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Tales of Heresy - Lords of Chaos

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Welcome my fallen brothers!


I thought that, as we have nothing of the kind, this would be a good place to share the titles and brief background of the mighty Chaos Lords who lead our hosts into battle.


I'm currently writing out my Warlords fluff in the Librarium so I won't post it right now, but here is an example of what we should write ;

Chaos Lord - Lucius the Eternal

War band/Legion/Host - Emperors Children

Titles - Lucius the Eternal, Lord of Pleasure, Master of Death, Favoured of Slaanesh, Soul Devouring Sex Tornado.

Background - *See Codex*


Well then, have at it and make us tremble in your glory - if you can.

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Chaos Lord - Bob

War band/Legion/Host - Bob's Supplies

Titles - General Manager, Owner

Background - Bob serves his Chaos masters by shipping their gear and ammo in great working condition, and always on time. He owns a Chaos Rhino APC and hires Chaos mercenaries to protect his goods.

Motto - Our crew is replaceable, your gear is not.

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Chaos Lord - D'Ken Morran

War band/Legion/Host - Nightblades Black Legion.

Titles - The Sneak-Thief, the Shadow-Step, the Blackest Night.

Background - D'Ken Morran is an Alpha Legion sorcerer who's Cell was wiped out, only he and another operative survived their last mission which went badly because the other survivor betrayed them, and sold D'Ken into servitude. In the wake of the failure, D'Ken, and the survivors of several other non Black Legion warbands were 'Patched In' to the Black Legion (Forced to fight eachother to the death, the survivors allowed to join).


After many years of decorated service against enemy warbands within the Eye, D'Ken was recognized by the Warmaster and was granted the first batch of converted Astartes from captured Cadian children. This warband D'Ken named, "the Nightblades" and he hand selected the squads which preformed best over the youths' induction. Sometimes in battle, he'll hang up his Force weapon and take up the Daemon weapon Soulrend, a weapon that changes shapes as his needs change. D'Ken's primary goal is to serve the Warmaster, though finding the other survivor of his Cell, who he knows is alive-and to exact vengeance on him for betraying their Warband isn't far behind staying alive.


Like many sorcerer's, he values knowledge. His skills at stealth and ability to "Think outside the box" get him and his Warband elected to take part in missions that require a more delicate touch. He primarily follows Tzeentch, though to call him 'religious' is to go too far.

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Chaos Lord - Lord Serevor

War band/Legion/Host - 5th compagny of the Night Lords legion 'The Nightshroud'.

Titles - the Sun Killer

Background - Lord of a rather large Night Lords warband, he's a veteran from the Great Crusade and the Heresy. He notably led his forces during the Ghost War, impressionning Abaddon himself and slaying the chapter master of the Eagle Warriors.

Becoming a notable ally of Abaddon the Despoiler, Serevor and his army are mostly working to the destruction of the Imperium, when they aren't occupied by their legions internal affairs.

He's a cold and cunning monster, clad in terminator armor and wielding a daemon sword. Just like most of the Night Lords, he always takes care about instilling fear and despair in the heart of his preys.



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Chaos Lord - Melsechior

War band/Legion/Host - The Hydra's Tail

Titles - The Silent

Background- He is not a war band leader in true sense. A member of higher circle of Alpha Legion, he came with idea of founding The Hydra's Tail - a penal Alpha Legion war band, as solution to increasing number of freelance legionnaires whose were cast out by their former war bands (as punishment for failure, plotting treason against their leader, or other reasons) or those with their former war bands destroyed.


He wears traditional colours of Alpha Legion - blue with green tint and silver trim although his armour is covered with numerous runes and scribblings. Whether is this some kind of unknown language or cyphers made by Melsechior himself, is not known. To question him about it would be pointless because Melsechior, for whatever reason, never speaks. He rarely uses any means of communication: simple symbols through his helm feed such as "affirmative" and "negative" or written language if necessary. His weapon of choice is flamer with rather simplistic message in dialect of High Gothic: "Adolebit omnia".

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Very much WIP until the new codex comes out and I can set things in stone without the fear of nerfs & buffs. Enjoy the wall of text, I do love writing a story :(


Chaos Lord - Vastakel Khyre


Warband/Legion/Host - Apocalypse Company, Black Legion


Background - Khyre was originally a Chaplain in the 23rd Company of the Sons of Horus, under command of Captain Abraxas. Khyre immediately bowed to the power of the gods once they were acknowledged by his Primarch, and the soldiers under his influence found the transition from the Emperor to the gods of Chaos relatively easy. Before long Khyre found himself working as the right hand of his Captain; his ability to inspire the Sons of Horus, to guide them through the unsettling awareness of daemons and the power they served, and to quell and root out any of the soldiers misgivings or potential rebellion was invaluable to the Company.


