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The new power weapon rules


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Hello all,


Forgive me if this has already been asked (I did a search and came up blank);

with the new power weapon rules in the 6th Edition rulebook, It suggests I should 'look to the model to determine what kind of power weapon it uses'.


But what about a model I have converted myself, or those that I want to give a weapon to, such as my Space Marine Captain on a bike. Am I right in thinking that I can attach whatever power weapon I want to this model and receive the benefits?



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It would appear so, at least till the first 6th edition codex comes out and if it gives different points values for different PW.

Though I personally don't think that will be the case.


So for now, yes, give you captain a beat stick for a maul, axe for an axe, poky stick for lance and anything else would be a pw

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If the codex has an option for "may buy a power weapon" then you can put any of the power weapon types on him for that price (a sword, axe, maul, lance all cost the same).

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As a result of this logic you could also upgrade the standard Sergeants Chainsword into a Heavy Chainsword I guess, though as people have had to pay for eviscerators I don't think you could take that though. But I don't know could be a possibility.
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As a result of this logic you could also upgrade the standard Sergeants Chainsword into a Heavy Chainsword I guess, though as people have had to pay for eviscerators I don't think you could take that though. But I don't know could be a possibility.


I don't see how that is possible... the Power Weapon section clearly states that you look at the model to see what kind of weapon he has. Nothing like that under Chainswords.

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As a result of this logic you could also upgrade the standard Sergeants Chainsword into a Heavy Chainsword I guess, though as people have had to pay for eviscerators I don't think you could take that though. But I don't know could be a possibility.


I don't see how that is possible... the Power Weapon section clearly states that you look at the model to see what kind of weapon he has. Nothing like that under Chainswords.


Very true. If you want a heavy chainsword you'll have to pay for it. Of course, if you don't have that option in your Codex you can't pay for it, which means you'll have to wait for a new Codex/WD article/FAQ.

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You don't believe that people are already changing the weapons on their forces to get the best weapons possible despite it not being listed in their Codex?


By that I mean until it is ruled otherwise I can foresee many people sudden turning up with (for example) Death Company armed with Power Lances, etc. Another example is kit-bashed Special Characters whereby in the 5th Edition they used a Power Weapon that was more aesthetically pleasing than the one the GW miniature came with (i.e a sword instead of an axe). With the above ruling, the kit-bashed character with a sword is arguably better than the true model with an axe.

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Whats wrong with that.


They have there uses, so use them, if someones gonna go through all the trouble of converting a whole squad to have lances or axes or mauls then let them.


Characters tend to have unique weapons so will allways be ap3 with the special rules, they don't gain the strength bonus despite being and axe or maul or spear.


thats not abuse thats just using the rules to there full effect. It's a WYSIWYG rule, they are cheating if they say otherwise. That would be abusing the rule.

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Sadly I see this being open to abuse.

What is there to abuse? At the start of the game, your opponent needs to explain to you what any dodgey or unique conversion actually represents...can't rightly change that interpretation mid game. I guess that's the only abuse possible, but how is that different from before?

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I think the real abuse can be mid tournament.


List says all my unites are armed with power weapons. First game:


So your playing orks you say? nothing better than a 4+ save? What a coincidence! See all these guys, they have power mauls.


Game Two:


Oh, so your playing a massive TDA list? See all these guys? they have power axes!



Dont know if thats whats going to happen. but i see nothing stoping from people doing that.

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I think the real abuse can be mid tournament.


List says all my unites are armed with power weapons. First game:


So your playing orks you say? nothing better than a 4+ save? What a coincidence! See all these guys, they have power mauls.


Game Two:


Oh, so your playing a massive TDA list? See all these guys? they have power axes!



Dont know if thats whats going to happen. but i see nothing stoping from people doing that.


I think TO's will need to insist that players write down the type of power weapon on their list before the event and/or insist on WYSIWYG.

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As part of a "discussion" in the SoB forums, I emailed GW asking about something along these lines.


"Can I modify my Death Cult Assassin models to have one power sword and one power axe in order to take advantage of the rules about having different melee weapons equipped?"


The reply was the single word, "yes."

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As part of a "discussion" in the SoB forums, I emailed GW asking about something along these lines.


"Can I modify my Death Cult Assassin models to have one power sword and one power axe in order to take advantage of the rules about having different melee weapons equipped?"


The reply was the single word, "yes."



