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Lemartes and the changes to him


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Im interested to see how many people will still be fielding lemartes, and what people think about his changes.


With the new rules:


He can now be singled out in combat etc


The changes to his weapon mean he's no longer like chick Norris, but more like captain caveman


He now gets an extra attack on the charge due to rage changes


He can be controlled along with the rest of the DC


Is he still worth the 150pt upgrade???

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As I play mainly against MEQ the changes to Crozius' have nerfed chaplains (and all variants thereof) into oblivion. I now take them solely for the reroll to hit and wound (which is decent) but I don't expect them to actually do any damage.
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I think what he means by "being singled out in combat" is that, you can't just have him take an unsaved wound and leave him taking any more hits ever again, like you used to. if he's the closest guy , he's taking all the hits:P.


I've used him vs and nids and orcs so far and he's a freakin beast!:sweat: I'll have to play vs 3+ sometime though ;P

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Im interested to see how many people will still be fielding lemartes, and what people think about his changes.


With the new rules:


He can now be singled out in combat etc


The changes to his weapon mean he's no longer like chick Norris, but more like captain caveman


He now gets an extra attack on the charge due to rage changes


He can be controlled along with the rest of the DC


Is he still worth the 150pt upgrade???


1) as Mort said, challenged is not singled out in close combat. With 8 Attacks (when angry) at S8, you're gonna fail that one save that he needs.


2) No PW sucks, a strength bonus is also nice though. We'll have to see what this means for him. It looks like shooting Terminators is the only way instead of sending Lemartes. Vindicators anyone?


3) Yup yup, great times. For hordes, he's the man since normal Reclusiarchs don't benefit from Liturgies of Blood as he does.


4) Even better yet, you can now play DC like we used to in previous editions. Great times again! I'm getting nostalgic :sweat:


5) I think he is. He has lost some of his efficiency, but still, he's the only marine that can strike at S8 init 6. Show me another one that can do that, regardless of codex. Hordes will fall like corn to a scythe before him and his deadly retinue, each character that wishes to challenge him faces immediate death, although his attacks will be wasted on one model rather than a squad.





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I love the guy and will continue using him, though it is going to prove difficult to get just one wound on him amd only one so we shall see. But if you do....... :)


By saying it will be difficult, are you refering to the Look out Sir being only 4+ for him?

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I love the guy and will continue using him, though it is going to prove difficult to get just one wound on him amd only one so we shall see. But if you do....... :lol:


By saying it will be difficult, are you refering to the Look out Sir being only 4+ for him?

Yeah, he has no IC status and to get a wound from shooting, he will more than likely have to be up front, and you can bet yout DC will be taking more than one shot

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Lemartes still lays the smack down. What's that horrid robot guy (Necrons) who uses a chariot? Ruined an entire unit of Sanguinary Guard with a priest. Along comes DC (3 men including Lemartes) On'es using a hammer, ruined the robots day. So essenitally it was Lemartes and a power sword guy who did it. But Lemartes smacked him with all 5 of his attacks.
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It seems to me like it might be relatively easy to assign a wound on Lemartes, in close combat. Make sure on the charge there are plenty of other DC in base contact along with Lemartes, the opponent strikes, wounds, you roll all the armor saves at once (they all have 3+ saves right?) and then, since there are multiple models in b2b (so all equally near the enemy unit) you, the defending player, assign the wounds. Put all but one wounds on regular DC, put one on Lemartes and forgo using Look out Sir!. You have to not suffer so many wounds as to wipe out all DC in base contact and end up with too many wounds on Lemartes, but that should be manageable.


It can't be done with shooting very easily (as he'll keep being hit if he's the closest), but after one round of close combat, you can have the hulk back!

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The 2+ save and the S6 AP3 I5 Axe on Astaroth are definitely superior to the Power Maul and 3 up save. He literally cleaves through Power Armour. Improved Red Thirst and multiple DC units is pretty nice too.

Yeah, I can see that.


I always looked in 5th that Astorath was worth the cost over a reclusiarch. But the situation has changed.


Astorath doesn't get the concussive rule, is the same strength.


But that 2+ armor and AP are huge as is the red thist bonus and reroll enemy invuls.


Yeah, I guess he's still worth it. Might try him next game.

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Got my first game Saturday, going to use Lemmy in a Raven against either Orks or Chaos, so two very different match ups. Looking forward to trying his new rules.


As far as Astro is concerned, I really like the look of him in this edition (plus I have a sweet conversion I never use, would give me an excuse to paint it!). The only thing that concerns me is his lack of attacks. I will definatly be giving him a go in the near future, probably DC heavy list over Red Thirst RAS.

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So, has no-one else noticed one of the bet new roles for Lemmy in this edition? Tank hunting!


Even unwounded, he's pulling off 6 S7 attacks on the charge... Not got the BRB quite yet (Waiting on Payday ^_^) but if, as I think I've heard, CC attacks still strike the rear armour then against all but Land Raider-level armour he'll make a mess (And if he's wounded even LR armour may not stop him from doing some damage...).

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Lemartes with some DC and Gabriel Seth outta a Stormraven did wonders for me today vs a GK/SW allied 2k list. So they still get saves? Weight of dice always trumps quality of dice. If you disagree, assault a 30 boy shoota squad, and tell me how his overwatch worked out for you. With a chaplain, DC have always been about weight of dice anyways. Incidently, I disembarked from said raven in skimmer mode after it moved 6, declared assault, Grey Knights were 3 1/4th inches away. Assault roll of 2 and 1. Fell short. BUT WAIT! Lemartes was in front and HE could re-roll with his Jump pack as long as he maintained squad coherency on his move. At the end of the day though, it was the DC Dread Blood talons that ate that 10 man, and the next 2 after the fact. I like Lemartes, and he fits nicely with a 9 man DC squad and Seth in a Stormraven with dread.
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Ap 4 makes me so sad.... i read the new rage rule before i read the power maul thing... I ran threw the house freaking out about how amazing Marty just became. I called 3 buddies and told them all about it. I was beside myself with happiness until the crushing reality of AP 4 set in. "no better than a chain sword against MEQ?" crestfallen. Lemartes will always be my favorite unit in the dex.... but i fear he is indeed less useful that he used to be.
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I say that Lemartes is the most epic bada$$ out there right now.


I played him today and I gave him the one wound from a dangerous terrain test and he just killed everything in his path after that. With the STR8 on the charge with 8Attacks was just epic. Not the Hive Tyrant or the Tervigon or the Hive Guard stood up to his I6 Power Maul of Death with rerolls on hit and wound. I will be fielding him as much as possible.

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