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Welcome to the Collaberation of Inquisitorial Writers' Work of Fiction , or CIWWOF for short. The Idea here is for multiple writers to take it in turns posting creative writing from the perspective of their chosen character. We will all be telling the same story but from the perspective of our own characters.


So in escence this is much like an RP. However, in accordance with strict B&C rules and regulations this is in NO WAY an RPG. I repeat. This is not an RP "Game". We will be telling the story from the characters eye but not in first person. We will be adhering to this set of rules...


Simply put. RPG is a game - CIWWOF is fan fiction.


1: ALL characters MUST be Inquisition Personel or Space Marines. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2: Allways post a minimum of ONE paragraph.

3: NEVER, under any circumstances, control a character other than your'e main character or those chosen to be in you're main characters party.

3 B: Writers may write about NPC's detailing their appearance, actions and speech but may not have those NPC's alter the story for the rest of the writers' characters.

4: No battling sytems of any kind. All battles that take place are to be written about creatively.

5: No God Modding! All humans have a weakness. Even Astartes.

6: Be able to post at least once a week.

7: If you and another writer decide to have your parties battle each other you must decide on a victor prior to doing so. All writers whose entire party is wiped out may continue to write by introducing a new main character. This new main character may not have any ties to the writers previous main character OR have a party accompany him. Bare in mind that you cannot introduce a new party unless your party is COMPLETELY wiped out. If you still have a party member alive you MUST continue to write from his perspective as you're main character's successor (This must be done EPIC).

8: All writers MUST submitt a Character Biography of their main character and be given approval to write in the CIWWOF. Note that writers can only have one main character. Do not write bios for his party.

8b: If your main character has a retinue following him all the time, then please write up a weapon "loadout", on your main character and his retinue!

9: Have Fun!



Character Bio Template...


Name: Self explanitory.

Rank: Can be any. Remember not all characters have to be Chapter Masters or Inquisitors.

Age: Can be any.

Chapter/Ordo: You can use your own DIY chapter if you want.

Names and Ranks of his chosen: All the Characters are allowed a party of up to 5 marines/Inquisitorial Personel from the chapter/Ordo of their main character. Writers do not have to have 5 and can even chose to have none.

Combat Style: Shooty or assault? Stealthy or up front? Tactics? Strategy?

Habits: Sensible please.

Strengths: At least 2.

Weaknesses: At least 1.

Appearance: The color of their power armor, their chapter insignia and their mark of Power Armor. Does you're character wear his helmet all time? Does he take it off? If so, what does his face look like? Short 'n' sweet please.

(Extremely) Brief history: Self explanatory.

Character weapons loadout: This is for every written story you are going to write, for your main Character and his followers.


My Character Template:


Name: Lionus Ishmael


Rank: Justicar


Age: 350


Chapter/Ordo: Grey Knights 5th Brotherhood


Names and Ranks of his Chosen: Mordan Hyperius - Grey Knight Battle-Brother, Ajax Solomus - Grey Knight Battle-Brother, Rebalias Enoch - Grey Knight Battle-Brother, Alaric Jericus - Grey Knight Battle-Brother


Combat style: Lionus prefers Stormraven or deep strike attacks, which is typical to the Grey Knights Chapter. When teleporting into battle, he usually like to lead his squad into the heart of the fight, where he believes the enemy's leader is at, striking swift and fast and chanting the litanies of purification he dives into battle intent on doing the Emperors work.


Habits: Having learned everything there is to learn about the enemies of mankind he rarely delves into combat without thinking about the consequences, being strategically gifted he analizes and learnes the tactics of his enemies before he chooses to go into combat. Having learned early on to trust his mentors and leaders instincts when it came to battle, he would often speak openly about what desturbes him. Having been loyal, open minded and truthful to his fellow brothers and captains has helped him ascend to the position of Justicar thus far.



