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A couple of clarifications for vehicles


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So I've got two questions concerning vehicles:

1. Can every vehicle move flat out now?


2. What can passengers of exploded transport do? Do they cont as disembarked or they are free to do anything?

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For 1, see the top of page 72, and then the relevant vehicle type section for whichever vehicles you have in your army.


For 2, see the top of page 80, and the Embarking and Disembarking rules on page 78. Both use the word disembarked in relation to vehicles being destroyed.

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Spend more time in that giant, pretty, green book.

The man has a point. Dig into that book and make it your friend. It's 6th Ed! It will be for a while yet. :sweat:

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For 1, see the top of page 72, and then the relevant vehicle type section for whichever vehicles you have in your army.


For 2, see the top of page 80, and the Embarking and Disembarking rules on page 78. Both use the word disembarked in relation to vehicles being destroyed.

Thanks a lot. :)

Spend more time in that giant, pretty, green book.

The man has a point. Dig into that book and make it your friend. It's 6th Ed! It will be for a while yet. ;)

Well, I requested for clarification as I wanted to be 100% sure that I did not missed something vital or did not read between the lines (I am not native English speaker, but that is probably obvious from my grammar :) ). In fifth, I wasn't aware that moving normally/charging is possible after you move 12" and your transport gets blown up next turn, so this time I decided that I would rather ask and make fool of myself on forum, than on tabletop :D .

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As disembarking works for the turn I'd be tempted to say that in future turns the unit is fine, but I could be wrong.


The thing is, the rules are, as usual, badly written and confusing, so you will just have to knuckle down at times and keep reading them until it clicks.

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As disembarking works for the turn I'd be tempted to say that in future turns the unit is fine, but I could be wrong.


The thing is, the rules are, as usual, badly written and confusing, so you will just have to knuckle down at times and keep reading them until it clicks.

Well it says that after disembarking you are not allowed to charge in unit's subsequent assault phase or so.

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