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Hello Brothers of Sanguinius!


I have been planing to paint a unit of Lamenters, and I want them to have the correct markings (Naturaly!)

They are Yellow (duh!)

Sergeants have a black stripe to indicate rank.

Company markings on the right shoulder. (In straight Numbers)


Do they use Astartes standard markings, or do they use BA's colored helmets to mark what branch? (fast, heavy, elite)

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Hello Brothers of Sanguinius!


I have been planing to paint a unit of Lamenters, and I want them to have the correct markings (Naturaly!)

They are Yellow (duh!)

Sergeants have a black stripe to indicate rank.

Company markings on the right shoulder. (In straight Numbers)


Do they use Astartes standard markings, or do they use BA's colored helmets to mark what branch? (fast, heavy, elite)


Since Lamenters don't have much in common with BA anymore I'd go for Codex Astartes markings. Red helmets on a Lamenters' tactical squad would look kinda silly. :lol:




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Unfortunately there is no one source that will tell you how to paint your mans. It is entirely up to you how you do it.

Like Moticon said, you will find what other people have done using search, hopefully that will give you inspiration. If you are looking for the most recent official scheme though then IA9 is what you want to go with.


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Company markings on the right shoulder. (In straight Numbers)


Several of the chapters in IA9 had their pictures labelled by someone who didn't know what he was doing, Lamenters appear to be one of them. The crossed sword emblem that appears on most of the example marines is a variant codex marking for assault squad (see 3rd edition vanilla dex and insignium astartes), the marine labelled as 7th company veteran sergeant bears the codex marking for the 7th veteran squad on his shoulder (he does have the crossed swords as well - possibly the artist intended him to be a vanguard veteran, or else he didn't know his markings either). I believe the artist intended the number to be the squad number with no company markings in use (its a matter of canon that the Howling Griffons denote squad but not company on their armour, yet IA9 also labels the examples as if the number were company).


Note that the IA depicts them as individualists - of the example assault squad no two marines have the number (whatever it is) and the sword emblem both in the same place.

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