1. Having the mind of a strategically gifted genius, he is able to feel the ebb and flow of battle, and is able to read the enemies next intentions before it comes to pass.

2. Having fought for nearly a dozen decades, he has perfected the art with halberd and stormbolter combat, and how to channel and use his psychic powers effectively without endangering himself or others.



1. Being stubborn in combat, he would gladely fight until the end then fall back, having suffored many casualties in the past, he has been seen as a true warriors, but every time this nearly leads to his death. Eventually this may be the cause of his demise.


Appearance: As all Grey Knights he has a polished and shining armour of bright silver. Having the symbol of the Chapter oon his right shoulder pad and on the left his personal heraldry. His heraldry is a sword cut in half that is in the colours of red and white. His features are young in comparison to most Justicars of his Chapter and his hair is dark brown. His eyes are grey, the colour of storm clouds.


(extremely) Brief History: Lionus Ishmael has served in the Grey Knights for about 340 years now, having been seen as a confident and powerful psyker during initiation, he was trained by the most powerful Librarians of the Grey Knights and trained in the art of Halbred and stormbolter by Brother-Captain Taremar Aurellian. Having been at the battle of Armaggedon, he had seen his former mentor die, but with great honour and Integrety. Having learned what it means to be a Grey Knight, he has pushed himself even harder to serve the Emperor. Being watched closely by the Grandmasters and the Librarians, he is constantly proving his worth to the Emperor and his fellow battle brother.


Character weapons loadout:


Lionus Ishmael - Mastercrafted Halbred with stormbolter


Morden Hyperius - Psi-Sword, stormbolter


Ajax Solomus - Psi-Sword, stormbolter


Rebalias Enoch - Nemesis Falcions, stormbolter


Alaric Jericus - Psi-Halbred, stormbolter


I give credit to this idea to Jake Mulraney and Grim Apostle and every other member of the COWWOF. They have inspired me to do great things, cheers mates and best of luck to the campaign!

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Wait...so you're starting another COWWOF?


Yeah, well its more of an extension of COWWOF, there can be Inquisitors and Grey Knights in this campaign, including renegades and loyalist Space Marines. I did this basically as an extra branch to COWWOF. Just in case of people that wanted to join the last thread, and weren't able to, then now they have a chance.

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hi everybody, at first I want to say that, what you're doing here is awesome. Then... I want to join, but English isn't my native language, so I can only ask to accept me and say that I'll do the best of what I can.
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sure, I doesn't matter if english isn't your first language, long as you can write. We will help each other out in this tread. there will be no bad intentions, as long as I am around. So yeah just write up a bio for your character and I'll have a look at it
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Name: Kael

Rank: brother-sergeant

Age: 74

Chapter/Ordo: space marine chapter Ghost WarriorsNames and Ranks of his chosen: Mansen(apothecary), Anik(battle-brother), Kain( battle-Brother), Uller(battle-brother), Aclimedon( veteran-brother) .


Combat Style: Kael is a hunter, he likes to attack enemies from shadows and doesn't give them a time to react. In battle he prefers brutal close combat to defeat his chapters hated foes.


Habits: Kael is very aggressive and cruel. He doesn’t like non Astartes because they’re weak i his opinion. On the battlefield he is constantly seeking enemy leaders or champions to challenge them in a duel. Reason he isn’t champion of 8th company is that the current champion had defeated him in a ritual duel.


Strengths: 1)Kael is master of melee combat.

2)physically he is very strong and bigger than normal space marine.


Weaknesses: 1)Kael is a warrior, not a general. He lets his young squad mates work on stragetic situations, so he can concentrate on the killing of his foes.


Appearance: Like all Ghost Warriors Kael wears dark blue power armor. On his shoulder guard he has golden skull, that is a Ghost Warriors’ symbol. On his broad shoulders he wears a Diadochian(Ghost Warriors’ home world) Bear fur cape. He has long dark hair and beard, on his pale skin he wears a lot of tribal tattoos.


