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Fear To Tread

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Hey folks. Today i finished reading Fear To Tread, our very own shiny Horus Heresy novel.


Most of you know that it's written by James Swallow and for a lot of you that isn't necessarily the greatest endorsement as his 40k Blood Angels series is far from his best work.

I'll Start off by nipping this in the bud right away- Forget about the Blood Angels series. Remember when you read Flight of the Eisenstein and thought it was awesome? This is the James Swallow we're talking about here. It's a fantastic book.


I'm going to delve into some of the details so from this point on, we are going to be entering spoiler country, so for the love of god if you dont want details of the book ruining for you then stop here.






I believe that this was already revealed in an extract in Hammer and Bolter but ill chuck it on here anyway: The Red thirst exists in the time of the crusade, though in extremely limited numbers (Sanguinius mentions it affecting maybe a hundred brothers over a similar space of time.)


The book opens with a section detailing the Luna Wolves and Blood Angels in battle against an alien race called the Nephilim. In the wake of the battle, Captain Raldoron informs Sanguinius that a brother has become "lost". Sangy follows and finds a Blood Angel crouched in the ruins of a chapel, sipping blood from a cupped hand. The Primarch tries to reason with him but the Bloodie is too far gone and attacks Sanguinius who has no choice but to kill him by breaking his neck.

In the aftermath, it turns out Horus had followed his brother and witnessed the whole thing, Sangunius admits that there is a flaw hidden in his Legion's geneseed. When Horus asks why he never told the Emperor, Sanguinius alludes to the lost legions, suggesting the Blood Angels would be put down, so to speak.


This revelation is used in the main meat of the book, Horus sending the legion to the Signus Cluster, first under the pretense that the Nephilim have emerged, but also informing Sanguinius that the xenos have some technology that could provide a cure.


Obviously this is all part of Horus' plan to ensnare the Blood Angels. Interestingly, there is a difference of interests amongst the chaos forces. It seems the Powers that be (represented by Kyriss the keeper of secrets and Kabandha, Ol Big axe himself), want to corrupt the Legion and Sanguinius, using the flaw to lure them onto the path of Khornate worship. Horus on the other hand refuses to even try to influence his brother, demanding that he be killed and offering his skull up to Kabandha. Kyriss senses that Horus is afraid that Sanguinius under the sway of chaos would rise to be a greater star than him and therefore he would rather corrupt Sangunius' legion and break the Angel's heart.


Sanguinius is handled brilliantly as a character, exuding the right mix of nobility and humanity that you would expect, but also counter balanced by his more fearsome war aspect. There is a scene following Ullanor where Horus retires to his quarters, his mind filled with doubts about taking on the mantle of Warmaster. Sanguinius turns up and with a few easy words, lifts the weight from his brothers shoulders. It was nice to see that sort of interaction, just to emphasise the fact that Sangunius was the one primarch that made an effort to connect with his brothers on each of their own levels.


The Action in the Signus cluster is well handled, with planets turning erratically on their axis and then collapsing in on themselves, millions of corpses arranged into a space borne eight pointed star. There's a simple sequence where a veil falls across the sector, blotting out the stars. It's relatively small in the scheme of the book, but Jim Swallow turns into a very haunting moment.


The Red Angel! Early on in the book, we see Erebus coerce Fabius bile into relinquishing one of the legionnaire corpses he has in storage. It seems Fabius has been acquiring bodies from all sides, using them to further his experiments. Erebus promises not to tell Horus if he is allowed to take one of the Blood Angel ones.

This turns out to be Captain Tagas of the 11th Company who died on Murder (Metal spider xenos from Horus Rising anyone?) Tagas' Soul/warp essence/insert metaphysical term here is then used to empower a vast amount of warp energy that is shackled upon Signus Prime. This energy is harnessed by Kabandha and channeled into a monstrous blow that slays five hundred Blood Angels at once. The psychic backlash overwhelms Sanguinius and the energy exacerbates the flaw within the blood angels geneseed.


