:
Note however that it doesnt say that anyone else cant assault them. So, assuming that you have a squad that didnt shoot at anyone- say those genestealers for example- theres no reason they couldnt charge the newly vulnerable troops.


So, in this situation, we actually don't have a change from how it was in 5e.



  Valerian said:
  Grey Mage said:
Note however that it doesnt say that anyone else cant assault them. So, assuming that you have a squad that didnt shoot at anyone- say those genestealers for example- theres no reason they couldnt charge the newly vulnerable troops.


So, in this situation, we actually don't have a change from how it was in 5e.



Wich is good, as its a very straight forward idea in my mind.


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