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Look out sir and it gets hot stack ...


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I resemble that remark. :P And to use your words, "Yeah, but... " I have conceded the point. I discovered a possible loophole in the wording of the rules that I found troublesome. I then brought it to the attention of this board to be disproven, or disseminated as a warning. As far as my continuing discussion with Legatus goes, I saw a flaw in his reasoning. I was wrong about the flaw, but did not fully establish that mistake until after I had voiced it and he addressed it. Your post would be more appropriate in the flak missile or signum threads, where there are innumerable "Yeah, but ..." posts.


I question why you felt the need to rant like this in a thread that has been civil, and mostly well voiced. (I, if anyone, was the weak voice in this thread.)

Yeah, but...


I had just finished reading the 11 pages of yeah, but... about flak missiles. Can I use that as an excuse? Your reply should be "Yeah, but you are still an ass!" :)


I didn't mean to come off like a certain kind of donkey/mule hybrid. PURGE THE MUTANT! ;)

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Guys...Legatus buried this one. No LOS! for Gets Hot! fits both RAW and RAI...something so rare and so nice that it does us a disservice to flail about trying to unroot it. <3



:P I thought Legatus's post completely proved LoS was available for Gets Hot?!?!


Where did I go wrong?


Edit: Never mind- think i got it (In the definition of the word "allocate").

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