(Extremely) Brief history: From beginning of his space marine career Kael was known to be a strong and intimidating warrior. He has earned many titles as slayer, or blood hunter by defeating enemy champions on the battlefield. He became sergeant of his squad when he defeated a chaos sorcerer(which killed his former sergeant).


Character weapons loadout:

Kael- master-crafted chainaxe, bolter.

Mansen-bolter, chainsword.

Anik- Flamer, combat blade.

Kain- Bolter, Gladius.

Uller- chainsword, bolter, plasma postol.

Aclimedon- archaic bolter, chainsword.

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It looks good to me, your in, need more people though to start this thread in full motion. Here is an edit to your bio:


Name: Kael

Rank: brother-sergeant

Age: 74

Chapter/Ordo: space marine chapter Ghost Warriors


Names and Ranks of his chosen: Mansen(apothecary), Anik(battle-brother), Kain( battle-Brother), Uller(battle-brother), Aclimedon( veteran-brother) .


Combat Style: Kael is a hunter, he likes to attack enemies from shadows and doesn't give them a time to react. In battle he prefers brutal close combat to defeat his chapters hated foes.


Habits: Kael is very aggressive and cruel. He doesn’t like non Astartes because they’re weak i his opinion. On the battlefield he is constantly seeking enemy leaders or champions to challenge them in a duel. Reason he isn’t champion of 8th company is that the current champion had defeated him in a ritual duel.


Strengths: 1)Kael is master of melee combat.

2)physically he is very strong and bigger than normal space marine.


Weaknesses: 1)Kael is a warrior, not a general. He lets his young squad mates work on stragetic situations, so he can concentrate on the killing of his foes.


Appearance: Like all Ghost Warriors Kael wears dark blue power armor. On his shoulder guard he has golden skull, that is a Ghost Warriors’ symbol. On his broad shoulders he wears a Diadochian(Ghost Warriors’ home world) Bear fur cape. He has long dark hair and beard, on his pale skin he wears a lot of tribal tattoos.


(Extremely) Brief history: From beginning of his space marine career Kael was known to be a strong and intimidating warrior. He has earned many titles as slayer, or blood hunter by defeating enemy champions on the battlefield. He became sergeant of his squad when he defeated a chaos sorcerer(which killed his former sergeant).


Character weapons loadout:

Kael- master-crafted chainaxe, bolter.

Mansen-bolter, chainsword.

Anik- Flamer, combat blade.

Kain- Bolter, Gladius.

Uller- chainsword, bolter, plasma postol.

Aclimedon- archaic bolter, chainsword.



EDIT: One other thing I noticed was, I don't know if he wears a helmet all the time or not, and if he doesn't then what does his face look like?

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the only thing I would say, would be to change brother Aclimedon's Storm bolter , maby instead give him a archaic bolt pistole with drum magazin and a small chainsword attachment.

But besides that it was good.

Thanks a lot for edition. I'll change Aclimedon, he'll be armed with archaic bolter and chainsword.

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k, I will see what I can fish out of my mind, to make a starter story for the campaign/battle. Been getting no ideas lately, but I will see what I can do. Anywas, just pray to the God Emperor that more people sign up or join, it would always be nice to have more Characters in this story.
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Wrath of the Emperor


It felt like he had been fighting for hours. The tide of traitors and daemonic spawn kept coming relentlessly at him and his brothers. Like an ocean of Blood, the sons of Angron and their allies swept over the land crushing everything under their feet, trampling the dead and wounded to the ground. Already the streets were filled with the blood of the slain and the dying, countless men and women had given their lives to protect this city. Fighting with bravery and faith, they had fought to the last, but ultimately failed. Fires were raging all around the Metropolis, entire skyscrapers had been sundered and the great Mausoleum of the Emperor is ablaze. In just a month an entire world was conquered by the World Eaters, they came in a wave of blood crazed cultists and Astartes. The fallen angels were driven beyond madness, because of their psychotic surgeries to their brains. Only a well-placed bolt round to the head could kill them indefinitely.