After the battle of Istvaan V word of the Gal Vorbak spread amongst the Traitor Legions, and Khyre and his most devoted followers were amongst the first of the Sons of Horus to enact the ritual of daemonic possession, as directed by the Book of Lorgar. Throughout the Heresy, Scouring and the continuation of the Long War since then, Khyre and the daemon he shares his body with have coexisted, an incredible feat merely showing the iron will that drives the Lord.


After the Scouring, when the traitors reached the Eye of Terror, and all the chaos that followed, the 23rd Company inevitably fractured. Captain Abraxas continued to command efficiently, and combined with Khyre's oratory skills managed to keep most of the Company together, even if squad organisation and composition broke down. As members left, many joined, due to the reputation of both Abraxas and Khyre. Eventually the 23rd Company was unrecognizable to what it had been, and Abraxas deemed it unworthy of that title, renaming it "Apocalypse Company".


During the 4th Black Crusade Captain Abraxes finally ascended to Daemonhood, to the howls of awe and ecstasy from the throats of his devoted warriors. Shortly after his ascension, Abraxas left the host to join the Daemonic Legions, leaving a power vacuum in the Company. Such an position instantly appealed the the sorcerer Zophiel, however, despite his personal power, he did not have the devotion of the troops. Such power lay in the hands of Khyre alone, and Zophiel was forced to yeild his dreams of command, which he did with poor grace.


Khyre often enters battle with his personal retinue of possessed warriors. Only the elite and most devoted of the Company joins it ranks, and this circle of esteemed warriors is known only as the Ebonheart Pact. They will rarely be far from Khyre's side, unless Khyre feels the need to engage the other warriors more privatley, performing the confessional roles he once had as a chaplain . It is this combination of power and and charisma that has forged such loyalty amongst his troops.


The Apocalypse Company has played a role in every one of Abaddon's Crusades, often in the vanguard or spearhead, unless Abaddon has personal plans for the Company, as Khyre's belief in the Warmaster and the gods he serves is unshakable.

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Chaos Lord - - Akan the Reaver, formerly of the Marines Malevolent Chapter



Titles - King of a Thousand Heathens, The Murderous Smile (missing the skin over the lower jaw, so he's always smiling :( )


Warband/Legion/Host - Akan's Reavers


Flagship - The Last Laugh, a mostly-rebuilt, cobbled together Tiger Claw Strike Cruiser


Background - Once a member of the IV Centuria of the Marines Malevolent, Brother Akan had always been an expert thief and a natural criminal. His skills did not go unnoticed within a Chapter of scavengers, and he swiftly became a favorite of the Centuria Captain, Hero-Captain Ananke, who saw the same hunger for promotion within himself. In actuallity, it was pure greed and malice that droke Akan, for he cared little for his weak-minded brothers and their so-called purity. Akan was promoted to Sergeant of Hepta squad, and promised a slot within Ananke's Honour Guard as his XO when it became availible. After Ananke's death at the hands of the Sons of Malice, Captain Anicetius took over the Centuria and refused Akan's promotion, perfering his own choices. Akan was disgusted and hateful, and during engagements, went out of his way to ensure supporters of Anicetius suffered disasterous 'accidents', or were 'regretfully' left without support.


He was finally caught by the Centuria Chaplain mis-aligning the head space and timing on Captain Anicetius's bolter during 'The Lion War', hoping that the weapon would detonate within Anicetius's hand. As the Chaplain confronted him, Akan quickly struck the Chaplain' head from his shoulders with his chainaxe before the Warrior Of Kin expected it. Knowing he would be executed for fratricide, Akan took the Chaplain's Rosarius for himself and hid the body. He then snuck into the Centuria's motor pool, stealing a Rhino and racing to the enemy lines under a white flag. He traded his life and an escape off-world to the Claws of Lorek for the price of the Rhino, and the positions of his former Centuria's squads and vehicles. Eventually finding his way into the Maelstrom, Akan finally was able to live life as he had always wanted to...as a tyrant and a free man.


Over the years, Akan has been able to create a small pirate empire within the Maelstrom, with Huron Blackheart's blessing and backing, and has gathered many warriors to his black flag, both mortal armies and Post-Human Astartes. Now known as The King of a Thousand Heathens, Akan is a psychotic reaver and murderer who steals what he wants, when he wants, giving a tithe to Huron (for his fledgling empire's continued existance), and slaughtering servants of the Imperium whenever he can.

