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Question about Army-wide special rules and Allies.


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Now I know that special rules only affect models from the same codex, thats not my question...here's what I want to know:


If I run a vanilla SM list with an allied detachment of BT, would I be able to select vows for the BT to use? I haven't seen anything specific that clarifies whether you only get army special rules for your primary detachment or what.


I'm confuzzled about the whole thing.


Help? :D

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Also iin a normal BT army, an Emperor's Champion is compulsory...as an allied detachment do I still need to take one? If I do, do I get Vows? If I don't, do I NOT get vows?


I have no idea.

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If I run a vanilla SM list with an allied detachment of BT, would I be able to select vows for the BT to use?

According to the Black Templars 6th Ed. FaQ (available here) you can only have one Emperor's Champion per Primarch detachment chosen from the Codex Black Templars. (on page 5 of the pdf, left column, second to last question)

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I'm aware of that, yeah...my question is do I NEED to take one? Do I need to take one to qualify for Vows? Do I not need one at all?


You cannot take Vows if you do not have an EC. They are paid as part of his points cost. As for whether you can take one as an ally, I see no reason why you can't as he is an HQ choice(even if he doesn't count towards the limit you can have in a BT army).


Remember though that the vows will only benefit any BT units you have, they will not carry over to your primary detachment.

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As for whether you can take one as an ally, I see no reason why you can't

From the FaQ answer, stating that one may take "one per primary detachment", I am reading that you cannot take one if you do not have a primary detachment of Black Templars.

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As for whether you can take one as an ally, I see no reason why you can't

From the FaQ answer, stating that one may take "one per primary detachment", I am reading that you cannot take one if you do not have a primary detachment of Black Templars.


Does the allied detachment count as a primary allied detachment though? It would make sense that the BT wouldn't just send their EC and some guys to ally with someone, but in certain circs I can see it happening.

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Does the allied detachment count as a primary allied detachment though?

Primary detachments are your main force, i.e. the Codex you chose for your main army. These use the standard force organisation chart (1 HQ, 2 Troops, etc.). In bigger games (2000+ points) you may use more primary detachments, but they all come from your main Codex.


Allied detachments come from a different Codex than the one of your main force, and they use a special "allies" force organisation chart. That chart has 1 mandatory HQ and 1 mandatory Troops choice, with one additional Troops, Elite, Fast Attack and Heavy Support being optional. See 6th Ed. BRB p. 109 for the detailed description.


I.e. if you want to take Black Templars as an allied detachment, they are not a primary detachment. And the main force may not be Black Templars either.


Since the FaQ specifies that you may have one Emperor's Champion per primary detachment of Black Templars, I guess you are not allowed to take one in an allied detachment of Black Templars.

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EDIT: Legatus got in before my post!


Okay...thats what I was figuring. Thats fine by me then!





This still doesn't answer my question of whether it is REQUIRED to take an EC (vows or not)...I'm under the impression that every BT army MUST take an Emperor's Champion, and the EC MUST select a vow, so I really am just asking if I NEED to take one if I want to use an allied detachment of Black Templar.


The Vows thing is secondary (and yeah I know it would only affect BT units) and I don't care whether I get them or not.


Basically, in simpler terms, this is what my situation is:


I want to take Black Templar allies for my Vanilla marines, and I want them to consist of a Master of Sanctity and a unit of Crusaders (to cover the compulsory one HQ and one Troops choice)...I DO NOT want to take an Emperor's Champ, but I'm worried that since a BT army is REQUIRED to take one, that I am REQUIRED to take one as part of my allied detachment.

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A BT army above 750 points is required to take an EC and he is required to take a vow. However, based on Legatus's nicely worded explanation, you cannot take an EC in an allied detachment. So you are fine taking a MoS and a Crusader Squad.
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