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Vindicator in 6th edition


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. Though i never fielded them, i have played against them though and i think they are to unreliable.


Thats exactly what I meant about them being constantly overrated by my opponents :) Also, if you actually DO kill 4 terminators in one shot, it hurts nonetheless, the chance of it happening is too big for you opponent to take, so he can't leave him alone as well.

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I'm skeptical to vindis, but my impression is if your gonna do it you need 3. BA Vindis are fast though, that sure is nice since the biggest issue with it is range. Though i never fielded them, i have played against them though and i think they are to unreliable.


That's the problem, there's so much competition for our Heavy Support slots that it is difficult to justify three of them for most games. That said I do want three so I can do the line breaker formation in Apocalypse and paint a winged blood drop that stretches across all three Dozer Blades :)

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A 4 plasma cannon dev squad is only 5 points more, and gives your more range and 4 small templates, which should avreage more than 1 direct hit per round. Though there are merits to both, i think there are much better options. Though OP already has this model, not sure what alternatives you have have in your arsenal?
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I have three painted Vindicators I'm thinking of making it 5 so I have all of the chapters siege shielded behemoths under my control for apoc games.


I've just gone back to my 5th ed army list with two Vindi's in it. I've found that they work very well this edition, AV13 really helps (except for when it doesn't :devil: ). I've only had one game that one of the pair didn't last the duration. I also run Devs with 4 LC, (this might change with the signum ruling in the FAQ) these 3 units coupled with Mephiston make the enemies target priorities far less cut and dry. I've also found that not many people run anti-tank since the swap to 6th. Now that I come to think of it if it wasn't for fliers my old army list would be an awesome all comers list!

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I have to agree, that just like most vechicles, 2 are a minimum where 4 vechicles are a minimum in the army overall.


Personally I am really willing to field some, I can agree that it can be unreliable, however in certain cases it's more reliable since it is a template.

All in all I think it's worth it's weight vs horders and marines, which make up most of the games. Do not forget it has quite the nice armour penatration to.

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