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A buff to our Lords

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To quote a part of the the rule for Fearless.


"Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests and Morale checks, but cannot Go to Ground..."


No more will our Lords be dragged away by their concerned Terminator bodyguards! Hurray!


At least it's something. :blink:

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any lets not forget, any 6s to hit with shooting and close combat from characters can now allocate wounds anywhere they want.
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any lets not forget, any 6s to hit with shooting and close combat from characters can now allocate wounds anywhere they want.

Indeed! I think I will be building 1-2 units of Terminators now, with an eye towards making them all champions and running with a TDA Lord.

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To quote a part of the the rule for Fearless.


"Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests and Morale checks, but cannot Go to Ground..."


No more will our Lords be dragged away by their concerned Terminator bodyguards! Hurray!


At least it's something. :P



Since I do not have the new yet ( It's ordered just has yet to arrive), is the reverse now true? If we run an IC with a unit that is fearless, does he gain it? Curious as I am looking to switch one of my lords over to running as a sorc and was thinking of sticking him with a squad of possessed or zerks....Otherwise I'm gonna have to be rethinking that and maybe adding a second squad of termies for him to run with and switch him back to a lord.


Is it also true (but expensive) that if we upgrade all the squad to termie champs they count as "characters" now and thus will gain the "allocate on 6's" thing now?




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Thanks again Miko...now if I could just be sure about the other part I'd know whether I was gonna order another box of chaos termies or not...






Edit: After re-reading Totgeborens post it says, "Units containing one or more models ......." So it sounds like it does indeed work both directions.....


Guess I'm gonna have to order some more termies and perhaps a PA version of my Dark Apostle Sorc for those times I decide to run him with the Possessed....

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In the old rules a IC that joined a fearless unit such as plaguebearers became fearless. I lost a tournament game once for not knowing that rule. Sorcerers are still the only HQ choice in the current Codex that isn't fearless. I like sorcerers and now that they get new 'powers' I will of course try running them. I still want a 2 wound HQ option and I'd like official retinues for Chaos Lords back.


Maybe I'll go play Orks, Warbosses get a retinue. I always had a retinue back in RT and 2nd Edition... Maybe I'll just play 2nd Edition. :-D

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