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6th Ed Wound Allocation

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I actuallyy (so far) like the wound allocation rules. No more wound abuse shenanigans. Sure, put that high-value, 3++ character in the front, I get to chose the AP wound groups so he gets the AP1- or AP2 instakill wounds first....put your high-value target in the back - I'll just flank you and do the same. Great times to be a Marine player with lots of weapon variety in each unit. Bad time to be the guy in front....
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Just wait ... eventually you will run into a group of Paladins or Nobz where every one is a character with 2 wounds. "Look out, sir!"

Look Out, Sir! at 4+ is a far, far cry from having to do a wound to every single Paladin in the unit before you kill anybody. The days of bouncing wounds around uniquely equipped multi-wound models are over. <3

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Just wait ... eventually you will run into a group of Paladins or Nobz where every one is a character with 2 wounds. "Look out, sir!"

Look Out, Sir! at 4+ is a far, far cry from having to do a wound to every single Paladin in the unit before you kill anybody. The days of bouncing wounds around uniquely equipped multi-wound models are over. <3

Yeah, unless Draigo or a Warboss is at the front of that unit, and passing wounds off on a 2+. But don't worry, you would never see Draigo or a Warboss leading a unit of Paladins or Nobz, respectively. ;)

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As much as I love the idea of "shoot him from the side!" there are plenty of times where that cannot happen. Most of the big guns in peoples' armies cannot move and fire easily. Devastators, dreadnoughts, broadsides, leman russ, etc. All of these can only move, at the most, 6". If Draigo and his gang are 1/2 or a 1/3 of the table away I cannot just move and shoot him from the side. Even if I do he can just as easily re-position his squad on his turn and I'm stuck in the same situation. Only particularly fast armies like DE, Eldar and BA have many opportunities to move 12" and still be threatening.


This is not a complaint. I love the tactical positioning that 6th edition enforces. I just felt that needed to be said.

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But don't worry, you would never see Draigo passing wounds off on Paladins when nothing hurts him anyway.

There, fixed that for you.


As much as I love the idea of "shoot him from the side!" there are plenty of times where that cannot happen. Most of the big guns in peoples' armies cannot move and fire easily.

Oh? Melta guns? Plasma? Snapfire on MLs and Lascannons meed Devs can also move. Vindicators, Preds...all vehicles now get to move faster in this edition than last. Not to mention fliers.


Make no mistake. You can flank if you need to. <3

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