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Or you could settle for the method I used, cutting the Termi claws off at the fists and attaching them the regular PA arms cut off at the elbow, pics here:


in my WIP ETL thread.




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The most prolific source is the Space Wolf Pack box. But for any Chapter but Wolves, yu have to do some filing to remove wolfy icons.

The Sword Brethren model is a one-piece deal, and he has a LOT of detail on him that would make removing the claws a pain.

There is also a double-claw Veteran in the MkI Veterans set, which is now in finecast. He comes in three separate pieces (two arms, body).

As mentioned, there's one left-arm claw in the Commander box.


And that's about it!

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Space marine captain box: 1 lighting claw

Space wolves pack box: 2 lightning claws, will need to shave off some detailing

Space marine veterans (finecast): 2 lightning claws

Black Templars Sword Bretheren: 2 lightning claws


Another option? Old school tiny metal terminators. They were roughly power armor sized, so they should mesh up better than trying to use actual assault termi claws severed at the elbow. Plus, I'm sure you can find lots of them for cheap on ebay by this point.


No such thing as a dumb question my brother.

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