Lionus was standing at the front gates of the Space Port, fighting alongside him were his brothers. They were a shining beckon of pure silver among a tide of blood. Rebalias a battle brother of Titan was parrying chainaxes and hellblades with his pair of Nemesis Falchions. Every thrust and parry was a shimmering blue bluer of psychic power that was channeled into a blade. He cut heads from enemies and arms from daemons with every swing, and he never faltered in his dance of death. Ajax another fellow squad mate of his team, was swinging his Psi-sword in murderous arcs at the enemy, like a wrathful god from the greeco myths of ancient Terra, he dispatched his foes with one swing, cleaving enemies in twain. Moving forwards in a slow pace, he didn’t even seem to be unsettled by the sheer number of hostiles arrayed against the Grey Knights, firing his storm bolter in point blank range in the enemies ranks, he didn’t even look back to see how is brother marines were fairing, he was intent on bringing the Emperors wrath. Lionus looked to the left finding Morden and Alaric fighting back to back. Morden was holding back a group of Blood Letters, swinging his Psi-Sword back and forth, he cut limbs from bodies and heads from shoulders with a swordsman’s grace. Alaric in the other hand was dispatching his foes in lethal arcs with his Nemesis Halberd. Stabbing, thrusting and swinging it in powerful arcs; he killed World Eaters and daemons alike.


Looking away from his fellow battle-brothers he concentrated on his own problems, World Eaters were climbing over the mound of their fallen, caring not if their Brothers were still alive. Letting out a burst of psychic lightning, the forward ranks of the traitors began to crumple and fall. But before even the first Traitors could fall, the next wave pushed past them, shoving them brutally to the ground , eager to shed the blood of the Emperor’s finest. Chainaxes raised and screaming the word of their bloody god, they charged on, Lionus wrenched his mastercrafted Halberd out of one of the dead World Eaters next him. Lifting the weapon once more, he was prepared to repel the next wave of bezerkers, muttering the litanies of hate under his breath he stormed forward, shouting “FOR THE EMPEROR!” he hacked left and right, and cutting limbs from bodies and cleaved bodies in half. One World Eaters swung his screaming chainaxe at Lionus’s head, intent on taking it as a trophy. Instead of the blade biting flesh, Lionus jumped back and brought his blade up, cutting off the hand that wielded the axe. Making sure the fallen Marine won’t pose a threat anymore; he turned gracefully and with one swipe took of the head of the traitor.


“Justicar, we can’t keeping fighting like this, eventually we will be overrun!” yelled Rebalias over the vox. Before anyone else could reply a deafening howl came from the far side of the gate, a giant monstrosity was making its way to the Grey Knights, crushing bodies under its giant cloven hooves it looked at its pray with murderous intent. Eyes that showed pure hatred and armour that was forged from ancient bronze, the gigantic Bloodthirster made its way to the warriors. Looking at it coolly with eyes, that were grey as the clouds of Fenris, he opened the vox to the ship in orbit, “Titans Wrath, this is Justicar Lionus, you have permission to proceed bombardment on Tralax Prime, acknowledge?”


“Acknowledged, Justicar bombardment commences in 10 seconds.” Said a feminine voice back over the link. Looking over the blood red plain, that was filled with the worshippers of the Blood God he knew it was only a few more moments before the Emperors Judgment rained on Tralax Prime, not being able to cleanse this red stain from the Imperium with a swift attack, they would have to baptize it in holy fire. Taking his gaze from the scene in front of him, he looked at his brothers and sent a psychic message to them, +prepare for teleportation to the ship, on my mark+. As he said that, the sky started to turn bright orange, it looked like a massive eye had opened and was letting the inhabitants know that its gaze fell upon them. As it opened a bright beam came from the heavens, slamming into the metropolis with the fury of a god. The ground shook with a deafening detonation, the beams destruction spread from the metropolise and it came in a wave of holy and cleansing fire. +NOW! + Lionus told his squad, with a loud noise and bright light, they were gone. Where before there were five silver clad warriors, now there were none. Leaving behind the desperate battle, they had teleported back to their ship; the wave had finally hit their position, destroying everything in its path.