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Chaos Lord: Jiron

Titles: King Rat, Warlord of the Space Rats, Space Rats Chapter Master; Bringer of Rats, Gnawer of Worlds

Warband: Space Rats (approx strength 30 Traitor Marines with 40 Khornate Allies - considerable amount of tactical dreadnaught armor, 1 Land Raider tank)

Background: See my blog here.

Flagship: Wicked Blade Strike Cruiser

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Chaos Lord: Dark Apostel Abazigal


Titles: Chosen of Sicarus, Butcher of Calth, Master of the 23rd Host

Coryphaus: Draconis, Bringer of Truth

Warband: Word Bearers 23rd host. Pics of my Host

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missing the skin over the lower jaw, so he's always smiling

Why so serious?


Chaos Lord - Dark Apostle Thirst

Title - Daemon Prince, Dark Apostle

Warband - The Host, a mix of Word Bearers and the many allies that the Dark Apostle has brought together

Background - It all began with Birth and it continues with Denial :o

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Warband: Order of Dusk

Commander: Magistra Aeronwy, Sorceress of Tzeentch, Disciple of Ahriman, Scion of Amon'chakai.

Loyalty: Ahriman

Flagship: Mars Cruiser Arial

Forces: 6 Sorcerers including Aeronwy, 18 Armour Wraiths (Rubrics), Land Raider Redemption through Adaptation, 20 Weregild Ork Mercenaries (Plague Marines), 15 Weregild Kroot Mercenaries (Chaos Marines) including 5 Vultures (Raptors).

Fleet assets: 3 Light Cruisers, 20 Escorts

Last Seen: Patrolling Eldritch system in Ultima Segmentum Ultra, halfway between the fringes of Tau space and The Dark Maw.


Aeronwy Gesh holds the title of Magistra, ruling from the third planet in the Eldritch system over all four habitable planets. Her fortress-monastary was once a stronghold of the Sisters of Battle, but they are long gone, destroyed by her magic and treachery. A disciple of Ahriman himself, she understands the purpose for which her master groomed her - Eldritch serves as a repository and safehouse for the Librarian, somewhere to rest and recuperate in times of need. Recently, however, it has come under attack from the Necrons of the Tiankong Dynasty, and Ahriman himself is nowhere in sight...

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Sorcerer Lord: Michael Vilepox

Renegade Space Marine Chapter: The Ghost Knights

Titles: The Liche Knight, Prophet of Nurgle, Spectre of Death, Necromancer, Defiler of the Dead

Background: WIP (should possibly have it done by the end of this week or even next week)

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I'd say we should put a picture of our lord. I'll do it when my job sends me a new camera.



I'll do the same when we get our new codex. Depends on what upgrades and weapons we can get to determine his final outcome

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Chaos Sorcerer Lord - Tavion Darkblood

Arnaments - Bane (Power Sword / Spineshiver Blade) Lumen (Plasma Pistol), Sigil of Corruption
Titles - The Hellsworn, Dark Speaker, The Re claimer
Warband - Black Legion, The Rogo Dyss  (The Fires of Hate)


Photo to come soon~ish.

Background (WIP) - Tracing their roots back the 63rd Company of the XVI Legion, the Rogo Dyss are but one group to emerge from the fallout of the disappearance of Lord Kholvax. Led by the ambitious Tavion Darkblood, the Rogo Dyss have launched a hateful crusade against the Imperium of Man and the foul Xenos who inhabit the galaxy. Utterly corrupt from centuries of wandering the warp in exile, Darkblood works to re-forge the shattered Company and restore it to glory, carving a legend for himself and earning the favor of the Dark Pantheon in the process. To this end the warband have renewed their oaths to Warmaster Abaddon’s Black Legion and backed insidious cults throughout mankind's Empire as the final days of the Long War draw ever nearer.


Estimated Strength: Approx. 200 Black Legionaires, unknown number of non-Legion elements.

Flagship: The Umbra Odvetta (The Dark Revenge)



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Chaos Lord: Viqtharius, Dark Apostle

Warband: The Chaotica Tyrannus Word Bearer Host

Estimated strength: Approximately 500 traitor astartes of the Word Bearers Legion. Reported sightings of an assimilated warband of the Sanctified numbering some 75 traitor astartes. Unknown number of Daemonic and human allies and/or minions.




The Exauguro Oculus, armament fitting Styx Heavy Cruiser profile;


Known additional ships:


The Whisper of Bedlam, armament fitting Devastation Class Cruiser profile;

Epistle of Calamity, armament fitting Carnage Class Cruiser profile;

Litany of Insolence, armament fitting Carnage Class Cruiser profile;

Unknown number of escorts.


