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Outflanking and Independent Characters


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So, over at The Fang we've been having a bit of a debate about the implications of Outflanking in 6e. I'm away from my BYB right now, but in the special rule section it says something to the effect of: "if one model in a unit has the Outflank rule, then the whole unit can..."


So, does this pass to and from attached Independent Characters? When they are attached, does that count as "a model in the unit"?


If so, then presumably, an IC could tag along with Scouts, and in the case of Space Wolves, a hero with the Saga of the Hunter could lead a normally non-sneaky unit into an Outflank move.





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I would think it is possible based on the statement you posted from the rule book UNLESS there is another statement stating that IC's/models cannot confer their abilities. If another statement like that exists then there is not a clear cut answer and it needs to be "diced" off between two disagreeing opponents and FAQ'd for clarification.
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I think that ouflanking is indeed inherited.


It says for outflanking that

During deployment, [...] declare that any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule [...]

For Independent Characters, it only says about special rules that they are only inherited between the IC and unit if it says so in the special rule. As outflanking doesn't need every model to have that rule, and since ICs join units during deployment, you go through the steps

  1. Join IC to unit
  2. As one model in the unit has Outflank, declare the unit is outflanking

during deployment.

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I agree, the wording in the independent characters box on p39 uses the stubborn rule as an example of when ic's and squads can use each others special rules. Reading stubborn, outflank, and various others, the wording is the same: as long as one model in the unit has the rule, the whole unit can use it. Other rules specify that they only apply to models with that rule, for example furious charge.
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