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Furious Charge....

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As I still haven't received my BGB yet, and I can't find where I thought I read it, what does the change to Furious Charge give units with that SR now?



Thanks in advance!




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Furious Charge adds +1 to its Strength characteristic until the end of that phase. Unless it made a "disordered charge", then it can't receive the benefit.


Not sure what a disordered charge is. Something about multi-charging I think.


EDIT: since I got ninja'd I might as well look up disordered charge...


A disordered charge is a multi-charge, and therefore you get no +1 attack bonus when you charge. When you charge you have to declare primary and secondary targets, and the primary target is what you measure to for charging.


EDIT again, because I reread the part about seeing a target (it still apparently applies to secondary targets)

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Disordered Charge is when you're denied your charging bonusses by assaulting multiple targets. I don't know if defensive grenades do the same thing but I'd expect so.
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Thank you Miko and -Max-. I was thinking that was what I remembered but wasn't sure, I appreciate how quickly you got back to me and the info on the "disordered charge" as well.



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so does that mean if you deliberatly mix 2 squads together then you can deny your opponent his extra attack? 2 combat squads seperated and mixed in at all times. interesting.
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so does that mean if you deliberatly mix 2 squads together then you can deny your opponent his extra attack? 2 combat squads seperated and mixed in at all times. interesting.


Doesn't look like it - declaring a secondary charge target is optional, you could just charge one or other of the combat squads if you wanted.

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