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RAS + Plasma = ...


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Just a thought after reading over some posts and flicking through the codex, would a mobile plasma armed squad be plausible? Idea is the have one of the following:


RAS x5 w/ plasma gun and duel plasma pistol on the sarg (145pt)


RAS x10 w/ x2 plasma gun and duel plasma pistol on the sarg (250pt)


Seems like a nice MC or 2+ armor hunting unit with 24" effective range and enough AP 2 shots to compete againest most heavy armoured units or even light vehciles.


Since my grey knights now lack AP2 weapons, thought it might prove a useful ally...?



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In a 2500pt list i was planning to use 2 5 man squads with a jump biomancy Libby, still flipping up whether to add priests or not too.


Would be a lot happier if I could have bolters instead of CCW/BP for this combo but I can't havre dry thing I guess... ;)

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Get Honor Guard or Sternguard instead. More cost effective.


While you eliminate the need for a priest with the honor guard were're not really talking about the same kind of unit.


I like this setup because I get AP2 fire on a highly mobile, scoring unit that can never lose their means of transportation. That's big in 6th since you have to get out of your transport to score and weak vehicles like rhinos are worse than before.

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Hmmm, seems that way. Still need a troops choice and only limited to the one honour guard squad.

Perhaps the following:


• Libby w/ Jump pack and biomancy (Smite might be a good choice if something better can't be rolled)

• Honour Guard w/ Jump packs and x4 Plasma gun

• RAS (x5) w/ Plasma gun and dual plasma pistol on sarg

• Priest w/ Jump pack and combi-plasma (if possible? Don't have my codex with me >.<)

This'll be 580pts and pack I bit more punch.

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I would still use melta weapons over plasma for RAS. fighting against MEQ you're gonna want that instant death ability to stop FnP which everyone can seem to get these days by one method or another. Also roughly speaking for every 10 shots of plasma you're gonna lose 1 sergeant or marine due to overheat (without FnP) So typically speaking by the end of the third round if they have shot every round you would have most likely lost either the sargeant or your plasma-marine.
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Hmmm, seems that way. Still need a troops choice and only limited to the one honour guard squad.

Perhaps the following:


• Libby w/ Jump pack and biomancy (Smite might be a good choice if something better can't be rolled)

• Honour Guard w/ Jump packs and x4 Plasma gun

• RAS (x5) w/ Plasma gun and dual plasma pistol on sarg

• Priest w/ Jump pack and combi-plasma (if possible? Don't have my codex with me >.<)

This'll be 580pts and pack I bit more punch.


You forgot a plasma pistol on the Librarian :)


Seriously though...

I would consider dropping the priest all together, he's way too expensive for what he brings in small detachment like this. If you want to keep him drop the combi-plasma or switch it for a combi-melta. That's the one model you don't want to lose to a 'gets hot!'.


The librarian could probably do better with codex powers in this case. Fear of the darkness is great and has the range you want, blood lance is good too as you get better anti-tank and autohit everything, even flyers!



I would still use melta weapons over plasma for RAS.


You don't have to pick just one. If the squads job is to go on the offensive and get stuck in then they should probably have meltas. For a more defensive setup the plasma is much better thanks to volume of fire and range. It should be noted that defensive in this case doesn't mean that the unit is parked on an objective the entire game like you would with a squad of sniper scouts.

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Samuraiork, are these setups with tanks? If so then I would agree they are viable but not if they were with Jump Packs.


(Unless the Rapid Fire rules have changed...?)


The idea was to use jump packs since rhinos/razors seem to get glanced from a fly landing on them. Rapid fire is regardless whether you move or stay stationary you can shot once at full range or twice at half range.

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But can you now charge after firing a Rapid Fire weapon, or are you still prevented from doing this?


With the way disembarkation now works, if you rolled up in a Rhino or Razorback then it wouldn't matter if you fired the Plasma Gun as you can't assault anyway. If you jumped in and the rules are the same regarding Rapid Fire, you wouldn't be permitted to charge should you fire the Plasma Gun.


Hence my wondering :)

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Then surely there is still no case for putting a Plasma gun in a jumping RAS squad? Pistols yes, but the gun no.


Depends how you intend to use the unit. Other than honor guard not many units can provide multi shot AP2 across 24". The only time I'll be intending to charge with this unit would be to screen or distract shootie units, main aim would be MC, 2+ armour and light vehcile hunting or just general harassing.

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The 4xPg HG is fantastic, but I'd still rather take Sternguard with 2 Plasmaguns, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Meltabomb Sergeant in a Rhino. Along with Tycho McAwesome of course.


My personal HG build is kind of a swiss knife backup unit for HQs.

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How about a combat squaded assault squad with one 5 man unit with the twin plasma guns in one nice cheap (120pts), fast, scoring team. Leaving a 5 man Sgt. Team free to support elsewhere or hang back to help the tac marines with counter charges etc.

You could even maybe use them to babysit a divination Libby who sits back buffing the tac/devs in front of him, & provide a little secondary HQ crisis team if the enemy goes for the foot troops with anything but their ballbusters. Combined with a hammer Sgt. Or whathaveyou the little 5 man crisis team could quickly jump in and add a fair few low ap attacks vs a half arsed attack on your firebase tac units, with the divination boosts augmenting your shooting in the mean time....

Assault marines are rather lackluster for leading assaults now but could be very very handy for support roles, either extra mobile plasma shots and or a bit of counter cc punch for the tacs. Right now I'm thinking one split squad as I've described above and a 2nd with meltaguns for obvious purposes. I think we need to regard them more as flying tac marines now, they bring utility with very mobile plasma & melta fire & pitching cc bodies when needs be. Tac squads emphasise the shooting role more & assault marines CC but working together they seems like they might synergise nicely under 6th...

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Seems like you have a specific task for the squad ie termie hunting. By themselves they dont cut it, remeber most opponents will be rocking assault termies to really twist the knife aka your ap3 force weapons. im going with good old ig command squad with quad plasma. it will be a reative unit so can hide in thier chimera with interviening terrain and still disembark and shoot effectively.
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I can't find the rule which allows a sergeant to fire dual pistols. Can anyone clarify for me?


Under the weapons section, if you look under Pistol there should be a sub-category under it called "Gunslinger" (or something like that). Basically says that models with 2 pistols can fire both in the shooting phase.

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