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Chariots and challenges

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the forum.


I've been reading through the 6th edition rulebook, as I'm sure we all have been, and trying to absorb all the changes. One thing I noticed was the rules for chariots.


Page 82 says:

A rider cannot issue or accept challenges from the back of a Chariot...

Fair enough.


Now the rules for issuing Challenges, do not state anywhere that I can see that you cannot issue a Challenge against a model that is not allowed to accept. Only that you cannot issue a Challenge if there are no characters in the enemy unit in combat.


Since the rider of the Chariot is unable to accept the Challenge, then he must refuse it. Therefore, he cannot fight in the combat.


This seems a bit cheeky, but I cannot see any rule that prevents it. It would appear to be a loophole that has been missed when writing the rulebook. What do you guys think? Is there any FAQ or anything that closes this loophole? I can see it being a rather cheeky way for a sergeant to prevent Skulltaker from fighting him, while his unit lays into the foul daemon.

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Actually it cannot work that way.


A unit of one model cannot refuse a challenge, he has nowhere to hide. Thus.... we have a situation where he can neither accept nor refuse the challenge, and so it comes down to simple common sense: No challenge, issued to or from him seems easiest.

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You can issue a Challenge in any assault. If he doesn't accept, you may nominate a model that could have accepted the Challenge to not act that turn. Since the chariot rider cannot accept, you cannot nominate him.


If you find an actual loophole, don't exploit it. <3

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You can issue a Challenge in any assault. If he doesn't accept, you may nominate a model that could have accepted the Challenge to not act that turn. Since the chariot rider cannot accept, you cannot nominate him.


If you find an actual loophole, don't exploit it. <3


I wasn't intending to exploit it, that would just be unsportsmanny, and I'm a gamer who will charge his techmarine at a Carnifex just because it blew up his Thunderfire Cannon, rather than leaving him sitting safely on an Objective in the "Big Guns Never Tire" mission, simply because I think it would fit thematically. In fact in friendly games I might even let the chariot rider accept the challenge, because it would be cool!


I was simply wanting to query the issue as it looked to me like a problem situation that could be exploited. However, your first sentance answers the problem, so thank you.

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I don't think this is a possible situation.


Rulebook, p. 64:


"To issue a challenge, nominate a character in one of your units locked in combat to be the challenger."


Rulebook, p. 82:


"Note that, as a vehicle, the Chariot (and it's rider, whilst embarked) cannot be locked in combat."


(Emphases mine).


The way I read it, the combat can be fought as normal in all respects except that the chariot cannot be locked in combat, and therefore cannot be involved in a challenge.

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I don't think this is a possible situation.


Rulebook, p. 64:


"To issue a challenge, nominate a character in one of your units locked in combat to be the challenger."


Rulebook, p. 82:


"Note that, as a vehicle, the Chariot (and it's rider, whilst embarked) cannot be locked in combat."


(Emphases mine).


The way I read it, the combat can be fought as normal in all respects except that the chariot cannot be locked in combat, and therefore cannot be involved in a challenge.


....and thus the dreams of Sweeping over a squad, shooting it with some Tesla, Hammer of Wrathing into a squad, challenging the PF SGT, either Mind Shackling him or slicing him to ribbons with the Warscythe while the remnants of his squad looked on died in the electronic mind of the Necron Overlord...


Nicely done.

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