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Storm Ravens, Hover Mode, and Deployment


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Storm Ravens are obviously fliers, but can choose to go into "Hover" mode, which, according to page 81 of the Rule Book, means "it is treated exactly as a Fast Skimmer."


So, my question is, according to the rules, all Flyers must begin in Reserves, which would naturally include Storm Ravens. That being said, during deployment, can I declare that the Storm Raven is starting out in "Hover" mode and deploy it normally, since Hover mode makes it count as a Fast Skimmer?

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When I read the BRB last night I noticed that it said a flyer can choose to enter the board in hover mode. So that would mean to me it can come on and the unit inside can disembark, assault etc.


I will have a look tonight and get the exact passage for you

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The the Storm Raven has a rule that lets it hover then it can go into hover mode, where it is treated exactly like a Fast Skimmer. So jink from moving, less movement distance and pivot restrictions, and the ability to unload or take on more troops. Of course, it also means you no longer have to snap fire against it, making it easier to bring down.
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