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Emperor's Children answer to flyers?

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After much reading I can see 2 serious problems for a pure emperor's children armies in 6th. Terminators and Flyers.


Terminators can be handled with alot of fire power and alot of lascannon/ plasma (also other things)


Flyers.... well shot sturation with noise marines is iffy to say the least and none of our heavy weapons have sjyfire, also despite some places being generous our daemon princes are not flyers they are clearly jump monstrous creatures.


Aside from taking allies (flying daemons from hell) I only see one real option, fortifications. Specificly the Aegis defense shield with a quad gun or icarus las cannon.


Has anyone else come up with this conclusion or as a group will we be attempting to dominate the ground and ignore flyers in general?

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For now?


Terminators: massed anti-infantry fire, plasma spam, our own terminators with a few fists & axes, so long as the enemy terminators aren't of the TH/SS variety.


Fliers: Fortifications with quads, allied imp guard fliers & skyfire tanks, twin linked guns (reaper autocannons, twin linked las) in a pinch.


But we've got a new book right around the corner, with a flier of our own almost guaranteed, and other skyfire options likely. I wouldn't get too worried about it, yet.

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Oh i'm not paniced for the long run, i just have a 1750 coming up and i want to be loaded. I've managed to stay competative with my slaaneshi army to date and I don't want to go into the new codex limping lol.


I'm probably going for the strategic warlord table and I have the bulk of my army set up for it. Most forces will have a problem if i'm messing with their reserves or using night fighting/ cover to my advantage. Still it's good to have your bases covered =)

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