Only the righteous survive, and the deluded and heretic will be swept away in fire.


There are five spaces open to writers who wish to get involved. Please don't write the continuation for this part of the story in this thread as this is the sign up thread. After I have more than two willing writers I will ask one of them to start a new thread and we will start writing from there. If writers wish to join up after we have started the story it is okay.

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Cool, glad to see the COWOF idea going off in a different tangent. I'm hoping that perhaps the B&C would be willing to host PDF versions of the COWOF runs (I'll put these together) with some artwork. My only suggestion is to move the actual fiction to another thread. Looking forward to reading more and hope you get more signups.
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no its not closed, I will start next week with the new thread were we can post our stories. So this week, anybody can join, it would be alot easier if there were mor people, but then again, some people are scared of grammar problems or else. I for one am not scared, and I would gladly help anybody out if there were. So wither next week or Friday there will be a new thread. So write up a story, just a paragraph or so. Cause when it comes, the World Eaters will seek your blood (hint hint). Anyways this thread is still up, so don't feel sad.
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thx, but not sure what you meant by moving it. Well anyways, I will still try to link up with you guys again. Right now, I've just been busy, I am surprised that i have been able to do this much :)


I meant that the COWOF comments thread and the actual story are in two different threads, so the narrative just runs through continuously rather than being interrupted by comments!

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I'd like to take part in this, but I'll need to work out details of my character... If I go with a Space Marine, will I be required to assign him a small combat squad?



Names and Ranks of his chosen: All the Characters are allowed a party of up to 5 marines/Inquisitorial Personel from the chapter/Ordo of their main character. Writers do not have to have 5 and can even chose to have none.


if you wan there'll be small battlegroup or only one marine.

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I'd like to take part in this, but I'll need to work out details of my character... If I go with a Space Marine, will I be required to assign him a small combat squad?


No you don't have to put him in a squad, it is optional. It doesn't necessarily have to be a full five man squad either, it can be a three or two man squad, up to you in the end

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So I made this character for the coming campaign that we will all be writing about soon enough. So here he is, My Captain of the Reapers!


Name: Aquillus Dornius


Rank: Captain


Age: 600


Chapter/Ordo: The Reapers (Space Marine Chapter)


Names and Ranks of his chosen: Augustus Ishmael - Reaper Veteran, Antonius Albus – Reaper Veteran, Aurelius Talmaer – Reaper Veteran, Brutus Gaius – Reaper Veteran


Combat Style: Aquillus Dornius prefers to fight the enemy at close quarters at all times, using drop pod and lightning strikes with Thunderhawks he likes to catch his enemies of guard during the opening assault of his company. What his company and himself is known for are the stealth attacks that they do, this requires weeks or even months of planning to achieve a perfect or flawless plan.


Habits: Aquillus is a patient warrior, but before and during battle he is very aggressive. Being seen as a solitary figure within his chapter, most captains don’t have a brotherly friendship with Aquillus only the captain of the 1st company has a tight friendship with him.




1. Aquillus being a stubborn warrior on and off the battlefield, he doesn’t give in to the enemy or any Imperial Authority. This has of course led to skirmishes against the Inquisition, when they command that their Chapter should yield to their orders.


2. Aquillus is also a master at stealth. Being a gifted warrior during the early days of his initiation, he was able to stay undetected and unseen from his adversaries for long periods. Having honed this skill for about five centuries now, he has trained his sergeants and their squads in the tactics of stealth and sabotage.