Intel: Having served since the Great Crusade and of Calth descent Viqtharius have stayed elusive and unknown for someone of his stature, instead having preferred staying in the shadows and enacting his will through subtle manipulation. Though the last few millennia have seen a drastic fall in cults attributed to Viqtharius the last few decades on the other hand have seen an explosive outbreak of cults and even open rebellions over several non-linked systems, all attributed to Viqtharius. Though the cults and rebellions themselves show no broader connection to each other they all bear the same subtle manipulations of Viqtharius, no matter which cause they themselves believe they are truly answering to. It's not known exactly what Viqtharius' end game from this is and as such the Inquisition have drastically increased their efforts to find it out now, rather than finding themselves figuring it out too late...



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Chaos Lord - Unknown, Inquisitorial and Astartes records suggest commanders named "Occam," "Oraster," "Ozzymandias," "The Avatar of Ophion"

Warband/Legion/Host - Unknown [ref: XX Legion]; Inquisitorial and Astartes records indicate above-named commander(s) operating with Omicron Company [cross ref: Force Omicron; cruiser Omicron]

Titles - The Serpent's Smile [ref: Moebius Crypt incident, 981M40]

Background - As with all known Alpha Legion cells, concrete information is difficult to come by, much less collate and verify. However, studious cross-checking amongst numerous sources both within the Holy Ordos and the various Librarii of several First Founding Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes have provided several substantial links that allow us to construct some measure of background on this particular Alpha Legion force, hereafter referred to as Omicron Company.


The first known record of Omicron Company comes from the annals of Saint Euphrati Keeler and her companions [ref: ++ACCESS DENIED++] when the then-loyal Warmaster Horus Lupercal was petitioned by an Alpha Legion officer named Trajus Boniface for permission and reinforcements for an assault into ork-held space at the height of the Great Crusade. Although the name of the unit Boniface commanded was never recorded, shipping logs indicate that the vessel he travelled on was (or was accompanied by) a warship designated Omicron, a vessel of unknown class and manufacture. A vessel matching its physical description and primary weapons load has been identified from sensor logs during multiple engagements in which the Omicron Company is suspected to have taken part.


The force and vessel alike disappear from all known Imperial records until after the start of the Horus Heresy when the Shologar Clan of the X Legion, the Iron Hands, reported a protracted engagement against an Alpha Legion force at Pythos Minoria. Although the Chapter was reticent to open its full archives, what little we were given access to seems to indicate that the Alpha Legion force used planted information to lure the Iron Hands to Pythos and ambushed them, bogging the Loyalists down in search-and-destroy operations for the better part of a year (sidereal). The Iron Hand commander at the time, Cadmus Mantellar, claims in the archives to have personally killed the Alpha Legion commander -- who identified himself as "Occam of Omicron."


Since then, however, there have been numerous sitings and reports of this and other individuals, as well as the battle barge Omicron, attacking Imperial institutions. These events include but are not limited to: the sacking of Titus Unitary; the Fargo Insurrection; the Third Maelstrom Massacre; the Second Invasion of Gravenhague Forge (in which the Alpha Legion was able to abscond with several stolen Titans); the Fall of Scharde (originally attributed to the Night Lords Legion); the Moebius Crypt Incident (which saw the loss of a demi-company of the Ultramarines and a strike cruiser lost without a trace); the Gothic War; the Magyar Sector Uprising (which saw the use of several corrupted Titans); and pic captures from St. Josmane's Hope and Cadia indicate that Omicron Company continues to be active during the 13th Black Crusade.


Now whether Boniface, Occam, Oraster, and Ozzymandias are the same people remains conjecture. Given the Alpha Legion's propensity for operating independently of the Despoiler's control and outside the bounds of the Occularis Terribus, it is unlikely that a single individual has lived long enough to command Omicron Company since its inception. If Occam has been the sole commander of the unit from the time of the Heresy, then he must be a commander of extreme guile and no small amount of luck to have avoided the hunters of our Ordo and the Officio Assassanorum for so very long. Extreme caution should be used if an encounter with Omicron Company or their commander is known/suspected; whatever his name, this Occam has a widely-cast net of spies throughout the Segmentums Pacificus, Solar, and Obscuras. He has a penchant for ambushes, and can be counted upon the signature Alpha Legion tactic of attacking from multiple directions simultaneously.

