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Mixed Armor


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So when you are resolving shooting wounds, what constitutes having a different save? Is having the same armor save, but also an invul save enough to make you into a different group? I've heard it both ways, but I seem to remember the book saying something about "so each model can benefit from his best possible save" or some such.(don't have my book with me) So which is it?



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If you have 3 guys in power armor and one has an iron halo, they are all the same if you do not have any AP3 or better wounds. They are all making a 3+ save so no one is different.


If you ever have problems with sorting into groups, just fall back to one at a time until there are no "different" models left. After all, the only things that are really grouped are the wounds. The targets are picked one at a time starting with the closest.

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So when you are resolving shooting wounds, what constitutes having a different save? Is having the same armor save, but also an invul save enough to make you into a different group?

One could say that "theoretical saves" count, i.e. if you shoot at a Marine unit with a Captain (4+ Iron Halo) with only boltguns, then he still counts as a different save model, since he does have that 4+ save.

But in practice he will not actually use that save when the boltgun wounds are distributed, so I would say it is more in the spirit of the rule to treat the Captain as identical to the other Marines when AP4 or worse hits are resolved.


Since the rules state that wounds from different weapons are resolved separately, there is no issue in case of several AP5 and AP3 weapons either.


E.g. the enemy scores a few boltgun wounds and two plasma wounds on the Space Marine unit. The boltgun wounds and the plasma wounds are resolved separately. When the boltgun wounds are resolved, the Captain would use his 3+ armour save. So in this case he counts as identical to the Marines. When the plasma wounds are resolved, the Captain has a 4+ invulnerable save, while the Marines get no save at all. This time the Captain counts as a different save group.

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