1. Aquillus doesn’t trust outsiders, even fellow Space Marines are looked upon with suspicion by him. This lack of mistrust has led him using his different strategies against the enemy, instead of working with other Imperial officers.


Appearance: Aquillus’s power armor is midnight black, and his chapter insignia is an up-side turned V. His power armor is a modified Mk IV Maximus armor, resembling more like Spartan armor from ancient Greece. His helmet looks like a Spartan helmet (you can go to forgeworld and look at Chaplain Ivanus Enkomi for reference).


His face has a noble feature to it, his skin his fairly pale and his eyes are obsidian black. Many would profile him as death incarnate during battle, for he strides patiently past his enemies with a giant scythe, cutting all who get to close.


(Extremely) Brief history: Aquillus Dornius was during the beginning of his initiation a very social character within his chapter, but during the early battles of the Badab War when he was sent on a recon mission to Badab Prime, his whole squad was wiped out, this left him solitary for many months and tested his mental abilities to the limit. Only once the finally invasion came, was he able to rejoin his Chapter. Captain Ivanus Calibrus, Captain of the 1st Company had taken him under his personal wing for the remainder of the campaign; this had led to a close bond between him and the Captain. Now he leads the 3rd Company of the Reapers, and is widely known for his stealth ambushes and lightning attacks. His title, and only among his Chapter is ‘The Harbinger’.


Character weapons load out: considering that the Captain does frontal and stealth attacks he uses Terminator and Servo armor, so here is the lead-out for servo armor and Terminator armor.


Aquillus Dornius Servo armor; gladius, bolter and Man Reaper

Terminator armor; Man Reaper and Combi-Flamer


Augustus Ishmael Servo armor; combat blade and bolter with drum magazine

Terminator armor; Stormbolter and Power Sword


Antonius Albus Servo armor; Combat blade and Bolter with Vengeance rounds

Terminator armor; Stormbolter and powerfist


Aurelius Talmaer Servo armor; Combat blade and Bolter with sniper modifications

Terminator armor; Assault Cannon and chainfist


Brutus Gaius Servo armor; Combat blade and Bolter with bayonet attachment

Terminator armor; Stormbolter and Thunderhammer


Hope you guys like the new character, he took me awhile to do. :)

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Alright, here we go - time to put my money where my mouth is...


Name: Reimund


Rank: Techmarine Adept


Age: 90


Chapter: Black Templars; member of Marshal Borlandt’s crusade force


Names and Ranks of his chosen: Initiate Brother Garren, Neophyte Tolias


Combat Style: Given his usual battlefield duties of ministering to the wounded war-spirits of vehicles, Brother Reimund rarely gets to fight hand-to-hand. He directs his gun-servitors to hold off foes while he works to restore damaged weapons and drive systems on Black Templar tanks.

This is not to say he can’t hold his own in mêlée – he just doesn’t get the chance to.


Habits: Reimund is reticent, even for a Black Templar. His devotion to the Omnissiah sets him apart from the warrior-initiates of his Crusade force. He prefers to observe first, then act.



1. Reimund is well-versed in the mysteries of weaponry and armour; he can often find a way to bypass or temporarily restore damaged equipment in a combat situation.

2. He understands how to get the best out of munitions and explosives, ranging from promethium tanks to discarded Earthshaker warheads.



1. While he is a Black Templar Astartes, his brethren are never really very comfortable around him.


Appearance: Reimund’s armour is a much-repaired, much-expanded suit of ‘Corvus’ pattern plate. It is painted black for the most part, with the Black Templar’s crest on the left shoulder, and the Mechanicus Cog on the right shoulder. His right arm, shoulder-plate, and servo-arm are painted red. His left leg from the middle of the thigh downwards is augmetic, as is his left hand.

Reimund has several old scars on the left side of his head and face; he wears a silver long-service stud above his right eyebrow. He rarely (if ever) smiles.


