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A little bit more of the Black Templars' journey across the battle zone.


I know, some people might be wondering why Reimund doesn't just go charging in against impossible odds. But I'm thinking of the Black Templars' tenet that informs them that dying with their work undone is shameful. So, finding a way to blow up the Soul Grinder/Brain Beast thing is - to his mind - a more effective solution...

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Still accepting applications? I'd like to throw a little bad guy mojo into the story...


Yes we are still acepting people, so just put in a character bio and I will look it over. If approved then you can start on the story, so don't worry nothing is black in white in this place. So looking forward to your character bio!

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Name: Omnis (pron: OMM-niss)


Rank: None


Age: Time passes strangely in the Warp!


Chapter/Ordo: Alpha Legion


Names and Ranks of his Chosen: None


Combat style: Omnis is a loner, operating as an assassin and figure of terror to Imperial troops in most cases. He commands a wide-ranging net of operatives, spies, and dupes that provide him with information, equipment, and the occassional fighting force, and uses these to ensure that he is always one step ahead of his enemies. Stealth and misdirection are his greatest weapons, followed closely by his corrupted stalker-pattern bolter.


Habits: He is extremely obsessive-compulsive, almost desperate in his need to ensure that when he leaves a hide-site or sniper's nest, there is nothing to show where he came from or where he's going next. As a trained sniper, he often remains in place for long periods of time, refusing to move for weeks at a time until he has the perfect shot on a high-profile target.



1. Unlimited patience.

2. Near-perfect spatial and tactical awareness.

3. Knows when to run and when to fight.



1. Lack of trust in other Legionnaires and even his own operatives means he rarely has qualified back-up waiting to bail him out of sticky situations.


Appearance: He wears Mk. V Heresy-pattern armor, with Chaotic embellishments kept to a minimum. It is painted very dark blue and a few dark green highlights, but no scale patterns; he painted the Legion's silver trim in a subtle grey instead to facilitate his predilection for stealth. He wears the cloak of a chameleodon around his power armor, enjoying the practicality of its mimetic quality as well as its match to his Legion's chosen aesthetic.


(extremely) Brief History: As with most Alpha Legionnaires, little to nothing is known about the figure that calls itself Omnis. Inquisitorial records link him to at least a dozen anti-Imperial insurrections across three segmentums, though in no case is any of the evidence approaching concrete. It is speculated that he is (or was) a member of the crew of the Traitor cruiser Omicron, itself an Alpha Legion vessel whose crew and complement are well-known as saboteurs to the Ordo Hereticus.



Character weapons loadout:


The Daemon's Eye - Stalker-pattern bolter with silencer, sling, and mag-lock


Stinger - A short-bladed power sword, with its pommel topped in a carved jade dragon's head and the cross-piece as dragon's wings


Spitter - A bot pistol modified to be belt-fed and fully-automatic

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k bio is approved, srry guys I won't be able to write much, I will try to squeeze in some more work for the Reapers but if only the God Emperor helps me in writing my novel. Until then can't wait to see what the Alpha Legion will do against the loyalists
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Name: Odysseus

Rank: Veteran Sergeant

Age: 225 standard Terran years

Chapter/Ordo: Emperor`s Storm

Names and Ranks of his chosen: Aquilius - second in command , Guy - Veteran

Combat Style: Close fire fights and melee combat

Habits: training for long hours, searching archives for gene-seed ancestors, using Combat stimms to further enhance his blood lust during combat.

Strengths: 1: Unusually pure blood angels gene-seed 2: trains more often so he is more proficient in combat

Weaknesses: 1: He can suffer very short bursts of the black rage or the red thirst.

Appearance: he is nearly 2" taller than a normal space marine, Uses many power Armour marks such as MK VII greaves and a MK VIII torso.

(Extremely) Brief history: Before he was a space marine he was a violent gang member in a hive city on Terra. A superb shooter and fighter.

Character weapons loadout:

Odysseus - master crafted Umbra pattern bolter , Short sword , Dual custom plasma pistols x2 , Jump pack


Aquilius - bolter , chain sword , jump pack


Guy - Master crafted dual storm bolters , jump pack , krak grenade , Melta- bomb

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Bio is approved, hope to see a story in the future, this is the rotations we will have during the week:


Mondays - Elias

Tuesdays - Nuclear Fridge

Wendsdays - Chapter Master Onyxius

Thursdays - Deus Ex Ferrum

Fridays - TheGreatChronicler


If you want the position changed just let me know, and I will change it for you

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work,work,WORK! yeah, I'll try to post today, because tomorrow I'm going to another town. nearly one week I'll not be able to post, well sorry.


update: main part of the next paragraph is written, but I didn't finish it. I won't be able to post for week.

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hey guys, bad news, as of now Aquillus Dornius is on standby. The only thing I could say is that we need more bad guys and so I have volunteered myself to become part of chaos. I am currently working on a bio, and I have a question which Legion should I pick? World Eaters, Night Lords, Emperor's Children, Death Guard or Word Bearers. These are my only choices, so please reply to me by pm, I won't be able to check anything for four days but after those couple of days I will get the vote up and showing. Even people who are looking at these posts here may send something to me and say what Legion they would like me to write about. So cheers guys, I look forward to seeing something soon.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I hate to have to ask this... but has everyone given up on this collaboration?


I'm the last person to add to it -- twice in a row -- and that was some time ago. :)


yeah I believe this thread has officially died, I'm mostly working on doing a collaberation on the twenty writers plus most of my time is used for studying. But yes it seems most people have either given up or the love is gone for this thread :)

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