Well, there it is. <3


I give it a day or less...somebody will pipe up and say "emailing them for an answer is insufficient because they are inconsistent or have been wrong before" which is goofy. Let's just go with it, people.

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As part of a "discussion" in the SoB forums, I emailed GW asking about something along these lines.


"Can I modify my Death Cult Assassin models to have one power sword and one power axe in order to take advantage of the rules about having different melee weapons equipped?"


The reply was the single word, "yes."



Well, there it is. <3


I give it a day or less...somebody will pipe up and say "emailing them for an answer is insufficient because they are inconsistent or have been wrong before" which is goofy. Let's just go with it, people.


Why goofy? That person would be right. I could e-mail GW today and get a totally different answer to the one they gave Jacinda.

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Why goofy? That person would be right. I could e-mail GW today and get a totally different answer to the one they gave Jacinda.

Then do so?


That was record turn-around.

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Why goofy? That person would be right. I could e-mail GW today and get a totally different answer to the one they gave Jacinda.

Then do so?



Why bother? It's not official until it's in a FAQ anyway. Until then, just agree with your opponent or, in the above case, do it (as there is nothing stopping you from modelling generic power weapons as the more specific types now in the game).

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The thing is it's stated, not in so many words, that this is a WYSIWG ruling, if someone said, this is a poweraxe while pointing to a sword, i'd say, no thats a sword, I wouldn't mind if they said this Chainsword is a power weapon or this chainaxe is a power axe, I have no problem with that.


If it looks like a certain weapon it is a weapon. There are no points cost for these, I don't see them doing that without FAQing all the army entries in the existing codex, if they did FAQ it for a few dexs then I'd say, no that army can't have a poweraxe/maul/lance, but they didn't they just said look at the model, what it has is what it got.


It's simple if people try to deny me a certain weapon that I model onto my models cause they can't be bothered doing it themselves I'm just gonna laugh at them.


This edition is all about the 'narrative' of the battle, the look and feel of the models fighting, so they making us model our stuff to make it look more authentic.


Can't wait to see, in a few months, magantized power weapon varient tutorials all over the net.

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I think the real abuse can be mid tournament.


List says all my unites are armed with power weapons. First game:


So your playing orks you say? nothing better than a 4+ save? What a coincidence! See all these guys, they have power mauls.


Game Two:


Oh, so your playing a massive TDA list? See all these guys? they have power axes!



Dont know if thats whats going to happen. but i see nothing stoping from people doing that.


As King Willy above me just stated, you won't be able to do that. The rulebook clearly states that you look at the weapon and decide based on appearance. Therefore, a power weapon that looks like an axe can only ever be a power axe, and that's final.


The real issue, as stated, will be when magnets are involved. But that's less a rules query and more a tactics/modelling issue so let's not go over that here OK? :)

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I think the real abuse can be mid tournament.


List says all my unites are armed with power weapons. First game:


So your playing orks you say? nothing better than a 4+ save? What a coincidence! See all these guys, they have power mauls.


Game Two:


Oh, so your playing a massive TDA list? See all these guys? they have power axes!



Dont know if thats whats going to happen. but i see nothing stoping from people doing that.


As King Willy above me just stated, you won't be able to do that. The rulebook clearly states that you look at the weapon and decide based on appearance. Therefore, a power weapon that looks like an axe can only ever be a power axe, and that's final.


The real issue, as stated, will be when magnets are involved. But that's less a rules query and more a tactics/modelling issue so let's not go over that here OK? ;)


Exactly, the thing that prevents that is the BYB guidance that you look at the model to determine what kind of Power Weapon it has, so no changing that from game to game (without the use of magnets, as already discussed).


I assume tournaments require you to turn in your army list prior to playing, so you have to go what's on your list, and you can't just leave it at an uncommitted "power weapon", because there is no such thing in 6e, you'll need to specify what type of power weapon on your list, so even magnets won't allow you to swap around between games.



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Just writing power weapon just counts as the stock standard ap3 weapon, even the kids at your local store would be able to figure that out, only a :cuss would say "I don't have to write that down"

Honestly, only a :cuss as you say would be a problem. Really that's true in every Warhammer club and event. Ever. <3

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well thats down to tourny runners to make sure that lists have what kiind of power weapon writen down, before the event starts, to stop that from happening.


my space wolve army is full of power axes, id rather not have that many, so i will be writening down on my list who has what, so for the smaller axes i'll say there power sword, ap3, for the larger over the top axes, there either a frost axe or a power axe. depending on the unit.

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