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The Black Lances

Hadron Ka'sel

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So! What with the changes to rage and the fact we can now control our raving lunatics i have been, as i seem to always do, thinking of various different fluffy and themed ways of using Death Company, currently i am mulling over the idea of using Asteroth and making him an honour guard from Death Company, who would all have lances and jump packs. My question is what else do you think i should gear these nutters with? And any suggestions on tactics that might work well with them?
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My question is what else do you think i should gear these nutters with? And any suggestions on tactics that might work well with them?


Erm. Power Lances? Take 1fist/5 guys also, as fearless units cannot voluntarily flee from combat.


any suggestions on tactics that might work well with them?


Charge the opponent?


Theyre S6 AP3, 6 attacks each on the charge, IIRC. With the chaplian rerolling hits and wounds, they're monstrous.


Adding Dante for hit+Run would work wonders with lances.

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I had already decided on the lances. Was wondering what else people might give them though, infernus, plasma etc Good point about the fist and fearless though. Sadly though you cant put dante with Death Company, at least i dont think you can, if you can then holy hell.


To be honest i kind of rushed this post, i'm at work (working hard as you can see :P ). Tactics wise i meant in regards to what people would do with them, deep strike, what units you might use them in conjunction with etc. But still, DC and lances is nasty. I'm loving the +2 strength they would get on the charge :D

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Sadly though you cant put dante with Death Company, at least i dont think you can, if you can then holy hell.


don't see any rule in codex or rulebook against putting Dante in a DC force, he's the leader of ALL BA, so why wouldn't he lead them in to combat. (I've allready done that once in 5th, it's really scary for the opponent to see some madmen jump right in his face, and then run away when the slaughter's been done)

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Sadly though you cant put dante with Death Company, at least i dont think you can, if you can then holy hell.


Totally can ^_^


Oh sweet mother of god! That is just brutal! I think my lancers are complete. Ill take asteroth out maybe and form another unit of DC with axes or something, call them axe Brethren or something and stick a chappy with dante and co...... Or maybe fork out for lemartes....... Oh this just gets better and better! :D

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Tried Running the Lance DC Combo in Some games earlier... I used 6 DC with 5 lances and a powerfist + a chaplain with infernus + Melta bomb jumping out of a raven,


They just pulverize everything they run into, Only thing you need to be careful with is I5+ Monstrous creatures(and ofc our own mephiston), other than that: Charge whatever, They'll cause like 22-ish AP 3 wounds at I4 (+ chaplains mace and the fist).


For me they squashed a 5 man strong thunderwolf cav + loads of greyhunters in one game, in another they wiped a 5 man GK terminator unit and then proceeded Charging various power armoured guys that lacked halberds.


Sorta expensive and easy to kill unit, But just like in 5th you ain't getting a unit who comes even close to the chap+ DC combo when it comes to scoring wounds...Rage buff and Lance just made our charge way more deadly than in 5th(still miss initiative loss though:/). :D



Down side was going with raven to hover mode... They attract high strength weaponry like moths to a flame once in skimmer mode.

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That's just awesome Eorek. Thanks for the post, good to hear how it plays. On a side note I have just had an interesting and infuriating conversation with the manager of my local GW. So I had gone in to check some rules in the new edition (can't afford it till I get paid which saddens me greatly) anyway long and short of it is that he essentially called myself and anyone else for that matter, who thinks we can take lances idiots. I do not appreciate being called an idiot by someone who clearly hasn't read the rules properly which isn't very good considering where he works. He claims that because its not in any of the space marine codecies that we can't take them. He went on to say that the rules had been written to be interpreted with common sense. Infact the more I think about the way he spoke to me the more it angers me. Anyway correct me if I'm wrong here but where does it say in the rule book we can't take lances and doesn't the rule book clearly state that if it is a normal power weapon and it looks like a lance then its a lance? Am I going mad here? Does anyone actually agree with his opinion?
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F.A.Q. says replace every occurence of "power sword" with "power weapon" in codex Blood angels.

That means that in the army list where it says:

"may replace thingystuff with power sword........+ 6 million peanuts"

it becomes:

"may replace thingystuff with power weapon........+ 6 million peanuts"


We can take power lances, axes, swords, mushrooms as we see fit.


Your store manager should buy himself a brain and some lessons in understanding english.

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F.A.Q. says replace every occurence of "power sword" with "power weapon" in codex Blood angels.

That means that in the army list where it says:

"may replace thingystuff with power sword........+ 6 million peanuts"

it becomes:

"may replace thingystuff with power weapon........+ 6 million peanuts"


We can take power lances, axes, swords, mushrooms as we see fit.