(Brief) History: Reimund has seen several major actions in the Segmentum Obscuras against the forces of the Despoiler. He fought alongside Cadian troops during the zombie infestations of the Agripinaa Sector in the 13th Black Crusade.


Character Weapons Load-out: Boltgun, bolt pistol, thunder hammer and servo-arm. Reimund also carries a signum scanning device slung at his belt.


Initiate Brother Garren: Bolt pistol, combat knife, flamer. Full Astartes power armour.


Neophyte Tolias: Combat knife, shotgun. Scout armour.

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Ok guys, new thread will be up 4 or 5 hours from now. It will be called Mankinds War of Words and there you will only post your written story for the campaign, all comments and such are said in this thread only! That way it will be easier for everyone to see what we wrote or if you want to read a fellow COIWWOF's story. I am still waiting on Nuclear Fridge but I will start this out with the first post. So here is how it will go for now, until we get new members.


Mondays - Chapter Master Onyxius


Wednesday - Elias


Until I here more from the Fridge I won't add him to the set of dates. Anyways people are free to comment on this thread that even goes for non COIWWOF members. It's always good to hear comment good and bad, that way we know how to improve on it if need be.


Cheers mates, let the killing begin!


@Elias: I hope you are ready for you first write up, but its ok if it comes a little late, just let me know that way I don't have to wait in full adrenaline for the next peace to set the wheels in motion.

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Alright, here we go - time to put my money where my mouth is...


Name: Reimund


Rank: Techmarine Adept


Age: 90


Chapter: Black Templars; member of Marshal Borlandt’s crusade force


Names and Ranks of his chosen: Initiate Brother Garren, Neophyte Tolias


Combat Style: Given his usual battlefield duties of ministering to the wounded war-spirits of vehicles, Brother Reimund rarely gets to fight hand-to-hand. He directs his gun-servitors to hold off foes while he works to restore damaged weapons and drive systems on Black Templar tanks.

This is not to say he can’t hold his own in mêlée – he just doesn’t get the chance to.


Habits: Reimund is reticent, even for a Black Templar. His devotion to the Omnissiah sets him apart from the warrior-initiates of his Crusade force. He prefers to observe first, then act.



1. Reimund is well-versed in the mysteries of weaponry and armour; he can often find a way to bypass or temporarily restore damaged equipment in a combat situation.

2. He understands how to get the best out of munitions and explosives, ranging from promethium tanks to discarded Earthshaker warheads.



1. While he is a Black Templar Astartes, his brethren are never really very comfortable around him.


Appearance: Reimund’s armour is a much-repaired, much-expanded suit of ‘Corvus’ pattern plate. It is painted black for the most part, with the Black Templar’s crest on the left shoulder, and the Mechanicus Cog on the right shoulder. His right arm, shoulder-plate, and servo-arm are painted red. His left leg from the middle of the thigh downwards is augmetic, as is his left hand.

Reimund has several old scars on the left side of his head and face; he wears a silver long-service stud above his right eyebrow. He rarely (if ever) smiles.


(Brief) History: Reimund has seen several major actions in the Segmentum Obscuras against the forces of the Despoiler. He fought alongside Cadian troops during the zombie infestations of the Agripinaa Sector in the 13th Black Crusade.


Character Weapons Load-out: Boltgun, bolt pistol, thunder hammer and servo-arm. Reimund also carries a signum scanning device slung at his belt.


Initiate Brother Garren: Bolt pistol, combat knife, flamer. Full Astartes power armour.


Neophyte Tolias: Combat knife, shotgun. Scout armour.


perfect, can't wait to see the Black Templar in action! I will update the status for writing right now for you, You will be taking Fridays as your writing shifts, but its ok if you are late a day or two.


And this is for everyone, if you are going to leave for about weeks on end, then pls post this on the thread, that way we all know that you won't be online for a while and that would make things alot easier for the future. Here are the updates:


Mondays - Chapter Master Onyxius


Wednesdays - Elias


Fridays - Nuclear Fridge

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