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Thought this would be open and shut but it's actually pretty vague.


Chariots can charge into assaults and do Hammer of Wrath hits (good ones at that) but there is no explanation as to whether the assault is classed as a multi-assault or the same unit, or how we exchange the attacks between the Overlord on board or the Chariot itself. I really would prefer my Command Barge to be just a delivery platform which doesn't get targetted back at all, but I'm unsure.


What do people think here?

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It would appear to me that you are actually charging the chariot- as the character is embarked on it. Then you find that he counts as being in base to base with everyone thats in base to base with the chariot itself- thus, Id say its not a multiassault, as you are only actually in BtB with the vehicle.
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Its an actual assault against the chariot. BUT youre treated as being in BTB with the overlord- so you can strike him, because you can strike anyone you are in BTB with. However you arent actually assaulting him- and since hes fearless, unchallengeable, and cant be locked in combat I think its entirely semantics wether you want to say youre in assault with him or not.


One argument I do see coming up is that you cant use the 2" kill zone on him, only the models in base to base with the chariot are counted as being in BtB with him. Wich acts as a major form of protection for him against large hordes of enemies.


On the other hand it would not be a disogranized charge- so furious charge, extra attacks, etc would all be a-o-k by my reading.

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