We are led to believe Tagas to be the Red Angel throughout, however it turns out that it is in fact a legion Apothecary by the name of Meros. With the red thirst raging unchecked, Sanguinius is faced with a choice- Take the corrupting rage energy unto himself, becoming damned, or watch as his legion degenerates into savages. Meros kinda Alexanders the whole knot and sacrifices himself up, becoming the Red Angel.


Hmmm what else.... Raldoron is of typical "Hardcore first captain" template. He was passable to me but he comes across as just another Ventanus.


Azkaellon is an absolute starch arse. Not in a detrimental way however, it's a very deliberate choice. His manner is borne out of being solely responsible for the well being of a demi god.


Amit....oh Amit. If you like Flesh Tearers, you'll love Amit. He's known as the Flesh Tearer within the legion and his company all carry flaying knives. He's fantastically blunt and Sanguinius confides in him that he considers Raldoron and Amit to be his closest sons, particularly Amit because his forthright manner keeps him honest. When things turn south at Signus, He is first to voice the idea that Horus has betrayed them, earning an almighty clout from Sanguinius but standing his ground never the less. I liked him a lot.


The Bloodies are joined by a small space wolves contingent. It seems they were dispatched to keep an eye on the Legion following the cleansing of prospero, just in case they go a bit wiggy too. I'm afraid they don't meet a good end, being mauled by Amit and co whilst in the grip of the red thirst.





I've not covered everything, if there are questions you want asking then feel free to fire away, just please keep them spoiler tagged to avoid ruining things for others.

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Not quite yet my man. It was on advanced release at the 40K Doubles last weekend. Being a denizen of Nottingham, i'm lucky enough to have GW HQ as my local so i popped in and got a copy. The actual book is on the BL September release schedule. So that will be the end of August most likely
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I really hope you're right. I'm going to avoid the spoilers so I can go into the book with a fresh slate. If he does actually nail it, he'll have wiped out the stain of the original BA novels in my mind, with three very solid HH outings. If the book actually sucks though, I'm going Black Rage on him and you for getting my hopes up. :D


P.S. Argh, this doesn't hit general release until the end of August? LAME!

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I'll Start off by nipping this in the bud right away- Forget about the Blood Angels series. Remember when you read Flight of the Eisenstein and thought it was awesome? This is the James Swallow we're talking about here. It's a fantastic book.


Thank you for this. This is exactly the good news that I have been hoping for. Eisenstein is a great book and I have confidence in Swallow in the Horus Heresy setting. August cant come any sooner!

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I mean I'm sure there will be points of. Contention for some as that's only natural. I can just tell you that with regards to all the details pertaining to the blood angels, its really been nailed.


I genuinely never understood people's trepidation about Fear to Tread. The storyline was already established, massively well-liked and enshrined in detail in the background. It, famously, is the story of the Blood Angels overcoming evil and kicking ass. No shame. No defeat. Moments of dark curse-ness, but it was always them tearing Chaos a new hole. Fan candy to the core, right from the first moment you read about it in Collected Visions.


Add that to the fact it's the second-most popular Marine faction after the Space Wolves and the most popular primarch, with the most interesting and noble primarch character arc in the entire Heresy, and there's no way it could've been bad. This was always going to review well, and storm the NYT bestseller chart. The anticipation of a faction that's gone unknown in the series for this long (and such a popular faction) is also a massive point in its favour.


I've said about a squillion times that Jim writing it was just gravy on top of all that, and realistically, it would've taken almost supernatural mediocrity to make it bad.

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I mean I'm sure there will be points of. Contention for some as that's only natural. I can just tell you that with regards to all the details pertaining to the blood angels, its really been nailed.


I genuinely never understood people's trepidation about Fear to Tread. The storyline was already established, massively well-liked and enshrined in detail in the background. It, famously, is the story of the Blood Angels overcoming evil and kicking ass. No shame. No defeat. Moments of dark curse-ness, but it was always them tearing Chaos a new hole. Fan candy to the core, right from the first moment you read about it in Collected Visions.


