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Tycho (and some other HQs)


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The gears in my head are spinning a whole lot faster than they have been in recent times....


It seems like the Librarian remains a default first choice, possibly with Biomancy, because I do like myself some buffs/debuffs. I'm not entirely sold on the Epistolary upgrade though; its nice, but its also very costly; it remains to be seen whether the new Look Out Sir rules would vastly improve their survivability, or if challenges would make the Librarian a squishy target.


The Reclusiarch, my former second choice (suboptimal to many, but I like him) seems to have gained nothing, unlike the Wolf Priest (which if I recall correctly grants Preferred Enemy) that got a buff in this edition. However, with the possible improvement of the Death Company in this edition, either the Reclusiarch or the Chaplain may see a return, assuming Lemartes was not taken. Pity on the AP4 Crozius though.


Which brings me to my other point; most of our special characters have lost some hitting power. Mephiston may have gained some psychic power options, but his sword becomes AP3, as does Sanguinor's and Astorath's. Dante's fate is still undecided, but IMO it would be better that he has an unusual power weapon (which is AP3, again), rather than a Power Axe, since his lack of Eternal Warrior means someone will just challenge him, and Power Fist him to death.....probably.


Enter Captain Tycho. Not only does he rock a 2+ save (which is awesome now), but he also has a bare fist that "ignores armor saves", presumably meaning he ignores 2+ saves as well. I've always thought he was well-costed for his price in the previous edition, but he suffered from being bland. Now however, it seems like he brings something desirable to the table. Of course the problem remains that he is a footslogger character, but thats alright if you build the army for him.


What do you guys think, and what are you guys thinking of taking as your HQ choice(s) in this edition?



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I have been told several times that Tycho is AP3.


But I have not found a reference that overrides his "ignore all armor" since he does not have a power weapon of any kind. Anyone have a rules reference they found that turns all "ignores all armor" into AP3? Or is Tycho really awesome.

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I have been told several times that Tycho is AP3.


But I have not found a reference that overrides his "ignore all armor" since he does not have a power weapon of any kind. Anyone have a rules reference they found that turns all "ignores all armor" into AP3? Or is Tycho really awesome.

Eh, really?

It wasn't in the FAQ last I checked....


Unless errata'ed, Tycho's weapon was never called a "power weapon" to begin with....although I guess its entirely plausible that GW would forcibly "define" its AP, as AP3.

Would make me a little sad though....

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Tycho's Dead Man's Hand is not a Power Weapon, nor does it even count as one. It just ignores armor. Period. It's not an 'unusual power weapon' either because it does not fit that profile; to be one of those it would have to be a power weapon with special rules first.


As things stand, it ignores all armor.


Don't forget army wide Ld10 either, especially now that everyone can resist psykers.


Tycho was always awesome.




Now he can't hear you over the sound of how awesome he is.

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I, will more than likely NEVER not run a librarian. That 5+ cover gaurenteed is too sweet to pass up. I thought 5th edition was shooty. 6th doesn't look like it's giving it up more than 4th did. And with the removal of assaulting from reserve, stuff just has to be on the table (literally, only 50% reserve, unless you drop pod)
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If I were to use Tycho (and I've been considering giving him a shot for a while now, even through 5th) I'd run him as regular Tycho. I used to run a squad of Sternguard in a pod to great effect, and I'd probably just load Tycho in with them. Gets him into the thick of the action fast, and contribute another Special Issue ammo combi-melta to the unit. Not to mention that that unit would be able to more than handle itself in a fight with him in there dishing the beatdown.
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Personally I think my second choice is going to be a choppy captain for challenging and the like, while lacklustre in our codex the captain is and always has been a good choice, give him Paired lightning claws, a jump pack and go chop face.


OR take a fist and use him exclusively to challenge characters.

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I'll play devils advocate here! Has Tychos effectiveness really been improved? I don't really think so. He just hasn't been hit with the nerf stick as badly as most of our named characters. 3 x str4 attacks that ignore all armour is hardly effective for 170 points.


As before 6th his most usefull ability is army wide leadership 10. The combi weapon with special ammunition and the dead mans hand is just a bonus.


Obviously if you run him as DC tycho it's a little different, but no better than 5th as he's still going to eat a lascannon and die.


I can see or most effective hq becoming librarians in termie armour with axe and storm shield!

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I'll play devils advocate here! Has Tychos effectiveness really been improved? I don't really think so. He just hasn't been hit with the nerf stick as badly as most of our naked characters.

But in a world where everyone is nerfed, he who wasn't has "improved" relative. But the 2+ improvement still stands as being pretty huge IMO.

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I think Seth may have just gotten better as well.


The str8 sword at initiative is huge and because of his chance to rend he could be AP2 at initiative.


Seth is dirt cheap for what you get. He could be the challenge monster of challenge monsters with his ability to insta death most characters at initiative.

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I think Seth may have just gotten better as well.


The str8 sword at initiative is huge and because of his chance to rend he could be AP2 at initiative.


Seth is dirt cheap for what you get. He could be the challenge monster of challenge monsters with his ability to insta death most characters at initiative.


I was pondering this one myself and Atlantic has it right. I think Seth could be the one that has been overlooked in all of this... Forget the 9 page rant on Dante's axe... Let's talk about Seth's Str8 beatstick!

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Astorath is a good choice I think.


I used Dante today and he worked fine, would have been better had I not rolled a 6 for hit and run....Plus making SG troops was good.


Seth with the Strength 8 rending is nice.


Tycho looks awesome.

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I think that I will be playing two Libbies in Rhinos with 5 man Assault squads to get that Blood Lance no need to hit your freaking snap shot only flier. I think that will be our greatest assest early on with out interceptor skyfire guns.
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Astorath is a good choice I think.


I used Dante today and he worked fine, would have been better had I not rolled a 6 for hit and run....Plus making SG troops was good.


Seth with the Strength 8 rending is nice.


Tycho looks awesome.


Which side of the Axe argument did you play with?


Don't want to drag it up just curious.

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Here's one that nobody's considered...what about Sanguinor? In a world of challenges, that sergeant buff could be worth its weight in gold (pun sadly unintended). In addition, given that Sanguinor goes after and beats the snot out of an enemy HQ choice, 'slay the warlord' is a comparatively easy victory point, and Sanguinor himself isn't exactly easy to kill.
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