Your store manager should buy himself a brain and some lessons in understanding english.


Thanks Xanthate, was pretty sure i was right and im glad to see that i am. What i more livid about is the fact that he called myself and most of the comunity idiots. His actual words were "if anyone trys that they're an idiot" GW really need to make sure their store managers actually know the rules for their games and also teach them how to have an adult discussion.


So anyway, i don't know about anyone else but i shall be trying out a unit of DC with JP and lances, Dante and Lemartes at the next possible opportunity. I like the idea of having a black clad insane honour guard :)

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F.A.Q. says replace every occurence of "power sword" with "power weapon" in codex Blood angels.

That means that in the army list where it says:

"may replace thingystuff with power sword........+ 6 million peanuts"

it becomes:

"may replace thingystuff with power weapon........+ 6 million peanuts"


We can take power lances, axes, swords, mushrooms as we see fit.


Your store manager should buy himself a brain and some lessons in understanding english.


Thanks Xanthate, was pretty sure i was right and im glad to see that i am. What i more livid about is the fact that he called myself and most of the comunity idiots. His actual words were "if anyone trys that they're an idiot" GW really need to make sure their store managers actually know the rules for their games and also teach them how to have an adult discussion.


So anyway, i don't know about anyone else but i shall be trying out a unit of DC with JP and lances, Dante and Lemartes at the next possible opportunity. I like the idea of having a black clad insane honour guard :)


Pleasure mate!


Hope you have fun with the men in black ;)

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We can take power lances, axes, swords, mushrooms as we see fit.


I for one am pretty happy with this, as we can take power chairs and wrenches, and count them as mauls. One of my DC my even wield a power traitor guardsman into battle.

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Why wouldn't we be able to pick power lances? I can think of a few lance-type melée weapons on marines.


For example:






^if these ain't Lance type weapons I dunno what (the spear works as a relic blade... I know), so there are space marine using lances, they arn't just as common.


I dare say lances aren't more common among any other race than they are among humans. I can think of 3 power lances apart from the ones above:

Prince yriel(unique power weapon).

The shimmer shield + Power weapon Dire avengers exarch.

The Executioner spear on a Howling banshee exarch.

And the power weapon you get with Dark eldar scourges.


And if power lance isn't supposed to be carried by a foot slogger ... what unit can use a power lance? Rough riders and shining spears? those weapons doesn't technically count as power weapons if I'm not wrong seeing as they have their own unique rules(exploding tips and short range lasers and what not).


Well, that's my take on it.



And the post regarding the power guardsman was sorta awesome:D

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I like this idea.


I'd come up with a similar idea using Kor'sarro Khan and a lance biker command squad as an allied C:SM detachment. --A very similar idea to your own since they'd be getting FC, and Hit & Run (from Khan), and FNP from the Apothecary, the downside is that they wouldn't have the number of attacks that the DC have, but they benefit from T5 (meaning 5+ FNP saves against anything that's not S10) and a 4+ cover save when turbo boosting.


Also, I don't see what all the fuss is about when it comes to choosing your power weapons. Seems to me that the intention was that you could decide for yourself what kind of power weapon you wanted.

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We can take power lances, axes, swords, mushrooms as we see fit.


I for one am pretty happy with this, as we can take power chairs and wrenches, and count them as mauls. One of my DC my even wield a power traitor guardsman into battle.


The thing is if your DC is wielding an eldar ranger, he'll be bashing foes with a power ranger! ;)

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Sorry for maybe asking a question that may already have been answered but power lances are +1 stg when charging?


what about initiative?


Was thinking of a 300 style spartan Death company... power lances for spears and big round shields representing the FNP....

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I for one am pretty happy with this, as we can take power chairs and wrenches, and count them as mauls. One of my DC my even wield a power traitor guardsman into battle.



love this ^


It may become reality - One of my DC already wields a bit of wall on a chain...

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Also i dont know if anyones mentioned this already but DC will actually be getting +2 Str on the charge rather than just the 1 from the lance. At least i dont see anything in the rules that says other wise. Yeah for furious charge! So Sang guard cant take lances? Fine by me! I'll just hand these out to the nutters frothing at the mouth and tell them that you insulted their primarch. GET UM BOYS! :P
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Yes they are +2 STR on the charge with +2 Attacks with Fleet. So you drop these bad boyz in and shot them up with your boltgun. If that did not do the trick, you assault with reroll on the charge. You make it through there crummy overwatch tactic. Then you stab them right in the eye with your lance of doom (+2 Str/4ATK). With all the rerolls you need with Lemartes leading the charge, and of course Lemartes was out front (The only true leader of his squad) The ork nob hiding in the middle psh.... wussy...... We will smash face.
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