Add that to the fact it's the second-most popular Marine faction after the Space Wolves and the most popular primarch, with the most interesting and noble primarch character arc in the entire Heresy, and there's no way it could've been bad. This was always going to review well, and storm the NYT bestseller chart. The anticipation of a faction that's gone unknown in the series for this long (and such a popular faction) is also a massive point in its favour.


I've said about a squillion times that Jim writing it was just gravy on top of all that, and realistically, it would've taken almost supernatural mediocrity to make it bad.


A lot of us had serious trepidations about jim's writing, I said years ago that if he wrote our HH novels the way he wrote flight then we'd be fine. I like jim's writing, at least or the HH and SoB, but I really cannot stand the previous BA books their just so....eww.


As a side note, I was under te impression that BA were the most popular marine faction, as far as I'm aware about 75% of the people I game with have a BA army lying around somewhere.

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As a side note, I was under te impression that BA were the most popular marine faction, as far as I'm aware about 75% of the people I game with have a BA army lying around somewhere.


I think they're about tied with (or just behind) the Space Wolves, from what I hear. That's just hearsay, though. Wouldn't surprise me at all to learn it's the other way 'round.

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I mean I'm sure there will be points of. Contention for some as that's only natural. I can just tell you that with regards to all the details pertaining to the blood angels, its really been nailed.


I genuinely never understood people's trepidation about Fear to Tread. The storyline was already established, massively well-liked and enshrined in detail in the background. It, famously, is the story of the Blood Angels overcoming evil and kicking ass. No shame. No defeat. Moments of dark curse-ness, but it was always them tearing Chaos a new hole. Fan candy to the core, right from the first moment you read about it in Collected Visions.


Add that to the fact it's the second-most popular Marine faction after the Space Wolves and the most popular primarch, with the most interesting and noble primarch character arc in the entire Heresy, and there's no way it could've been bad. This was always going to review well, and storm the NYT bestseller chart. The anticipation of a faction that's gone unknown in the series for this long (and such a popular faction) is also a massive point in its favour.


I've said about a squillion times that Jim writing it was just gravy on top of all that, and realistically, it would've taken almost supernatural mediocrity to make it bad.


I think it was mainly Jim swallows association with the 40k blood angels series that were causing some concern. Personally, I was always approaching it as the third book from a writer who had already nailed two heresy books. The story is an absolute dream for any author I agree, however, unlike galaxy in flames where the story seemed to carry the book as opposed to Ben counters writing, in fear to tread, James swallow really steps up to the plate.


It is a massive fan.service but at this point in the series, it feels perfectly pitched. You've got the loyalists on the back foot and the blood angels facing literally the hosts of hell and they come back from the brink and just lay into the ruinous powers. What I particularly loved was when the powers that be tried to tempt sangy, there could have so easily have been a moment of doubt inserted within there, just to get us talking, but no. He just refuses, in the most blunt manner possible. I kinda like that, the fact that despite all the daemonic plotting and moustache twirling that they simply just underestimated sanguinius.

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I just finished Nemesis (I skipped it to read TFH a while back) just to get a feel for Swallow's style in anticipation for FTT. It feels like he does an awesome job with the Horus Heresy books because he gets a lot more controlled input from his peers. I get this idea from the last page of acknowledgements where he thanks the other big authors of the HH series for their help. It's just a baseless assumption, tough.


Angels, armor pitted and cracked, finally smacking the warp out of overwhelming hordes of daemons. Even in the deepest, darkest abyss of moments there still is a little golden ray of hope. It's that tiny, tiny spec of optimism mixed in with dark vengeance that I love about warhammer. Time to take off the midnight blue armor and put on some angel wings!

