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Wound Allocation


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Greetings and salutations Brothers and Sisters, I must admit I am having a bit of trouble digesting this new editions rules being new to the game and just learned 5th. My question is this. As an example a tactical squad opens fire on a chaos marine unit with an IC with say W 3. The tactical squad ends up scoring 5 wounds and the IC is the closest model. Would the first three wounds go to the IC and then whats left go to the next nearest models? or would only one wound go to the IC and the other four go through the rest of unit by this I mean the four closest models to the IC?
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You would assign a wound to the IC, roll his save, and repeat that until all wounds are exhausted or the IC is removed as a casualty.


If the IC is removed as a casualty, any remaining wounds would be assigned to the rest of the unit as per the 'closest first' rules.

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You keep putting wounds onto the model until it dies, so yes, 3 wounds go onto the IC and then the other 2 onto the next nearest guys.


Of course, with Look Out, Sir it gets complicated, as on a 2+ that wound will be relocated, meaning that even after those 5 wounds the IC may still be on full wounds and 5 normal Chaos Space Marines will be dead.


EDIT: pingo, if the armour saves are the same you roll them at once and then assign. If the IC has a different save then you assign the wounds to him and then roll.

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EDIT: pingo, if the armour saves are the same you roll them at once and then assign. If the IC has a different save then you assign the wounds to him and then roll.


Quite so: sorry, I made an assumption there I should not have done.

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Of course, with Look Out, Sir it gets complicated, as on a 2+ that wound will be relocated, meaning that even after those 5 wounds the IC may still be on full wounds and 5 normal Chaos Space Marines will be dead.


This is both an attempt at clarification and question I guess as im not 100% myself, but I dont believe this is the case.

I'm pretty sure you can only relocate the LoS wound once in a volley, so if you failed 4 dice of those 5,even if you pass the LoS, you're still going to die.


Is that not so?

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Of course, with Look Out, Sir it gets complicated, as on a 2+ that wound will be relocated, meaning that even after those 5 wounds the IC may still be on full wounds and 5 normal Chaos Space Marines will be dead.


This is both an attempt at clarification and question I guess as im not 100% myself, but I dont believe this is the case.

I'm pretty sure you can only relocate the LoS wound once in a volley, so if you failed 4 dice of those 5,even if you pass the LoS, you're still going to die.


Is that not so?



The LoS sidebar on page 16 is fairly explicit is stating Wounds (saved or unsaved). It also says only 1 LoS per wound can be attempted.

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And the controlling player picks the model that takes the hit.


The one per wound is also important to LO,S (I'm using that because LoS = Line of Sight :lol:) as it's more for units with multiple characters, to stop you from passing it down the line even further to a model that was out of 6" that you don't mind losing.

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