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Chaos Lord - Jarl Bolverk


Warband/Legion/Host - The Iron Hounds (an independent warband of the Iron Warriors)


Titles - Master of the Iron Hounds, Captain of the Child of Calamity, Jarl of the Hallow Moon


Flagship - Child of Calamity, an unclassified battleship of unknown provenance incorporating archeotech, xenotech, and bearing the hallmarks of Hellforge reconstruction


Known Additional Ships of the Fleet - Corpse Maker ("Acheron"-class Heavy Cruiser); Kingdom of Sorrow ("Murder"-class Cruiser); Sudden Death (“Devastation”-class Cruiser); Heart of Stone (“Carnage”-class Cruiser); Desolation (“Carnage”-class Cruiser); as well as various escort squadrons and support ships.


Intel - Active during the Horus Heresy as a Terminator veteran of the Iron Warriors 75th Grand Company +unconfirmed+, became a known individual threat during the "Ghost War" in 813.M37 after breaking out of the Eye of Terror and splintering from the main Iron Warriors host as leader of his own warband +confirmed+ has since engaged piratical and mercenary activities , even at times under the employ of the +++REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE EMPEROR'S MOST HOLY INQUISITION+++

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Chaos Lord - The PackMaster

War band: Warp Hunters (Alpha Legion)

Titles: Master of the Hounds, The Immortal Hunter.

Background -The PackMaster is more a title than a specific warrior. When a PackMaster dies his armour is recovered and a new candidate is elected by the warriors of the warband. When elected the new PackMaster loses his name and background adopting the legacy left by his predecessors. This process is enacted by the ancient daemon armour that collect memories, feelings and souls of past owners. The WarpHunters follow a secret agenda across the galaxy hunting individuals or items that seem to have crucial roles in the web of events.

They don't show the usual colors of their parent legion preferring to be confused as one of the many warbands that roam across the galaxy

Colours: Stone grey and blood red.

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Chaos Warlord: Barabbas


War band: Warp Locusts


Titles: The Traitor King of Skedren, The Patient One, Blight-Lord of the Gehenna


Background - once a lowly mutant serving in the subhuman auxila of Skedren X, Barrabas took advantage of the mayhem of the Horus Heresy, seizing his chance to lash out at the hated Imperial government. After a protracted war costing nearly a billion lives, he delivered Skedren X into Nurgle's clutches and was remade in agony into a daemon prince. His charisma and fervor still intact after his transformation, Barabbas has waged the Long War with cunning and patience, gradually growing his rag-tag forces into a dreadful plague fleet. His warband includes Death Guard veterans, Imperial Guard renegades and mutants, and he has forged an alliance with six other daemon lords of the Father of Decay.


Flagship: The Ghenna, a mighty Black Ship that was liberated during the opening stages of Abaddon's 13th Crusade.


Fleet Disposition: In addition to their flagship, the Warp Locusts are in possession of the Joy of Acheron, Enigma, and the Inviolate, a trio of Murder class cruisers, and a host of smaller landers, supply ships, and escorts.

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Warband: Exiled Thousand Sons, "the 7th company"

Commander: Zarathustra Suicune, former High Apothecary of the Thousand Sons, acting head of the Athanaean cult (Since it is unsure how much the cults are kept by the rest of the legion, and so the old/regular selection of a new magister Templi has not occurred since Ulthizzar's murder.)

Flagship: Anubis class battle barge "The Phoenix of Prospero" Grand Cruisers "Attero Dominatus" "Glory of Nyarlothotep" and the Strike Cruiser "Sehkhmet's Wrath" formally the "Blade of Fenris" Captured M34.686.7 during the Clattorgeon Incident, duiring which the Great companies of Acurino Redbeard and Tjor Stv'son were exterminated entirely. Numerous smaller escort and carrier craft.

Force strength: 13 Sorcerers, 7 Apprentice sorcerers, 75 rubrics (Including bike mounted and terminator armored), 2 Predators "Memory of Ra" and "Dawn of unity", 2 rhinos, 2 thunderhawks and one stormbird. Dreadnought Sobekemenes, Contempor Dreadnought Wepwawet. Land Raider "Shield of Hermopolis" Aprox 100 spireguard to regiment size, Aprox 30 Beastman soldiers

Last seen: Gryphonne system.

Interesting notes: The gardens aboard the Pheonix were initially created by Ra-hotepis, her first captain, and Magister Templi of the Athanaeans before Ulthizzar, and include a complete range of prosperonain plant life and extensive additions from throughout the galaxy including Fenrisian pine and prandium Dusk flowers among others. The spire guard and crew are descended from the original crew and spireguard, and it is believed that Zarathustra plans to someday rebuild Prospero.

Zarathustra refuses to fight marines of the Salamanders legion, due to a life debt he owed the Salamander captain V'senner, who saved him from an ork killa can during his secondment to that legion.

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