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The Bloodies are joined by a small space wolves contingent. It seems they were dispatched to keep an eye on the Legion following the cleansing of prospero, just in case they go a bit wiggy too. I'm afraid they don't meet a good end, being mauled by Amit and co whilst in the grip of the red thirst.

This alone is worth the price of admission :)
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Sorry, I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to Signus Prime (Dark Angels :( )

Can someone give me a quick narration of what happens on Signus please? Do the Blood Angels slaughter the daemons?


Signus prime is where the BA weer sent by horus at the start of the heresy before it was known he was a traitor.


Horus hoped that Sanguinius could be turned to the worship of khorne by the bloodthirster Ka'Bandha. Sanguinius refused Ka'bandha broke his legs cursed the BA's with the red thirst (note not the black rage). Ka'Bandha then butchered his way through the BA's with the psychic backlash knocking out sanguinius, and then the BA's went nuts and tore the daemons apart at the sight of sanguinius being wounded (foreshadowing the black rage).

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Not sure I really like the bit about

Horus wanting Sanguinius dead, it's a bit of a character change from the earlier novels where Horus doubted himself and considered Sanguinius a better option for the Warmastership but was never jealous of his brother. Seems a bit weird that he suddenly wants Sanguinius killed, especially when he vowed to save Fulgrim, someone who wasn't as close to him as Sanguinius. It'd make much more sense that he wanted Sanguinius on his side, especially given CV continuity and his offer on the Emperor's battle barge but que sera, it's something I can live with. It's certainly no Fulgrim possessed or TOD timeline mess up.

Anyways aside from that it sounds awesome, especially

the Space Wolves getting ripped apart by the proto Flesh Tearers. I love the fact that the Emperor/Malcador is worried about the Blood Angels aswell, is there any legion they're not suspicious of? and having some Blood Angels off a load of Wolves is exactly the kind of dark secret I love in my 30k/40k. Although it would have made more sense to have Custodians there instead of Wolves, I'm still not a big fan of this whole Spaces Wolves as the Emperor's executioner's angle.



That little review has made me look forwards to this much more, can't wait for it...then the long wait for Betrayer begins.

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Anyways aside from that it sounds awesome, especially the Space Wolves getting ripped apart by the proto Flesh Tearers. I love the fact that the Emperor/Malcador is worried about the Blood Angels aswell, is there any legion they're not suspicious of? and having some Blood Angels off a load of Wolves is exactly the kind of dark secret I love in my 30k/40k.

Indeed, never been a SW fan, this is probably going to be my favourite part of the book :unsure:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little heads-up for my Brothers: Fear to Tread is now available for pre-order.


From what I've gathered, pre-ordered stuff from the Black Library arrives earlier so I just couldn't resist. I also ordered Wrath of Iron along with it, bringing the total sum up and having no shipping fee because of that. (All orders over £10 GBP, $15 USD, $16 CAD, $22 AUD or €12 EUR qualify for free standard shipping.)

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Not sure I really like the bit about

Horus wanting Sanguinius dead, it's a bit of a character change from the earlier novels where Horus doubted himself and considered Sanguinius a better option for the Warmastership but was never jealous of his brother. Seems a bit weird that he suddenly wants Sanguinius killed, especially when he vowed to save Fulgrim, someone who wasn't as close to him as Sanguinius. It'd make much more sense that he wanted Sanguinius on his side, especially given CV continuity and his offer on the Emperor's battle barge but que sera, it's something I can live with. It's certainly no Fulgrim possessed or TOD timeline mess up.




Interestingly Londinium, the reason Horus wants Sangunius dead is that he holds him in such esteem. The same Horus that felt his brother was a better candidate for Warmaster now feels threatened by the possibility that a corrupted Sanguinius would become the new chaos #1 guy. Even evil Horus still thinks Sangunius is better :pinch:


Oh and theres a scene where Sanguinius and Horus talk about his doubts at becoming warmaster, post ullanor. Sanguinius mentions that he is far too ethereal to make a good warmaster


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